M.5.3 Updating The Master Bid Item List

The master bid item list can be found on CTDOT’s Contract Development Webpage.  Both the Excel Files and PDF files are periodically updated on this website: Contract Development

Item Types in CAD uses a lookup table to find Pay Items.  AEC Applications will update CTDOT’s CONNECT Configuration files in SharePoint so that the Item Types will link to Contract Development's updated data. Consultants that have downloaded the workspace from the CTDOT - CONNECT DDE website will need to manually replace this data as Contract Development updates their website.

The Following step are for consultants not using CTDOT's SharePoint Workspace, in-house designers and consultants using CTDOT's SharePoint Workspace will not need to do this.

1. In File Explorer, browse to CT_CONNECT_DDE\CT_Configuration\Organization\Item Types\Lookup TableAsset_Lookup_All.xlsx. Open and delete the itemavg_eng tab.

2. Go to Contract Development, under Master Bid Item Lists, click on the English Excel File.

3. Open the downloaded excel file and copy Sheet 1 tab to Lookup TableAsset_Lookup_All.xlsxRename Sheet 1 tab to itemavg_eng.


4. Verify that Cell A1reads Item_Number.

5. Create a column called Search and merge/copy columns Item_Number (A) and Description (C) into the new column.

6. Verify that the last item in the list is N/A in the following columns.

  • Item_Number
  • Description
  • Unit
  • Search

7. Save and close both of the Excel files.