M2.1 Obtaining Access to SharePoint

Companies must first be whitelisted in CTDOT’s SharePoint/COMPASS environment to sync project documents and the CAD workspace.  Users can check with mathew.calkins@ct.gov to check if their company is already added to the approved list.

To obtain access to CTDOT's SharePoint/COMPASS Environment:

The company's firm will need to fill out this form and submit their GUID to CTDOT.  This only needs to be done once per firm: GUID Submission Form

After a company is added to the whitelist, CAD users must request to have their MFA removed.  Syncing will not be possible until MFA is disabled. Each employee will need to fill out this form: MFA Access Package

To gain access to a specific project in COMPASS, users need to request access from the Project Manager on the project.


For initial login instructions visit: Getting Started with SharePoint for Consultants


More information regarding COMPASS can be found here: COMPASS Knowledge Center