M.4.2 Exploring the CONNECTION Center


1. On the CONNECTION Client select CONNECT Center…



2. Select the Services icon, groups of icons will pop up. One by one select the icons listed below and explore what they have to offer.

Bentley Communities - Use this site's search function to find how-to tips, Bentley product support, best practices, opinions and advice from peers and Bentley subject matter experts. Gain insight and get answers to a wide range of topics related to Bentley products.

New Service Requests - Service Requests can be created through the Bentley CONNECT Center. The Service Request Manager page will open. Select the Product you would like to create a Service Request for and fill in the other fields.

Learn - Choose from live virtual classrooms or on-demand courses.

Share - The share portal provides access to all of the available services associated to a CONNECTED Project. Some projects will have its own page/portal.  Department project engineers will assign team members to each project which can be both in-house employees as well as consultant engineers. This will be used in the future for iTwin Reviews.