M.5.8 Updating the Border Cell

The Contract Border Cell has been updated with a new layout and new logos. There are two process that can be used to update the Sheet Models:

  • Manual
  • Batch

Old and new border side by side


Open the Design file that needs to be updated, before starting either process make sure the Annotation Scale Lock is off in all models.

 Annotation Scale Lock

Manual Process

On the CTDOT tab in the Sheet Production section select Borders > Replace with New Border.


  • Method: Replace
  • Mode: Single
  • The Use Active Cell will be toggled on with the cell name B-Contract active.
  • Annotation Scale will need to be on.

Follow the prompts to update the cell, when complete open the next model and repeat

 Replace with New Border CTDOT Ribbon Tool

Batch Process

  1. Open the DGN file with Sheet Models requiring and updated border cell.
  2. Open the Models dialog box.
  3. Select the Replace Cell tool.


    • Method: Update
    • Mode: Single
    • No Active Cell:

      Replace Cells Dialog Box - Update Method

  4. Click toFile > Tools > Batch Process
  5. Drag and drop the Sheet Models to the Batch Process, Process Tasks area.

    Drag and Drop Models in to Process Tasks

  6. Click on to load the Command File.

    Browse button to open Command File

  7. Browse to CT_Configuration\Organization\Macros\CTDOT_Update_Border_Cell.txt and select Open.
  8. Select the Process Batch Process Job icon.

    Process Batch Process Job button

  9. The Files to Process dialog box will open select Process to execute the commands.