Bicycles, Pedestrians, and Complete Streets

Aerial View of Streets

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is committed to the principle that walking and bicycling promote healthy lives, strong communities, and more sustainable environments. The CTDOT will encourage, promote, and improve walking, bicycling, and other forms of active transportation, so that any person, regardless of age, ability, or income will be able to walk, bicycle, or use other types of active transportation modes safely and conveniently throughout Connecticut. The CTDOT is working towards creating an integrated network of on-road facilities and multi-use trails will that connect key destinations, municipalities, and regions, while strengthening Connecticut’s links to neighboring states. This page is a central location for links to transportation initiatives, design tools, and other helpful information.

Policy Updates - Safety Through Progress

CTDOT is constantly working to update its policies to respond to community input and better support local governments.  This is the place to check in on recent updates to DOT policy and to submit questions and comments.

Quick Build Directive - In order to facilitate a structured, efficient approach for municipalities to implement quick build compete streets demonstration projects on state roads, the CTDOT has created the Quick Build Program. Through the existing encroachment permit process, the program allows the use of less expensive, temporary materials to quickly change street design to increase safety, improve multimodal transportation and encourage community engagement. Projects must be funded and designed by the local government and adhere to CTDOT regulations and guidelines.

Complete Streets Directive - The CTDOT has implemented new Complete Streets design criteria to be incorporated into all projects. The Complete Streets design criteria is an expansion of CTDOT’s Complete Street Policy, ensuring that every project includes a focus on pedestrian and bicyclist facilities and public transportation operations to create stronger intermodal transportation networks and improve safety and accessibility. Complete Streets Policies are aimed at creating roadways that work for everyone. By ensuring the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit customers of all ages and abilities, safety is improved, and a stronger transportation network is created.

Comments or Questions? Please contact the CTDOT Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator.

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Active Transportation Plan

The statewide Active Transportation Plan is currently being updated

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Transportation Initiatives

More information about CTDOT's bike and pedestrian transportation initiatives.
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Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board

The committee advising state government on bicycle and pedestrian matters

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Grant Program

Potential funding sources for bicycle and pedestrian projects in Connecticut

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Design Tools

Resources for professionals and public for project planning and design

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Road Safety Audits

Audit information, sign-up, prior reports, and instructions for hosting your own audit