Statewide Active Transportation Plan

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Improving lives through transportation

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is developing a new Statewide Active Transportation Plan (ATP). The ATP will help CTDOT fulfill their mission of Improving lives through transportation.

The ATP will guide future improvements on state routes for a functional, equitable, and safety-focused active transportation network and recommend supportive programs and policies. The ATP will serve as a strategic roadmap for developing and modernizing sidewalks, bike lanes, paved trails, and intersection improvements on or along state routes to make it safer and more comfortable to walk, bike, use a wheelchair/mobility aid device or human-scaled electronic mobility devices.

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Why is active transportation important? 


Being able to walk, bike or roll for transportation and recreation improves community health outcomes.


The design and operation of our streets, bikes lanes, sidewalks, and intersections can improve safety for all transportation users.


Waking, biking, and rolling does not emit any greenhouse gases.


Places that are easy to walk, bike, and roll around attract residents, businesses, and tourism.


 An equitable community provides the options to walk, bike, roll, drive, or take transit to safely get to their destination.

Quality of Life

Walking, biking, and rolling creates vibrant, livable communities, encourages social interaction, and provides convenient, accessible mobility options for everyone.

Planning Process Timeline

The planning process is based upon three phases: Existing Conditions and Needs, Proposed Recommendations, and developing the Draft and Final ATP. There will be substantial opportunity for stakeholder and public engagement throughout the planning process, described under Get Involved.

Phase 1 - Existing Conditions and Needs: Fall 2024 – Spring 2025

The first phase includes identifying existing active transportation conditions on state roads, such as presence of bicycle lanes, shared use paths, and sidewalks. This also includes an assessment of the state’s existing active transportation programs.   

Phase 2 - Proposed Recommendations: Summer 2025 – Fall 2025

The second phase includes development of proposed active transportation infrastructure improvements and prioritization of projects, along with potential funding sources. This also includes recommendations for programs or policies that can improve conditions for active transportation.   

Phase 3 - Active Transportation Plan: Winter 2025 – Spring 2026

The final phase includes development of the draft and final ATP. This will include performance metrics to assess success of plan implementation over time.

planning and reviewing

Get Involved

CTDOT is working to provide every resident from every background with multiple opportunities for equitable and meaningful engagement. Learn more about how you can get involved.

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FAQs and Resources

Learn more about the Active Transportation Plan and resources used.