Employment of Minors

Employers are generally subject to both state child labor laws and the federal child labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 29 U.S.C. 212(c), and the FLSA regulations at 29 CFR Part 570.  Certain provisions of Connecticut state law may be less restrictive than federal law, and employers covered by the FLSA that only follow a less restrictive provision of Connecticut state law will be in violation of federal law. See 29 U.S.C. 218(a). For more information on federal child labor law, please visit the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division Website.

Permitted and Prohibited Places of Employment, Time and Hour Restrictions, and Exemptions

Minors Laws in the Workplace


Community-Based Vocational Training Programs for Students Receiving Special Education Application Form  

This application is for community-based vocational training programs for students receiving special education for students under an individualized education program (IEP).

Connecticut’s Working Papers Manual 

Guidelines and Procedures for the Employment of Minors in Connecticut - Connecticut State Department of Education 2021.

Getting The Facts To Promote Young Worker Safety in Connecticut 

Information Concerning Young Worker Safety in Connecticut - National Data, Connecticut Data, Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Data, Connecticut Young Worker Safety Team, Preventing Young Worker Injuries, Resources.

Steps in Obtaining Working Papers for Minors 

7 Steps in Obtaining Working Papers for Minors.

Promise of Employment Letter 

Download or copy on company letterhead - the requested information is required in order to issue Working Papers. Required Information in a Promise of Employment Letter.

Employers' Checklist for Employment of Minors 

Helps employers comply with the child labor provisions by providing guidance.