Our division oversees the Jobs First Employment Services (JFES) program, which helps people gain new job skills and find a job. The participants are people receiving Temporary Family Assistance who are referred to the program. They may qualify for a range of services, including job search help, adult basic education, GED preparation, English for speakers of other languages, on-the-job training, and occupational skills training.
Program Details  
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How to Apply

The Jobs First Employment Services (JFES) program helps many of the people who are getting Temporary Family Assistance (TFA). You can apply for TFA by clicking on the link below. If the Department of Social Services decides you should get TFA, they will sign you up for the JFES program unless you can't work because of medical or other reasons. 

Program Services and Resources

Employment Services 

Common JFES employment services terms and what they mean.

Support Services 

Common JFES support services terms and what they mean.

Benefits to employers 

Earn federal tax credits for hiring specific types of candidates.

Related Resources

Employment and Training Administration 

Learn more about the US Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration.

Administration for Children and Families 

Additional resources for JFES participants, available through the Administration for Children and Families.


Hear how Kimia, Naomi, Chris, Julie Ann, and Ashley got the help they needed to achieve their goals and find good jobs.

Contact Information and Location

Google Map Image of 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, CT 06109

Eligibility for the JFES program is only determined by the Connecticut Department of Social Services (DSS). Interested individuals need to be referred to the JFES program by DSS.

Anyone interested in applying for Temporary Assistance (TFA) benefits or the JFES program should contact the DSS Client Information and Benefits Center. Persons with speech or hearing difficulties should call the TDD/TTY number. Follow the prompts to get the information you need. 

DSS Client Information and Benefits Center: 

For persons with speech or hearing difficulties: 
TDD/TTY 1-800-842-4524
