Non-Division General Phone Numbers
Name | Number |
Affirmative Action | (860) 263-6520 |
Affirmative Action Statistics | (860) 263-6300 |
Average Wage of Occupations | (860) 263-6285 |
Name | Number |
Bonding Program, Federal | (860) 263-6040 |
Breaks & Meal Periods | (860) 263-6791 |
Business Management | (860) 263-6048 |
Name | Number |
Certification, Alien Employment | (860) 263-6020 |
Complaints, Breaks | (860) 263-6791 |
Complaints, Discrimination (Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities) | (860) 541-3400 |
Consumer Price Index (CPI) | (860) 263-6275 |
Name | Number |
Davis-Bacon Jobs | (860) 263-6085 |
Delinquent Accounts | (860) 263-6185 |
Dislocated Workers | (860) 263-6580 |
Name | Number |
Employee Safety & Health | (860) 263-6900 |
Employer Status: Employer Registration | (860) 263-6550 |
Employment of Minors | (860) 263-6791 |
ERISA (Federal) | 1-866-487-2365 |
Name | Number |
Fiscal Office (Business Management) | (860) 263-6048 |
Foreign Labor Certification (FLC) | (860) 263-6020 |
Name | Number |
No Results | No Results |
Name | Number |
Hartford Field Audit | (860) 256-3725 |
Health & Safety, Employee | (860) 263-6900 |
Health Facility (Industrial), Licensing | (860) 263-6900 |
Hearings, Unemployment Appeals | (860) 566-3045 |
Hearings, Unfair Labor Practices | (860) 263-6860 |
Hours of Labor | (860) 263-6791 |
Name | Number |
I-9 Forms (U.S. Department of Labor): Questions | (860) 240-3050 |
Income Tax, Federal (I.R.S.) | 1-800-829-1040 |
Industrial Health Facility, Licensing | (860) 263-6900 |
Name | Number |
Labor Laws |
Employee Safety & Health (CONN-OSHA): 860-263-6900 Minimum Wage, Overtime, Wage Payment, Prevailing Wage, and Employment of Minors (Wage & Workplace Standards): 860-263-6790 |
Name | Number |
Migrant & Seasonal Farm Worker (MSFW) | (860) 949-6234 |
Name | Number |
National Labor Relations Board | (860) 240-3522 |
Name | Number |
Occupational Safety & Health Act | (860) 263-6900 |
Name | Number |
Pensions/Profit Sharing-private employers (U.S. Department of Labor) | (617) 565-9600 |
Pink Slips, ordering blank forms | (860) 263-6000 |
Pregnancy, employment rights | |
Name | Number |
Safety & Health, Employee - (860) 263-6900Safety & Health, Employee | (860) 263-6900 |
Shared Work | (860) 263-6660 |
Smoking Regulations | (860) 263-6791 |
Social Security (Social Security Administration) | 1-800-772-1213 |
State Apprenticeship Council | (860) 263-6085 |
State Exams (Dept. of Administrative Services) | (860) 713-5205 |
Statistics, Employment-Related (ES-202) | (860) 263-6300 |
Name | Number |
Tax Credit, Manufacturing Apprenticeship - local American Job Center office | Contact |
Trade Act (TRA), Monetary Matters/Allowances | (860) 263-6770 |
Trade Act, Petitions | (860) 263-6070 |
Trade Act, Training/Relocation/ Job Search | (860) 263-6070 |
Trade Adjustment Assistance | (860) 263-6070 |
Name | Number |
Unemployment Insurance (UI) | Contact |
Unemployment Insurance Claimant Inquiries: | |
Appeals Hearings, Video of | (860) 566-3045 |
Board of Review Matters | (860) 566-3045 |
Court Appeals | (860) 566-3045 |
Disaster Program Benefits | (860) 263-6770 |
Hearings, Appeals/Referees | (860) 566-3045 |
Unemployment Insurance Employer Inquiries: | |
Annual Statement of Experience Charges | (860) 263-6705 |
Board of Review Matters | (860) 566-3045 |
Booklets on U.I. for Employers | (860) 263-6550 |
Court Appeals | (860) 566-3045 |
Employer Credits and Refunds | (860) 263-6460 |
Fraud, Reporting of | (860) 263-6325 |
New Businesses | (860) 263-6550 |
Notice of Potential Liability Form | (860) 263-6705 |
Quarterly Returns | (860) 263-6470 |
Tax Charges for Registered Employers | (860) 263-6705 |
Union Complaints Against Employers | (860) 263-6860 |
Union Complaints Against Employers | (860) 263-6860 |
Name | Number |
Veterans Employment, Director (Federal) | (860) 263-6493 |
Name | Number |
W-2 Forms (I.R.S.) | 1-800-829-1040 |
Wage, Prevailing: | |
Average Wage of Occupations | (860) 263-6285 |
Waterbury Field Audit | (203) 437-3400 |