Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
Administration Unit

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides federal funds to states to help job seekers, workers, and businesses with career services, job training, education, and workforce development.  Our unit oversees both the distribution of these funds to the state’s five Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) and the administration of WIOA activities and services. The WDBs allocate their WIOA funds to local organizations that assist unemployed and underemployed individuals to succeed in the job market, gain new job skills, find a new job, complete their education, obtain training, potentially increase their income, and more. The WDBs assist employers in meeting various workforce needs, including matching them with skilled workers. The goals of the WIOA program are to improve the quality of the workforce, increase economic self-sufficiency, meet the skill needs of employers, and enhance productivity and competitiveness.


WIOA Manual 

View policy guidance and interpretation of federal and state workforce laws.

Equal Opportunity is the Law 

Equal opportunity law and complaint procedure. English Version; Spanish Version

Office of Workforce Strategy 

The Governor’s Workforce Council is tasked with setting strategy and policy for the state’s Pre-K through retirement workforce pipeline.


American Job Centers 

Connecticut’s many American Job Centers, also known as One-Stop Centers, provide a variety of free services for businesses and job seekers, including job search assistance, computer centers and resource libraries (with faxing, copying, mailing available), business services, and career workshops.    


CTHires offers recruiting, hiring and training support for employers and resources to help jobseekers find training, create a résumé, job search, and more.

CT Workforce Development Boards 

WDBs allocate WIOA funds to local organizations, based on an assessment of the region’s employment priorities and training needs, to assist the unemployed and underemployed gain job skills, complete their education, obtain training, find a job, and more. WDBs also help employers, by matching them with skilled workers and meeting other workforce development needs.

Surveys/How are we doing?

Participated in a training, work experience or youth program? Please complete our Participant SurveyMonkey and give us feedback.

Are you an employer who received services from one of our American Job Centers? We would appreciate you taking the time to complete our Employer SurveyMonkey for feedback.

Contact Information and Location
