Benefit Payment Control Unit (BPCU)

The Benefit Payment Control Unit (BPCU) prevents, detects, and recovers overpaid unemployment benefits. These overpayments may be caused by any number of reasons and are generally categorized as fraud or non-fraud. When someone knowingly reports false or incomplete information to receive unemployment benefits that they are not eligible for, this is fraud.  

BPCU is governed by Section 31-273 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Sections 31-273-1 to 31-273-9 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.

In November 2024, the Benefits Payment Control Unit sent letters to unemployment filers who owe penalties stemming from pandemic-era unemployment benefits. If you received a letter, information for making payments, asking questions, or reporting ID theft is below. 

For Employers: To avoid overpayments, go to CT SIDES

Need to Repay an Overpayment?

Use a credit card or send CTDOL an electronic check.
Dark blue envelop icon with an "X" next to it.

Be Fraud Aware

Criminals are always at work. It’s critical to protect your identity and your unemployment account. We have resources and assistance available on our Fraud Watch page.
fraud prevention shield with exclamation point

Report Unemployment Insurance Fraud

The Unemployment Compensation Fraud Unit was established in the state’s Division of Criminal Justice to ensure proper payment of unemployment benefits and good stewardship of the Unemployment Trust Fund. The Trust Fund is paid for solely through taxes on employers; it’s vital for Connecticut business and industry that unemployment claims are paid out properly. 

  • If you see unemployment fraud happening, please report it using this form. 
  • Examples of unemployment fraud may be:
    • someone who is working and collecting unemployment benefits; 
    • someone who is collecting unemployment benefits using an identity that is not their own; or 
    • someone who is giving false answers on the unemployment weekly certification form. 

If you are a victim of identity theft and someone has used your identity to file for benefits, please let us know.

Get Overpayment Help

Get Overpayment Help

Ask BPCU your questions about overpayment, repayment, or modifying a payment. Click here to ask a question.

Frequently Asked Questions


Learn about penalties for unemployment fraud.


Read about interest on overpayments.


Repay online or by mail.

Overpayment FAQS 

Get the answers to your questions about overpayments and how they can be repaid.

Waiver for Non-Fraud Overpayment 

Information on overpayment waivers. 

Additional Information

Contact Information and Location

200 Folly Brook Blvd.  Wethersfield, CT 06109
Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109

For BPCU Inquires: Overpayment Form

Hours of all Divisions: M-F (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM)
Closed on Saturday and Sundays


