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Please note:

Get your REAL ID gold star by May 7, 2025: A REAL ID is a gold star on your driver’s license or identification (ID) card that’s a federally accepted form of identification, sometimes referred to as a "verified" ID. Learn more.

Boat decals: Boat decals for the year 2026 will be distributed in April.

Register your new vehicle or vessel

Learn how to register your vehicle or vessel with the DMV and what registration type you need

Register your new vehicle or vessel

Learn how to register your vehicle or vessel with the DMV and what registration type you need

Registration overview

Registration process & requirements

Registering your new vehicle or vessel (i.e., boat) is easy, but it can only be done by appointment at a DMV hub or branch office, or a participating dealership.

Remember to bring all required documents and identification to your appointment, along with an acceptable form of payment.

Before you schedule an appointment, check to make sure there are no outstanding compliance issues on your vehicle that could prevent you from registering:

Registration fees

  • Passport to the Parks: Learn more about the $15 Passport to the Parks fee that’s included in all non-commercial vehicles with new registrations, renewals, or plate transfers. This minimal fee allows residents with Connecticut plates on their vehicles to park for free at all state parks and beaches, while also funding public programs across the park system—from improved park maintenance to more lifeguards on duty.  Effective July 1, 2025, the Passport to the Parks fee will be $24.
  • Fee overview: Fees for specific registration and usage types can be found below within each vehicle and usage type category, or you can review a chart of all registration-related fees.

Additional registration information

Check registration status to verify if your vehicle is already registered with a plate. (You will need your vehicle class and license plate number.)

Select vehicle type

  • All-terrain vehicle (ATV)

All-terrain vehicle (ATV)

All-terrain vehicle registration

Connecticut law requires all all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) operated in the state to register with the DMV, unless the vehicle is ONLY being driven on property owned or leased by the ATV’s owner. Learn more about opportunities to use ATVs and other off-road vehicles on Connecticut state property via the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection website.


Operating your ATV

A registered ATV can’t drive on a public highway unless it’s being driven by a licensed driver and only crossing a public highway—other than limited-access highway. The ATV may cross a public highway at a 90-degree angle, after the ATV is brought to a complete stop. The driver is required to yield to motor vehicles using the highway and must cross in the direction of the highway at a location where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe crossing.


Register your ATV 

ATVs can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.


Please follow the steps below to register your ATV:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your ATV

Before you can register your ATV, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues. 

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the ATV.

    • Note: See rules that apply to ATVs registered in the name of a business, leased ATVs, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 

  • Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B) completed by the ATV owner.

    • Note: ATVs are not titled in Connecticut.

  • Proof of ownership, such as the previous ATV owner's registration or the manufacturer's Certificate of Origin, is required to register your ATV. Learn more about proof of ownership documents.  

  • Note: ATVs from other states or countries can have different requirements. See below for out-of-state registered ATVs.

  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the ATV, either from a dealership or from an individual seller. 

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees

Registering your ATV will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

Step 4: Make an appointment

Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your ATV, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:


Make an appointment


Note: If the ATV is being registered to a minor (age 16 or 17), parental consent and special financial responsibility insurance are also required; ATVs can’t be registered to owners less than age 16.


ATVs registered out of state

If your ATV is registered in a state outside of Connecticut, you are allowed to operate it here only if the outside state grants similar privileges to residents of Connecticut. Currently, only Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, and Florida grant similar privileges to Connecticut ATV operators and are therefore the only states where you can register your ATV and still operate it in Connecticut.


If you’re a resident of a state other than the ones above, you can register your ATV in Connecticut by presenting the following documents in person, by appointment, at a DMV hub or branch office:

  • Out-of-state registration for your ATV. 

  • An out-of-state driver’s license for each registrant, which must have the same name(s) as on the registration certificate. 

    • If a registrant is unable to appear in person, Power of Attorney (Form A-83) and photocopies of that person’s identification are acceptable. 

  • Application for snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle registration (Form H-13B), available at a DMV office, completed by the ATV owner. 

  • Note: ATVs can’t be registered if delinquent property tax or parking tickets are owed, or if the registrant has had their registration privileges suspended.

Registration plate & required number display

The registration plate of your ATV must be affixed to the rear of the vehicle. In addition, each ATV must display the registration number on each side of its front section, midway between the top and bottom of the front section, in letters/numbers at least three inches tall and made of reflective material. The vehicle registration needs to be carried on the ATV and be available for inspection whenever the ATV is driven.

  • Classic
  • Commercial
  • Livery or interstate livery
  • Public service bus
  • School bus
  • School bus - livery
  • Seasonal
  • Service bus
  • Student transportation - service bus


Register your bus
A classic vehicle refers to a vehicle—in this case, a bus—that’s 20 years old or older according to its model year. It can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your bus:


Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your bus
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the bus.
    • Note: See special rules that apply to buses registered in the name of a business, leased buses, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B)
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your bus. For buses considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required.
  • Buses from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your bus. You must buy insurance for your new bus. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new bus, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the bus.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your bus as a classic vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Buses can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your bus, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your bus
Buses for commercial use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Learn more about getting a commercial driver’s license (CDL) or how a commercial vehicle is defined.

Please follow the steps below to register your bus:
Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your bus
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the bus.
    • Note: See special rules that apply to buses registered in the name of a business, leased buses, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your bus. If your bus was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. For buses with a model year 20 years old or older, you don’t need a title, but the previous owner’s registration is required instead.
  • Buses from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your bus. You must buy insurance for your new bus. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new bus, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the bus.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your bus for commercial use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the bus’s GVWR - see commercial fee chart.
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply, including:
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40 (if vehicle is four years old or newer)
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $5 (if vehicle has certificate of origin)

Step 4: Make an appointment
Buses can only be registered for commercial use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your bus, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Livery or interstate livery

Register your bus
Buses for livery or interstate livery use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your bus:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your bus
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the bus.
    • Note: See special rules that apply to buses registered in the name of a business, leased buses, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B). 
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your bus. For buses considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required.
    • Buses from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your bus. You must buy insurance for your new bus. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new bus, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing: 860-263-5152 or 
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the bus. 
  • Completed general livery service permit or livery application approved by the Department of Transportation. Approval is required before you can register the vehicle. 

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees

Registering your bus as livery or interstate livery will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $266, for a seating capacity up to seven people ($4 per additional seat)
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from October 1 to February 29
  • Other registration fees: $50
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment

Buses can only be registered for livery or interstate livery use in-person at the Wethersfield DMV hub office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your bus, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Public service bus

Register your bus 
A public service bus is owned by a government body and used to transport residents. It can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your bus:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your bus
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the bus.
    • Note: See special rules that apply to buses registered in the name of a business, leased buses, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your bus. For buses considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required.
  • Buses from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your bus. You must buy insurance for your new bus. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new bus, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing: 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the bus.

Step 3: Inspection
A public service bus registered to a livery type business will need Department of Transportation approval first and then DOT will inspect the vehicle. If the public service bus will be registered to a transit district, it does not require an inspection.

Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your bus as a public service bus will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $56, plus $2 if there are standees (valid for one year)
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from October 1 to February 29
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 5: Make an appointment
Buses can only be registered in-person at a the Wethersfield DMV hub office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your bus, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

School bus

Register your bus
A school bus is used to transport students to and from school, and can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your bus as a school bus:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your bus
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the bus.
    • Note: See special rules that apply to buses registered in the name of a business, leased buses, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your bus. For buses considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required.
    • Buses from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your bus. You must buy insurance for your new bus. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new bus, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the bus.
  • School bus inspection. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your bus as a school bus will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: $107
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Buses can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your bus, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

School bus - livery

Register your bus
A bus for school bus livery use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your bus as a livery school bus:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your bus
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the bus.  
    • Note: See special rules that apply to buses registered in the name of a business, leased buses, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your bus. For buses considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required.
    • Buses from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your bus. You must buy insurance for your new bus. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new bus, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the bus.
  • Completed general livery service permit or livery application approved by the Department of Transportation. Approval is required before you can register the vehicle.
  • Get a school bus inspection. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your bus as a school bus livery will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $133, for a seating capacity up to seven people ($4 per additional seat).
  • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Buses can only be registered in-person at the Wethersfield hub office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your bus, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office: 

Make an appointment


Register your bus
A seasonal vehicle is only used for a portion of the year. A seasonal bus can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your bus as a seasonal bus:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your bus
Before you can register your bus as a seasonal vehicle, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the bus.
    • Note: See special rules that apply to buses registered in the name of a business, leased buses, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your bus. For buses considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required.
    • Buses from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your bus. You must buy insurance for your new bus. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new bus, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the bus.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your bus as seasonal will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $133, for a seating capacity up to seven people ($4 per additional seat).
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Buses can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your bus, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Service bus

Register your bus

Registering your bus as a service bus can only be done in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.
Please follow the steps below to register your bus as a service bus:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your bus
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the bus.
    • Note: See special rules that apply to buses registered in the name of a business, leased buses, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your bus. For buses considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required.
  • Buses from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your bus. You must buy insurance for your new bus. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new bus, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the bus.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register, you will need to get a service bus inspection  the Wethersfield inspection lane Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

  1. Bring a certified brake inspection report (Form R-380) showing a complete inspection of the brake system within the past three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first—unless the bus is brand new or has fewer than 3,000 miles.
  2. Purchase a validated Form B-312 from any DMV hub office or branch office (form not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
  3. Inspections are done at the DMV inspection lanes and vehicles must be presented for inspection by 3:00 p.m.

Required emergency equipment:
UL-rated minimum 10 BC fire extinguisher (fully charged) with a visible gauge that is securely mounted and easily accessible to the driver; first aid kit, securely mounted yet removable and easily accessible; and three reflective triangles in a bag or box that’s securely mounted inside the vehicle, per DMV regulations.

Fleets of 10 or more service bus vehicles:
You may call to schedule an appointment for fleets of ten or more vehicles available for inspection in one place at one time. Please call 860-263-5447.

Inspection fee:
The inspection fee is $40 (not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your bus as a service bus will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $213
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 5: Make an appointment
Buses can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your bus, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Student transportation - service bus

Register your bus
A bus can only be registered as a student transportation vehicle/service bus in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.
Please follow the steps below to register your bus as a student transportation vehicle/service bus:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your bus
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the bus.
  • Note: See special rules that apply to buses registered in the name of a business, leased buses, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your bus. For buses considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required.
  • Buses from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your bus. You must buy insurance for your new bus. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new bus, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the bus.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register your bus as a student transportation vehicle/service bus, you will need to get a student transportation bus inspection at the Wethersfield inspection lane. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

  1. Bring a certified brake inspection report (Form R-380) showing a complete inspection of the brake system within the past three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first—unless the bus is brand new or has fewer than 3,000 miles.
  2. Purchase a validated Form B-312 from any DMV hub office or branch office (form not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
  3. Inspections are done at the DMV inspection lanes and vehicles must be presented for inspection by 3:00 p.m.

Required emergency equipment:
UL-rated minimum 10 BC fire extinguisher (fully charged) with a visible gauge that is securely mounted and easily accessible to the driver; first aid kit, securely mounted yet removable and easily accessible; and three reflective triangles in a bag or box that’s securely mounted inside the vehicle, per DMV regulations.

Fleets of 10 or more service bus vehicles:
You may call to schedule an appointment for fleets of ten or more vehicles available for inspection in one place at one time. Please call 860-263-5447.

Inspection fee:
The inspection fee is $20 (not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).

Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your bus will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: $80
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable) 
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 5: Make an appointment
Buses can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your bus, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

  • Personal
  • Classic
  • Combination
  • Commercial
  • Livery or interstate livery
  • Student transportation - combination
  • Taxi


Register your car or SUV (sport utility vehicle)
A vehicle designated as personal use is used by a private resident and is the most common usage type. A personal vehicle, including cars or SUVs, can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.


Please follow the steps below to register a car or SUV in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your car or SUV
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.     
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Connecticut proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your new car or SUV. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide a Connecticut Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $190
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply, including:
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40, if vehicle is four years old or newer as of current year
    • Greenhouse gas fee: with the certificate of origin, $15; with an existing title, $7.50.

Step 4: Make an appointment 
Cars and SUVs for personal use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your car or SUV (sport utility vehicle)
A classic vehicle refers to a vehicle that’s 20 years old or older according to its model year. It can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.


Please follow the steps below to register your car or SUV as a classic vehicle:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your car or SUV
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.  
    • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Connecticut proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your classic vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide a Connecticut Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees 
Registering your car or SUV as a classic vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Classic vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your car or SUV (sport utility vehicle)
Combination registration for a car or SUV refers to a vehicle with gross weights of less than 12,500 pounds that’s designated for both personal use and commercial purposes (learn more about how a commercial vehicle is defined). A vehicle designated for combination use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to complete combination registration for your car or SUV:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your car or SUV
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.  
    • Note:  Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B). 
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Connecticut proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide a Connecticut Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
A combination use registration for your car or SUV will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Car registration fee: $202
  • SUV registration fee: TBD based on gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). See chart for combination registration fees.
  • Sales tax on both types of registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply: 
    • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40, if vehicle is four years old or newer as of current year
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $15 new vehicle, $7.50 CT or out-of-state title

Step 4: Make an appointment
Combination vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your car or SUV (sport utility vehicle)
Registering your car or SUV for commercial use can only be done in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Learn more about getting a commercial driver’s license (CDL) or how a commercial vehicle is defined.

Please follow the steps below to register your vehicle commercial use:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your car or SUV
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.
    • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Connecticut proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide a Connecticut Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
A combination use registration for your car or SUV will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year commercial registration fee: TBD based on gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). See chart for commercial registration fees.
  • Other registration fee: $35
  • Sales tax on both types of registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply:
    • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
    • Emissions exemption fee: $35, if vehicle is four years old or newer as of current year

Step 4: Make an appointment
Commercial  vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Livery or interstate livery

Register your car or SUV (sport utility vehicle)Car or SUVs for livery or interstate livery use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your vehicle:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your car or SUV
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.  
    • Note:  Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Connecticut proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your new vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide a Connecticut Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle.
  • Completed general livery service permit or livery application approved by the Department of Transportation. Approval is required before you register the vehicle.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
A combination use registration for your car or SUV will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $266, for a seating capacity up to seven people ($4 per additional seat) 
  • Other registration fee: $50 
  • Sales tax on both types of registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations
  • Additional fees may apply: 
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40, if vehicle is four years old or newer as of current year 
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $15, if your vehicle has a certificate of origin

Step 4: Make an appointment 
Livery or Interstate livery vehicles can only be registered in-person at the Wethersfield hub office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office: 

Make an appointment

Student transportation - combination

Register your car or SUV (sport utility vehicle)
A van, car, or SUV with 9 or fewer seats used as both a personal vehicle and a vehicle for student transportation can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your vehicle:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your car or SUV
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Connecticut proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your new vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide a Connecticut Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register your car or SUV as a combination student transportation vehicle, you will need to get a student transportation vehicle inspection at the Wethersfield inspection lane. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

  1. Bring a certified brake inspection report (Form R-380) showing a complete inspection of the brake system within the past three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first—unless the bus is brand new or has fewer than 3,000 miles.
  2. Purchase a validated Form B-312 from any DMV hub office or branch office (form not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
  3. Inspections are done at the DMV inspection lanes and vehicles must be presented for inspection by 3:00 p.m.

Required emergency equipment:
UL-rated minimum 10 BC fire extinguisher (fully charged) with a visible gauge that is securely mounted and easily accessible to the driver; first aid kit, securely mounted yet removable and easily accessible; and three reflective triangles in a bag or box that’s securely mounted inside the vehicle, per DMV regulations.
Inspection fee:
The inspection fee is $20 (not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your car or SUV as a student transportation-combination vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: $89 
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable) 
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations
  • Additional fees may apply:
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40, if vehicle is four years old or newer as of current year
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $15, if your vehicle has a certificate of origin

Step 5: Make an appointment
Vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your car or SUV, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your car or SUV (sport utility vehicle)
A car or SUV can only be registered as a taxi by appointment, in-person, at a DMV hub or branch office. Note: First-time taxi, livery or public service busses can only be registered at the Wethersfield hub office.

Please follow the steps below to register your vehicle as a taxi:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your car or SUV
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.  
    • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Connecticut proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your new vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide a Connecticut Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle.
  • For taxi registrations, you’re also required to provide a Department of Transportation - approved application for an intrastate livery permit.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register your car or SUV as a taxi, you will need to get a taxi inspection at the Wethersfield inspection lane. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

  • Taxi inspections are held at the Wethersfield and Hamden location DMV locations. Inspection lanes are open at the following times: 
    • Wethersfield inspection lane is open Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Customers must arrive by 3 p.m. for all inspections. 
  • Vehicles must be complete with lights and meters.

Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your vehicle as a taxi will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $266
  • Other registration fees: $50
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply:
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40, if vehicle is four years old or newer as of current year
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $15 new vehicle, $7.50 CT or out-of-state title

Step 5: Make an appointment 
Taxi Vehicles can only be registered in-person at a Wethersfield branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your car or SUV as a taxi, make an in-person appointment at a  Wethersfield branch office: 

Make an appointment

  • Farm vehicle

Farm vehicle

Register your farm vehicle
To qualify for a farm registration, you must operate a commercial farm or agricultural business located in Connecticut. A vehicle is eligible for a farm registration if it’s used exclusively in connection with the commercial operation of a farm or agricultural business in CT with gross annual sales of $2,500 or more (per Section 14-49(q) of the Connecticut General Statutes). Farm vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Note: No vehicle with a farm registration may be used for the purpose of transporting goods for hire, personal use, non-farm business, pleasure, recreation, or commuting to school or to non-farming employment.

Please follow the steps below to obtain a new farm vehicle registration:

Step 1: Gather required documents

  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Completed farm registration certificate (Form E-110)
  • Insurance Identification Card showing proof of insurance on the farm vehicle.
  • Current copy of a farmer's tax exemption permit (Form R657 or mL657), which must also be submitted to the DMV. This permit can be obtained through the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services.
    • Note: This permit is also required at renewal.

Step 2: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your farm vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $45
  • Plate fee: $5 – Plate Fee
  • Title fee: $25 – Title Fee
  • Administrative fee: $10 – Administrative Fee
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Taxes: Farm vehicles are exempt from the 6.35 percent Connecticut sales/use tax if used directly in the agricultural production process. For tax exemption you must present a farmer’s tax exemption permit, (Form R657 or mL657) which can be obtained from the Department of Revenue Services - learn more.
    • Note: The farmer’s tax exemption permit must be in the same name as the farm vehicle registration to qualify for the tax exemption.

Step 3: Make an appointment
Farm vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

  • Fire apparatus

Fire apparatus

Register your fire apparatus
Please see details below for how to register your vehicle as a fire apparatus (a vehicle designed to fight or extinguish fires, such as a fire engine or truck).


  • There is no fee to register a fire apparatus, unless it’s being registered to a name with an "Inc.” In that case, you’ll need to pay the following fees:
  • Plate fee: $5
  • Title fee: $25
  • Administrative fee: $10
  • Note: Per Connecticut General Statues, Sec. 14-19 (Registration of fire apparatus), the DMV Commissioner shall, at the request of the chief of any regular or volunteer fire department or the person in charge of any organized civil preparedness auxiliary fire company, register—without charge—any motor vehicle used as fire apparatus by such department or company and shall issue a certificate of registration and number plates bearing the words “fire apparatus” therefore.

No inspection is required to register your vehicle fire apparatus.


  • If the vehicle is leased, it needs to be a fire truck or fire rescue leased by the town or fire department.
  • When the vehicle is privately owned by an organization, a letter from the fire chief is required stating that the vehicle is used for volunteer firework.

Other information

  • Trailers may be issued a fire apparatus plate, as long as the trailer is owned by the fire department and will be strictly used for the fire department related purposes.

Schedule registration appointment
Registration can only be done in person at a DMV office: 

Make an appointment

  • Factory


Register your industrial vehicle
A factory registration for your industrial vehicle can only be completed by appointment, in-person, at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your industrial vehicle:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your industrial vehicle
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.
  • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.
  • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your new vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle.
  • Industrial Department of Transportation (DOT) Permit

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Getting a factory registration for your industrial vehicle requires that you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fees, based on footage of vehicle:
  • Other registration fees: $10 
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your industrial vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Low-speed vehicle registration 

A Low-Speed vehicle (LSV) is a motor vehicle with no less than four wheels that has a speed attainable of at least 20 mph but no more than 25 mph on a paved, level surface and a GVWR of 3000lbs or less.

LSV’s may be operated on public roads if such roads have an established speed limit of no more than 25 mph. ATVs and golf carts do not qualify as a LSV as defined in 49 CFR 571.500. LSV may not be homemade or modified from original specifications to meet LSV requirements.

Please follow the steps below to register a low-speed vehicle:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your low-speed vehicle

Before you can register your low-speed vehicle, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, or other issues. 

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle. 

  • Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B) completed by the owner. 

  • Proof of ownership. Learn more about proof of ownership documents.  

  • Connecticut proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your new low-speed vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide a Connecticut Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle. 

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees

Registering your low-speed vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on the purchase price of the vehicle. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $175
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.)

Step 4: Make an appointment

Low-speed vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:


Make an appointment




  • Overview of motorcycles and motor-driven cycles
  • Personal
  • Classic
  • Commercial

Overview of motorcycles and motor-driven cycles

Registration overview
Like cars or SUVs and other passenger or commercial vehicles, motorcycles must be registered with the DMV in Connecticut. Registration is done in-person at a DMV location.

Note that the registration process will differ if your motorcycle if 1) your title is from CT or from another state, 2) your motorcycle has a lien, or 3) if your motorcycle is leased, and if you’re applying for a personal use, classic vehicle, or commercial use motorcycle registration.

Review the information below to learn if you must register your scooter, moped, or other motorbike as a motorcycle.

Motor-driven vehicles that must be registered
Motorcycles must be registered with the DMV and are defined as any two-or three-wheeled motor vehicle (that does not have a driver’s seat that is enclosed or designed to be enclosed) and that produces more than two brake horsepower. Motorcycles require that drivers have a motorcycle endorsement (“M”) on your driver’s license - learn more about getting a motorcycle endorsement.

  • Note: You may be asked to present proof of your motorcycle’s CCs (must be more than 50 to be considered a motorcycle) if it’s not apparent from the certificate of origin or other registration documents. This information is available from the motorcycle’s manufacturer.

Your motorcycle must get an inspection if ALL of the following apply:

  • The motorcycle was never previously registered in Connecticut AND
  • The motorcycle was purchased/obtained from a person or business that is not a Connecticut licensed dealer AND
  • The manufacturer of the motorcycle does not have a manufacturer’s license in Connecticut (you may check the manufacturer’s license status in a regularly updated list of manufacturers (download via Excel or PDF)

Inspections are performed at the Wethersfield DMV inspection lane Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.


  • Motorcycle registrations are charged a $10 administrative fee in addition to the fee for registration.
  • If you have questions, you may call 860-263-5080.

Motor-driven vehicles that do NOT need to be registered
You may operate the following on the roadway without registering it:

  • Motor-driven cycles defined as a motor scooter, moped, or motorbike having an engine size of less than 50 cc and a seat height of at least 26 inches may not be registered as motorcycles.
    • However, you must have a valid motor vehicle operator’s license to operate it, and you may not operate it on any sidewalk, limited access highway or turnpike.
    • Note: If the maximum speed of your cycle is less than the speed limit of the road that you’re on, you must operate in the right hand lane available for traffic or upon a usable shoulder on the right side of the road unless you are making a left turn.
  • Three-wheeled motor-driven vehicles that have or are designed to have a driver’s seat that’s completely enclosed and a motor that’s not in the enclosed area are not considered motorcycles under Connecticut law and may not be registered as motorcycles.
    • Note: If you’re about to purchase a three-wheeled vehicle with an enclosed driver’s seat or a kit for assembling such a vehicle, first call 860-263-5080 to determine whether it may be registered in Connecticut. Connecticut motor vehicle law may differ from other state and federal law. Many three-wheeled vehicles with enclosed seats cannot practically be modified to meet the Connecticut passenger vehicle requirements.
  • Mini-motorcycles (also known as pocket bikes) can’t be registered and continue to be prohibited from use on any roadway or sidewalk. These vehicles have seat heights that are less than 26 inches.


Register your motorcycle
Any two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle that does not have a driver’s seat that’s enclosed or designed to be enclosed, and that produces more than two brake horsepower, must be registered as a motorcycle. (You may be asked to present proof of your motorcycle’s horsepower, or metric power, if it’s not apparent from the certificate of origin or other registration documents. This information is available from the motorcycle’s manufacturer. 

A motorcycle designated as personal use is used by a private resident and is the most common usage type. A motorcycle can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. 

Please follow the steps below to register a motorcycle for personal use in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with motorcycle
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the motorcycle.  
    • Note: Special rules apply to motorcycles registered in the name of a business, leased motorcycles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B). 
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your motorcycle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for motorcycles 20+ model years old.  
    • Motorcycles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more
  • VIN verification is required if a motorcycle is model year 1980 or older - learn more about this verification process.  
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your motorcycle. You must buy insurance for your motorcycle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance. 
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the motorcycle.

Step 3: Prepare to pay the registration fees

  • Registration fee for motorcycles: $128
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the motorcycle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Motorcycles for personal use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your motorcycle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your motorcycle
A classic motorcycle refers to a motorcycle that’s 20 years old or older according to its model year. It can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your motorcycle as a classic vehicle:

Step 1: C Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the motorcycle.
    • Note: Special rules apply to motorcycles registered in the name of a business, leased motorcycles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Motorcycles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • VIN verification is required if a motorcycle is model year 1980 or older - learn more about this verification process.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your motorcycle. You must buy insurance for your motorcycle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the motorcycle.

Step 3: Prepare to pay the registration fees

Step 4: Make an appointment
Classic motorcycles use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your motorcycle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your motorcycle
Motorcycles for commercial use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Learn more about getting a commercial driver’s license (CDL).

Please follow the steps below to register your motorcycle for commercial use:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with motorcycle
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the motorcycle.
    • Note: Special rules apply to motorcycles registered in the name of a business, leased motorcycles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your motorcycle. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for motorcycles 20+ model years old.
    • Motorcycles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • VIN verification is required if a motorcycle is model year 1980 or older - learn more about this verification process.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your motorcycle. You must buy insurance for your motorcycle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the motorcycle.

Step 3: Prepare to pay the registration fees

  • Commercial registration fee for motorcycles: $160
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the motorcycle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations

Step 4: Make an appointment
Commercial motorcycles use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your motorcycle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

  • Personal
  • Commercial
  • Classic


Register your motorhome
A motorhome (also known as a recreational vehicle or “RV”) designated for personal use is used by a private resident and is the most common usage type. A personal vehicle, including motorhomes, can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register a motorhome in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your motorhome
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.
    • Note: See special rules that apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your motorhome. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your motorhome. You must buy insurance for your motorhome. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the motorhome.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your motorhome will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $182.50
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply. 

Step 4: Make an appointment
Motorhomes can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your motorhome
A motorhome (also known as a recreational vehicles or “RV”) for commercial use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Learn more about getting a commercial driver’s license (CDL) or how a commercial vehicle is defined.

Please follow the steps below to register your motorhome:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your motorhome
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.  
  • Note: See special rules that apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B). 
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your motorhome. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.  
  • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your motorhome. You must buy insurance for your motorhome. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance. 
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the motorhome.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your motorhome for commercial use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the motorhome’s GVWR—see commercial fee chart.
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply, including:
    • Emissions fee: $40 (if vehicle is four years old or newer)
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $5 (if vehicle has certificate of origin)

Step 4: Make an appointment
Motorhomes can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your motorhome
A classic vehicle refers to a vehicle that’s 20 years old or older according to its model year. A class motorhome (also known as a recreational vehicle or “RV”) can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your motorhome a classic vehicle:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your motorhome
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.
    • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your motorhome. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your motorhome. You must buy insurance for your motorhome. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the motorhome.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your motorhome as a classic vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $155
  • Additional fees may apply.
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Motorhomes can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

  • Overview (general use)

Overview (general use)

Register your personal watercraft (e.g., jet ski)
Personal watercrafts, also known as jet skis, are subject to the same registration requirements as a vessel (i.e., boat). Review vessel registration process.


Important: Before you’re allowed to operate a personal watercraft on Connecticut waters, you need to get a Safe Boating Certificate from the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection - learn more. 

  • Overview (general use)

Overview (general use)

Register your snowmobile
Snowmobiles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your snowmobile in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your snowmobile
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees 
Registering your snowmobile will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Snowmobile registration fee: $45
  • Sales tax on both types of registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Snowmobiles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


The registration plate of your snowmobile must be affixed to the rear of the vehicle. In addition, each snowmobile must display the registration number on each side of its front section, midway between the top and bottom of the front section, in letters/numbers at least three inches tall and made of reflective material. The vehicle registration needs to be carried on the snowmobile and be available for inspection whenever the snowmobile is driven.

  • Regular
  • Commercial - agricultural


Register your special mobile vehicle
Special mobile vehicles are vehicles NOT designed or used primarily for transportation of persons and/or property and are only occasionally operated or moved over the highway (e.g., ditch digging equipment, self-propelled cranes, earth-moving equipment). Note that movement over the highways is usually restricted to and from construction sites. Note that movement of the vehicle will be restricted from place of storage to the construction site of from one site to another. These vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your special mobile vehicle for regular use:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your vehicle
Before you can register your special mobile vehicle for regular use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.
    • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
    • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle. Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your special mobile vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle
  • A special mobile equipment affidavit (Form B-215).

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registration for your special mobile vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Special mobile vehicles can only be registered for regular use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office: 

Make an appointment

Commercial - agricultural

Register your special mobile vehicle
Special mobile equipment with commercial usage is for agricultural use only where commercial operation of agriculture support is limited to those services provided by a commercial entity to the agriculture industry and shall be limited to the spreading or spraying of materials to promote the growth of crops. Note that movement over the highways is usually restricted to and from construction sites. These vehicles can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your special mobile vehicle specifically for commercial-agricultural use:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your vehicle
Before you can register your special mobile vehicle for commercial-agricultural use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.  
    • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vehicle.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your vehicle. You must buy insurance for your special mobile vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vehicle
  • A special mobile equipment affidavit (Form B-215).

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registration for your special mobile vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Special mobile vehicles can only be registered for regular use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vehicle, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


  • Personal
  • Commercial
  • Heavy duty
  • Seasonal
  • Semi-trailer
  • Camp trailer


Register your trailer

A trailer refers to a non-powered vehicle unit that’s pulled by a powered vehicle to form a combination of vehicles or an articulated vehicle—meaning that it’s designed with a pivot at the hitch to enable easier turns. A trailer designated for personal use is used by a private resident and is the most common usage type. Trailer registration for personal use can only be completed in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your trailer for personal use in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your trailer
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the trailer. 
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your trailer. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for trailers 20+ model years old.
    • A title is not required for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds.
    • Trailers from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the trailer.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your trailer will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Trailer registration fee: $43.50
  • Title fee: $25 (if GVWR is more than 3,000 pounds)
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Trailers can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your trailer, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your trailer

A trailer refers to a non-powered vehicle unit that’s pulled by a powered vehicle to form a combination of vehicles or an articulated vehicle—meaning that it’s designed with a pivot at the hitch to enable the vehicle with trailer to make sharper turns. A trailer designated for commercial use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office—learn more about how a commercial vehicle is defined.

Please follow the steps below to register your trailer for commercial use use in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your trailer
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the trailer. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trailers registered in the name of a business, leased trailers, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your trailer. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for trailers 20+ model years old.
    • A title is not required for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds.
    • Trailers from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the trailer.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your trailer for commercial use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the trailer’s GVWR—see commercial fee chart).
  • Other registration fee: $40
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Trailers can only be registered for commercial use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your trailer, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Heavy duty

Register your trailer

A heavy-duty trailer refers to a non-powered vehicle unit with a GVWR of more than 80,000 lbs. that’s pulled by a powered vehicle to form a combination of vehicles or an articulated vehicle—meaning that it’s designed with a pivot at the hitch to enable the vehicle with trailer to make sharper turns. A trailer designated for heavy-duty use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your trailer for heavy-duty use in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your trailer
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the trailer.
    • Note: Special rules apply to trailers registered in the name of a business, leased trailers, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your trailer. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for trailers 20+ model years old.
    • A title is NOT required for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds.
    • Trailers from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the trailer.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your trailer will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fees: $366
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Trailers can only be registered for heavy-duty use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your trailer, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your trailer

A trailer refers to a non-powered vehicle unit that’s pulled by a powered vehicle to form a combination of vehicles or an articulated vehicle—meaning that it’s designed with a pivot at the hitch to enable the vehicle with trailer to make sharper turns. A trailer designated for seasonal use, meaning it’s only used for a portion of the year, can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. 

Please follow the steps below to register your trailer for heavy-duty use in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your trailer
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the trailer.
    • Note:  Special rules apply to trailers registered in the name of a business, leased trailers, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your trailer. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for trailers that are 20+ model years old.
    • A title is not required for trailers weighing less than 3,000 pounds.
    • Trailers from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the trailer.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your trailer for seasonal use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the trailer’s GVWR—see commercial fee chart).
    • Seasonal use trailers will pay half the calculated fee cost
  • Other registration fees: $40
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Trailers can only be registered for heavy-duty use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your trailer, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your trailer

A semi-trailer is a freight trailer that, when attached, is supported at its forward end by the fifth wheel device of the truck tractor. A trailer designated for semi-trailer use can only be completed in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your trailer for heavy-duty use in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your trailer
Before you can register your trailer as a semi-trailer, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the trailer.
    • Note: Special rules apply to trailers registered in the name of a business, leased trailers, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your trailer as a semi-trailer. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for trailers that are 20+ model years old.
    • Trailers from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the trailer.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Semi-trailer registration requires you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Semi-trailer registration fee per year: $40 (you may pay for registration for one, two, three, four, or five years)
  • Other registration fees: $40
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Trailers can only be registered for heavy-duty use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your trailer, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Camp trailer

Register your camp trailer

A trailer for personal use (e.g., boat trailer, utility trailer, snowmobile trailer, etc.) is registered as a camp trailer and can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. 

Note: For tow dolly information, and additional requirements, please see “Additional information” at the bottom of this section.

Please follow the steps below to register your camp trailer in CT:

Steps to register a new manufactured trailer

1. Gather required documents:

  • Bill of Sale (form H-31) identifying the trailer
    • Must include the buyer and seller information, purchase price, year, make, body style, and vehicle identification number (VIN) of trailer.
  • Connecticut-licensed dealerships must complete the appropriate area on the application for registration and certificate of title.
  • Certificate of origin properly assigned from dealership or manufacturer to the new owner
  • If the trailer was purchased from a retail store and the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the trailer is 3,000 pounds or less, then the certificate of origin does not need to be assigned. However, a register receipt or a credit card receipt showing purchase will be required.
  • Completed application for registration and certificate of title (Form H-13B).
  • Identification of trailer owner(s); please review acceptable forms of identification when registering a vehicle in Connecticut. 

2. Prepare to pay fees (see acceptable forms of payment):

  • Title fee: $25 plus $10 for each lienholder listed (if the GVWR is more than 3,000 pounds)
  • Safety plate fee: $5
  • Sales tax on registration:
    • 6.35 percent for vehicles purchased at $50,000 or less
    • 7.75 percent for vehicles purchased for more than $50,000
    • 2.99 percent for boat trailers
    • Credit will be given if tax was paid to a retail store as shown on the register receipt, or to a Connecticut-licensed dealership and the appropriate area is completed on the application for registration and certificate of title (Form H-13B).

3. Make an appointment
New manufactured camp trailers can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your trailer, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Steps to register a used manufactured OR a used homemade trailer

1. Gather required documents:

2. Prepare to pay fees (see acceptable forms of payment):

  • Registration fee: $19 to $22.50 (depending on month registered)
  • Title fee: $25 plus $10 for each lienholder listed (if the GVWR is more than 3,000 pounds and the trailer is under 29 years old)
  • Safety plate fee: $5
  • Sales tax on registration:
    • 6.35 percent for vehicles purchased at $50,000 or less
    • 7.75 percent for vehicles purchased for more than $50,000
    • Credit will be given if tax was paid to a retail store as shown on the register receipt, or to a Connecticut-licensed dealership and the appropriate area is completed on the application for registration and certificate of title (Form H-13B).
  • Administrative fee: $10 (if the trailer was previously registered out of state or if it requires a DMV inspection because it needs a new VIN)
    • A 10-day temporary registration will be issued to bring the vehicle to inspection. The cost of the temporary registration is $21, and sales tax is collected at the time of issue.

3. Make an appointment
Use manufactured or used homemade camp trailers can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your trailer, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Steps to register a new homemade trailer

1. Gather required documents:

2. Get an inspection:

3. Prepare to pay fees (see acceptable forms of payment):

  • Registration fee: $19 to $22.50 (depending on month registered)
  • Title fee: $25 plus $10 for each lienholder listed (if the GVWR is more than 3,000 pounds)
  • Safety plate fee: $5
  • Sales tax on registration:
    • 6.35 percent for vehicles purchased at $50,000 or less
    • 7.75 percent for vehicles purchased for more than $50,000
    • Credit will be given if tax was paid on items when purchased. 
  • A 10-day temporary registration will be issued to bring the vehicle to inspection. The cost of the temporary registration is $21, and sales tax is collected at the time of issue.

4. Make an appointment
New homemade camp trailers can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your trailer, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Additional information
  • If the trailer is being registered to a minor (person age 16 or 17), parental consent and special financial responsibility insurance are also required.
  • Review required lights and reflectors for camp trailers
  • Tow dollies: A tow dolly is exempt from registration requirements. A "tow dolly" refers to a two-wheeled trailer without motive power that’s towed by a motor vehicle. That trailer is designed and used to tow another motor vehicle, where the front or rear wheels of the towed motor vehicle are mounted on the dolly while the other wheels of the towed vehicle remain in contact with the ground. These types of trailers are often rented, and thus they may move from state to state.


  • Personal
  • Ambulance
  • Classic
  • Commercial
  • Heavy duty
  • Seasonal
  • Service bus
  • Student transportation - combination
  • Student transportation - service bus
  • Wrecker


Register your truck

A truck designated for personal use is used by a private resident and is the most common usage type. It can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your truck for personal use in CT:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trucks registered in the name of a business, leased trucks, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck. You must buy insurance for your new truck. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the truck’s GVWR—see combination fee chart).
  • Other registration fees: $70
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Emissions fee: $40 (If the vehicle is four years old or newer.)
  • Greenhouse gas fee: $15 for new vehicles or $7.50 for out-of-state title
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your truck

A truck designated for ambulance can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your truck for ambulance use in CT:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trucks registered in the name of a business, leased trucks, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck. You must buy insurance for your new truck. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck.
  • Ambulance inspection (Form R195 from Department of Public Health). Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck as will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $44
    • Note: Prorated registration fee from January to February
  • Other registration fees: $50
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Emissions fee: $40 (if vehicle is four or more years old.)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered for ambulance use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your van

A classic vehicle refers to a vehicle that’s 20 years old or older according to its model year. A truck can only be registered as a classic vehicle in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. 

Please follow the steps below to register your truck as a classic vehicle:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trucks registered in the name of a business, leased trucks, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck. For trucks considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required. 
    • Trucks from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck. You must buy insurance for your new truck. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck as a classic vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

Step 4: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered as a classic vehicle in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your truck

Trucks for commercial use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Learn more about getting a commercial driver’s license (CDL) or how a commercial vehicle is defined.

Please follow the steps below to register your truck for commercial use in CT:


Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • Identification. You need to present an acceptable form of identification to register your vehicle.
  • Proof of insurance. Your insurance card needs to include this information.
    Completed registration application (Form H-13B). Download, fill out, and print this form before coming into the office.
    Bill of sale for recently purchased vehicles. Download, fill out, and print this form before coming into the office.
    Proof of ownership, such as an original title.
    • If you are trying to register a vehicle from outside Connecticut: please see title information by state to learn if you need the title. If the vehicle is not titled in that state, you need valid registration from the previous owner. If registration is expired, you need to get a letter of registration verification from the previous state’s DMV.
    • If you are trying to register a leased vehicle, you need an original power of attorney from the leasing company.

If the original title is not available, you can request a six-month registration (called a courtesy registration) to give your lienholder or leasing company time to mail your original title to Connecticut DMV. This applies only when there is a lienholder holding the original title. More information on how to apply for a courtesy registration.

  • USDOT (U.S. Department of Transportation) number is sometimes needed. Consult the FMCSA site for guidance.

State of Connecticut
Department of Motor Vehicles
ATTN: Record Updates, Room 305
60 State Street
Wethersfield, CT 06161


Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck for commercial use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the truck’s GVWR—see commercial fee chart).
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply, including:
    • Emissions fee: $40 (if truck is four years old or newer)
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $5 (if truck has certificate of origin)

Step 4: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered for commercial use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Heavy duty

Register your truck

Trucks for heavy-duty use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.


Please follow the steps below to register your truck:


Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trucks registered in the name of a business, leased trucks, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck. For trucks considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required. 
    • Trucks from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck. You must buy insurance for your new truck. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck.
  • Heavy duty permit (Form 2290). 
  • Truck inspection, if applicable. Learn more about which trucks require an inspection.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck for heavy-duty use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: $371
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Truck use tax: TBD (see IRS Trucking Tax Center for more information about the truck use tax and whether it’s required for your truck)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered for heavy-duty use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your truck

A seasonal vehicle is only used for a portion of the year. A seasonal truck can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.


Please follow the steps below to register your bus as a seasonal truck:


Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register your bus as a seasonal vehicle, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trucks registered in the name of a business, leased trucks, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck. For trucks considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required. 
    • Trucks from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck. You must buy insurance for your new truck. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck for seasonal use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the truck’s GVWR—see commercial fee chart).
  • Seasonal use trailers will pay half the calculated fee cost
  • Other registration fees: $40
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered for seasonal use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Service bus

Register your truck

Registering your truck as a service bus can only be done in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.


Please follow the steps below to register your truck as a service bus:


Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trucks registered in the name of a business, leased trucks, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck. For trucks considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required. 
    • Trucks from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck. You must buy insurance for your new truck. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register your truck as a service bus, you will need to get an inspection at the Wethersfield inspection lane. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

  1. Bring a certified brake inspection report (Form R-380) showing a complete inspection of the brake system within the past three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first—unless the truck is brand new or has fewer than 3,000 miles. 
  2. Purchase a validated Form B-312 from any DMV hub office or branch office (form not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
  3. Inspections are done at the DMV inspection lanes and vehicles must be presented for inspection by 3:00 p.m.

Required emergency equipment: 
UL-rated minimum 10 BC fire extinguisher (fully charged) with a visible gauge that is securely mounted and easily accessible to the driver; first aid kit, securely mounted yet removable and easily accessible; and three reflective triangles in a bag or box that’s securely mounted inside the vehicle, per DMV regulations.

Fleets of 10 or more service bus vehicles:
You may call to schedule an appointment for fleets of ten or more vehicles available for inspection in one place at one time. Please call 860-263-5447.

Inspection fee:
The inspection fee is $40 (not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).


Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck as a service bus will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: $80
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 5: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered for use as a service bus in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Student transportation - combination

Register your truck

A van, car, or SUV with 9 or fewer seats used as both a personal vehicle and a vehicle for student transportation can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.


Please follow the steps below to register your truck:


Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trucks registered in the name of a business, leased trucks, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck. For trucks considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required. 
    • Trucks from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck. You must buy insurance for your new truck. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register your truck for student transportation-combination use, you will need to get a student transportation vehicle inspection at a DMV office. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

  1. Bring a certified brake inspection report (Form R-380) showing a complete inspection of the brake system within the past three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first—unless the truck is brand new or has fewer than 3,000 miles. 
  2. Purchase a validated Form B-312 from any DMV hub office or branch office (form not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
  3. Inspections are done at the DMV inspection lanes and vehicles must be presented for inspection by 3:00 p.m.

Required emergency equipment: 
UL-rated minimum 10 BC fire extinguisher (fully charged) with a visible gauge that is securely mounted and easily accessible to the driver; first aid kit, securely mounted yet removable and easily accessible; and three reflective triangles in a bag or box that’s securely mounted inside the vehicle, per DMV regulations.

Fleets of 10 or more service bus vehicles:
You may call to schedule an appointment for fleets of ten or more vehicles available for inspection in one place at one time. Please call 860-263-5447.

Inspection fee:
The inspection fee is $20 (not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).


Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck as a service bus will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration: TBD based on gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). See chart for combination registration fees.
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 5: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered for student transportation-combination use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Student transportation - service bus

Register your truck

A truck can only be registered as a student transportation vehicle/service bus in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.


Please follow the steps below to register your truck as a student transportation vehicle/service bus:


Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register your bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trucks registered in the name of a business, leased trucks, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck. For trucks considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required. 
    • Trucks from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck. You must buy insurance for your new truck. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register your truck for student transportation-combination use, you will need to get a student transportation vehicle inspection at a DMV office. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

  1. Bring a certified brake inspection report (Form R-380) showing a complete inspection of the brake system within the past three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first—unless the truck is brand new or has fewer than 3,000 miles. 
  2. Purchase a validated Form B-312 from any DMV hub office or branch office (form not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
  3. Inspections are done at the DMV inspection lanes and vehicles must be presented for inspection by 3:00 p.m.

Required emergency equipment: 
UL-rated minimum 10 BC fire extinguisher (fully charged) with a visible gauge that is securely mounted and easily accessible to the driver; first aid kit, securely mounted yet removable and easily accessible; and three reflective triangles in a bag or box that’s securely mounted inside the vehicle, per DMV regulations.

Fleets of 10 or more service bus vehicles:
You may call to schedule an appointment for fleets of ten or more vehicles available for inspection in one place at one time. Please call 860-263-5447.

Inspection fee:
The inspection fee is $20 (not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).


Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck as a student transportation vehicle/service bus will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration: $80
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 5: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered for student transportation-service bus use in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your truck

A vehicle which is registered, designed, equipped and used for the purposes of towing or transporting wrecked or disabled motor vehicles for compensation or for related purposes by a person, firm or corporation licensed in accordance with the provisions of subpart (D) of part III of this chapter or a vehicle contracted for the consensual towing or transporting of one or more motor vehicles to or from a place of sale, purchase, salvage or repair. A truck can only be registered as a wrecker in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.


Please follow the steps below to register your truck as a wrecker:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck
Before you can register your truck for wrecker use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to trucks registered in the name of a business, leased trucks, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old.
  • Trucks from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck. You must buy insurance for your new truck. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck.
  • Dealer/repairer license Form K7
  • Completed storage rate Form K89

Step 3: Get an inspection
Before you can register, you will need to get a wrecker inspection at the Wethersfield inspection lane. No appointment is needed for the inspection, and there is no fee. Learn more about getting a wrecker inspection, requirements for compliance, and review a sample wrecker inspection report checklist.
Note: For registration renewals, no inspection is required.


Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck as a wrecker will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $175
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 5: Make an appointment

Trucks can only be registered for wrecker use at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

  • Classic
  • Commercial
  • Heavy duty
  • Seasonal
  • Wrecker


Register your truck tractor
A truck tractor is a motor vehicle designed and used for drawing a semitrailer or used primarily for the transportation of property. A classic vehicle refers to a vehicle that’s 20 years old or older according to its model year. A truck tractor can only be registered as a classic vehicle in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your truck tractor:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck tractor
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.
    • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck tractor. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck tractor. You must buy insurance for your vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card for your new vehicle, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck tractor.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck tractor as a classic vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Truck tractors can only be registered at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck tractor, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your truck tractor 

Truck tractors for commercial use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Learn more about getting a commercial driver’s license (CDL) or how a commercial vehicle is defined.

Please follow the steps below to register in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck tractor
Before you can register your vehicle, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vehicle.
    • Note: Special rules apply to truck tractors registered in the name of a business, leased truck tractors, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck tractor. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. For truck tractors with a model year 20 years old or older, you don’t need a title, but the previous owner’s registration is required instead.
  • Truck tractors from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck tractor.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees

  • Registering your truck tractor for commercial use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.
  • One-year registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the truck tractor’s GVWR - see commercial fee chart.
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply, including:
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40 (if vehicle is four years old or newer)
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $5 (if vehicle has certificate of origin)

Step 4: Make an appointment
Truck tractors can only be registered for commercial use at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck tractor, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Heavy duty

Register your truck tractor
Truck tractors for heavy-duty use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck tractor
Before you can register your vehicle, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck tractor.
    • Note: Special rules apply to truck tractors registered in the name of a business, leased truck tractors, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck tractor. For truck tractors considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required.
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck tractor.
  • Heavy duty permit (Form 2290).
  • Heavy Duty Permit IRS.

Note: You may need to get an inspection. Learn more about which vehicles require an inspection.


Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck tractor for heavy-duty use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fees: $371
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Truck use tax: TBD (see IRS Trucking Tax Center for more information about the truck use tax and whether it’s required for your truck tractor)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Truck tractors can only be registered for heavy-duty use at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck tractor, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your truck tractor
Registering your truck tractors for seasonal use, meaning the vehicle is only used for a portion of the year, can only be completed in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your truck tractor for seasonal use in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck tractor
Before you can register your vehicle, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck tractor.
    • Note: Special rules apply to truck tractors registered in the name of a business, leased truck tractors, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B). 
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck tractor. For truck tractors considered classic vehicles (20+ model years old), you don’t need a title. Instead, the previous owner’s registration is required. 
    • Vehicles from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck tractor.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck tractor for seasonal use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the truck tractor’s GVWR - see commercial fee chart).
    • Seasonal use truck tractors will pay half the calculated fee cost
  • Other registration fee: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Truck tractors can only be registered for seasonal use at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck tractor, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your truck tractor
A vehicle registered as a wrecker restricts use to towing or transporting wrecked or disabled motor vehicles (for compensation). A truck tractor can only be registered as a wrecker in-person, by appointment, at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your truck tractor for wrecker use:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your truck tractor
Before you can register your truck tractor, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the truck tractor.
    • Note: Special rules apply to vehicles registered in the name of a business, leased vehicles, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your truck tractor. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for classic vehicles that are 20+ model years old.
    • Truck tractors from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your truck tractor. You must buy insurance for your vehicle. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the truck tractor.
  • Dealer/repairer license Form K7
  • Completed storage rate Form K89

Step 3: Get an inspection
Before you can register, you will need to get a wrecker inspection at a DMV office. Learn more about getting a wrecker inspection, requirements for compliance, and review a sample wrecker inspection report checklist.
Step 4: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your truck tractor as a wrecker will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $175
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment
Truck tractors can only be registered for wrecker use at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your truck tractor, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


  • Personal
  • Ambulance
  • Classic
  • Combination
  • Commercial
  • Livery or interstate livery
  • Service bus
  • Student transportation - combination
  • Student transportation - service bus
  • Vanpool


Register your van

A vehicle designated for personal use is used by a private resident and is the most common usage type. A personal vehicle, including vans, can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register a van in CT:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues
Before you can register your van for personal use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your van will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $190
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply, including:
    • Emissions fee: $40 (if van is four years old or newer)
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $5 (if van has certificate of origin)

Step 4: Make an appointment

Vans can only be registered at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your van

A van designated for ambulance can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your van for ambulance use in CT:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues
Before you can register your van for ambulance use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note:  Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.
  • Ambulance inspection (Form R195 from Department of Public Health). Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your van as an ambulance will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $44
    • Note: Prorated registration fee from January to February
  • Other registration fees: $50
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment

Vans can only be registered for ambulance use at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your van

A classic vehicle refers to a vehicle that’s 20 years old or older according to its model year. It can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your van as a classic vehicle:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues
Before you can register your van as a classic vehicle, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your van will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

Step 4: Make an appointment

A van can only be registered as a classic vehicle at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your van

Combination registration for a van refers to a vehicle weighing less than 12,500 pounds that’s designated for both personal use and commercial purposes. A vehicle designated for combination use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. 

Please follow the steps below to complete combination registration for your van:


Step 1: Check for any compliance issues
Before you can register your van for combination use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
A combination use registration for your van will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: TBD based on gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). See chart for combination registration fees.
  • Other registration fees: $70
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply:
    • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40, if van is four years old or newer
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $15, if your van has a certificate of origin

Step 4: Make an appointment

Vans can only be registered at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your van

Vans for commercial use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Learn more about getting a commercial driver’s license (CDL) or how a commercial vehicle is defined.

Please follow the steps below to register your van for commercial use in CT:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues
Before you can register your van for combination use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your van for commercial use will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: TBD (registration fee is based on the van’s GVWR—see commercial fee chart).
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply, including:
    • Emissions fee: $40 (if the van is four years old or newer)
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $5 (if the van has certificate of origin)

Step 4: Make an appointment

Vans can only be registered for commercial use at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Livery or interstate livery

Register your van

Vans for livery or interstate livery use can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your van:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues
Before you can register your van for livery or interstate livery use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.
  • Approval by the Department of Transportation is required before you can register the vehicle.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your van as livery or interstate livery will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $266, for a seating capacity up to seven people ($4 per additional seat)
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from October 1 to February 29
  • Other registration fees: $50
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply:
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40.00, if van is four years old or newer
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $15, if your van has a certificate of origin

Step 4: Make an appointment

Livery can only be registered at the Wethersfield Hub office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Service bus

Register your van

Registering your van as a service bus can only be done in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your van for ambulance use in CT:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues
Before you can register your van as a service bus, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register, you will need to get a service bus inspection at the Wethersfield inspection lane. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

1. Bring a certified brake inspection report (Form 380) showing a complete inspection of the brake system within the past three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first—unless the bus is brand new or has fewer than 3,000 miles. 
2. Purchase a validated Form B-312 from any DMV hub office or branch office (form not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
3. Inspections are done at the DMV inspection lanes and vehicles must be presented for inspection by 3:00 p.m.

Required emergency equipment: 
UL-rated minimum 10 BC fire extinguisher (fully charged) with a visible gauge that is securely mounted and easily accessible to the driver; first aid kit, securely mounted yet removable and easily accessible; and three reflective triangles in a bag or box that’s securely mounted inside the vehicle, per DMV regulations.
Fleets of 10 or more service bus vehicles:
You may call to schedule an appointment for fleets of ten or more vehicles available for inspection in one place at one time. Please call 860-263-5447.
Inspection fee:
The inspection fee is $40 (not required for vans owned by the state or municipality).


Step 4: Prepare to pay fees

Registering your bus as a service bus will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $214 (must have seats for at least nine and up to 16 passengers)
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31 
  • Other registration fees: $50
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.
  • Additional fees may apply:
    • Emissions exemption fee: $40, if van is four years old or newer
    • Greenhouse gas fee: $15, if your van has a certificate of origin

Step 5: Make an appointment

Vans can only be registered for service bus use at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Student transportation - combination

Register your van

A van, car, or SUV with 9 or fewer seats used as both a personal vehicle and a vehicle for student transportation can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your van:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues
Before you can register your van for student transportation-combination use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register your van, you will need to get a student transportation inspection at the Wethersfield inspection lane. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

1. Bring a certified brake inspection report (Form 380) showing a complete inspection of the brake system within the past three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first—unless the bus is brand new or has fewer than 3,000 miles. 
2. Purchase a validated Form B-312 from any DMV hub office or branch office (form not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
3. Inspections are done at the DMV inspection lanes and vehicles must be presented for inspection by 3:00 p.m.

Required emergency equipment: 
UL-rated minimum 10 BC fire extinguisher (fully charged) with a visible gauge that is securely mounted and easily accessible to the driver; first aid kit, securely mounted yet removable and easily accessible; and three reflective triangles in a bag or box that’s securely mounted inside the vehicle, per DMV regulations.
Fleets of 10 or more service bus vehicles:
You may call to schedule an appointment for fleets of ten or more vehicles available for inspection in one place at one time. Please call 860-263-5447.
Inspection fee:
The inspection fee is $20 (not required for vans owned by the state or municipality).


Step 4: Prepare to pay fees

Registering your car or SUV as a student transportation-combination vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: $80
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31 
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 5: Make an appointment

Vans can only be registered as a student transportation-combination vehicle at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Student transportation - service bus

Register your van

A van, car, or SUV with 9 or fewer seats used as both a personal vehicle and a vehicle for student transportation can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your van:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues
Before you can register your van for student transportation-combination use, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance. Contact Special Insurance Filing - 860-263-5152 or
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.

Step 3: Get an inspection
To register your van, you will need to get a student transportation inspection at the Wethersfield inspection lane. Learn more about inspections at the DMV.

1. Bring a certified brake inspection report (Form 380) showing a complete inspection of the brake system within the past three months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first—unless the bus is brand new or has fewer than 3,000 miles. 
2. Purchase a validated Form B-312 from any DMV hub office or branch office (form not required for vehicles owned by the state or municipality).
3. Inspections are done at the DMV inspection lanes and vehicles must be presented for inspection by 3:00 p.m.

Required emergency equipment: 
UL-rated minimum 10 BC fire extinguisher (fully charged) with a visible gauge that is securely mounted and easily accessible to the driver; first aid kit, securely mounted yet removable and easily accessible; and three reflective triangles in a bag or box that’s securely mounted inside the vehicle, per DMV regulations.
Fleets of 10 or more service bus vehicles:
You may call to schedule an appointment for fleets of ten or more vehicles available for inspection in one place at one time. Please call 860-263-5447.
Inspection fee:
The inspection fee is $20 (not required for vans owned by the state or municipality).


Step 4: Prepare to pay fees

Registering your car or SUV as a student transportation-combination vehicle will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • One-year registration fee: $80
    • Note: Registration fee is prorated from March 1 to July 31 
  • Other registration fees: $45
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 5: Make an appointment

Vans can only be registered as a student transportation-combination vehicle at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


Register your van

A vanpool can only be registered by appointment, in-person, at a DMV hub or branch office.

Please follow the steps below to register your van as a vanpool in Connecticut:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues

Before you can register your van as a vanpool, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the van. 
    • Note: Special rules apply to vans registered in the name of a business, leased vans, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID.
  • Completed Connecticut registration and title application (Form H-13B).
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your van. If it was purchased in CT, and is newer than 20 model years, you will need a title. The previous owner’s registration is required in lieu of a title for vehicles 20+ model years old. 
    • Vans from other states or countries can have different requirements—learn more.
  • Proof of insurance is required to register your van. You must buy insurance for your new van. Once you get insurance, your insurance company will provide an Insurance Identification Card, which serves as proof of insurance.
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the van.

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees
Registering your van will require you to pay a registration fee, as well as sales tax on registration. Please see acceptable forms of payment.

  • Registration fee: $50
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle type, how you obtained the vehicle, and other factors—learn more about sales tax on registrations.

Step 4: Make an appointment

Vans can only be registered for vanpool use at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your van, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment


  • Overview (general use)
  • Vessel registration fees
  • Vessel registration FAQs

Overview (general use)

Register your vessel
A water vessel, such as a boat or personal watercraft (e.g., jet ski) can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office.

Note: If you’re an out-of-state resident but using your boat or water vessel in Connecticut waters, please see section at the bottom for registration requirements.

Connecticut residents, please follow the steps below to register your vessel:

Step 1: Check for any compliance issues with your vessel
Before you can register, you may need to resolve any outstanding compliance issues such as unpaid taxes, outdated emissions testing, or other issues.

Step 2: Gather required documents

  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, is required for each person listed as an owner of the vessel.
    • Note: See special rules that apply to vessels registered in the name of a business, leased vessels, and people who do not have an acceptable form of ID. 
  • Completed Connecticut vessel registration application (Form B-148). 
    • Federal law requires a hull number on all vessels manufactured in 1973 or later. The hull number must be included on the application. If the vessel has a "CT" number (previous Connecticut number), that will stay with the vessel and should be included on the application. 
  • Proof of ownership is required to register your vessel. Vessels with a model year of 2017 and newer are eligible for a title (see below for special notice to boat owners).  
    • If a vessel has a U.S. documented number or a foreign documented number, then that vessel is not eligible to obtain a Connecticut title and is considered a “documented vessel.” However, you can get a Connecticut vessel registration using your documented numbers. (Documentation from the U.S. Coast Guard is required to show that a vessel was documented, but is no longer documented.) 
  • For vessels with a model year of 2016 or older, you’ll need the registration from the last owner if other than the current owner. 
  • Vessels from other states or countries can have different requirements - learn more
  • A Bill of Sale (Form H-31) for the vessel. 
    • If the seller is not the last registered owner, each supplemental assignment of ownership (Form Q1-V) and/or Bill of Sale must be submitted for each ownership transfer back to the last registered owner. Form Q1-V is only available at a DMV office
    • The seller's signature on the vessel registration application (Form B-148) is optional if the seller has signed a Bill of Sale.  
    • If the vessel/boat was never registered, you’ll need a provide letter of explanation, as well as a completed vessel ownership affidavit (Form B-203). 
  • Review a comprehensive list of documents required for vessel registration and for a certificate of title.
  • Certificate of Parental Consent (Form 2D) is required if the vessel owner is a minor (age 14+).

Step 3: Prepare to pay fees

  • Vessel registration fee depends on the vessel’s hull material, the size of the vessel, and the organization or individual who owns the vessel.  
  • See acceptable forms of payment.
  • Sales tax on registration: TBD (sales tax is determined by vehicle or vessel type, how it was obtained, and other factors - learn more about sales tax on registrations.
    • Note: Vessels and trailers used for transporting a vessel purchased on or after July 1, 2018, will be charged a sales tax rate of 2.99 percent.
  • Vessels and trailers used for transporting a vessel with a purchase date before July 1, 2018, will be charged the current sales tax rate of 6.35 percent.
  • Title fee for vessels model year 2017 or newer: $25
  • Lien fee: $10 (if applicable)

Step 4: Make an appointment
Water vessels, such as boats, can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need to register your vessel, make an in-person appointment at a DMV hub or branch office:

Make an appointment

Special notice to boat owners: Requirements for registration & titling of boats
Effective January 1, 2016, Connecticut began titling boats and other water vessels starting with the model year 2017. Titling applies to every model year afterwards, unless the vessel is exempt. Download a list of vessels that are exempt from title requirements (on page 2).

Vessel registration for out-of-state residents
You don’t have to be a Connecticut resident to register your vessel here. See below for registration requirements and process.

Certificate of decal (not eligible for a Connecticut title)
If the vessel is being used in Connecticut waters for more than 60 days, you’ll need to apply for a certificate of decal (requires valid ownership identification). Application process is as follows:
  • If your vessel is documented: Provide a copy of the vessel document along with a completed vessel registration application (Form B-148). Vessel document must be current and issued in the name of the applicant.
  • If your vessel is registered out of state: Provide a current copy of the out-of-state registration along with a completed vessel registration application (Form B-148).

Identification requirements

  • If one party is named on the vessel registration application and cannot be present, then a notarized special Power of Attorney (Form A-83) is required, along with identification for the person listed on the form. Additionally, a copy of identification for all registrants listed on the application is required.
  • If two parties are named on the vessel registration application, either party may be present to process the registration. However, a copy of identification for any additional registrants listed on the application is required.

Make an appointment
Vessel registrations can only be completed at a DMV hub or branch office. Once you’ve gathered everything you need, make an in-person appointment:

Make an appointment

Vessel registration fees

Vessel registration fees are determined by the length of the vessel. 

Commercial fishing

  • Fee not to exceed $25 if vessel is used principally for purpose of commercial fishing, if 50 percent of the owner’s adjusted gross income in the preceding tax year was obtained from commercial fishing.
  • Computed fee based on the length of boat as usual and compare with $25. If computed fee is less than $25, charge computed fee. If computed fee is $25 or more, charge $25.

Non-profit organization

  • Registration for vessel owned by a non-profit organization: $7.50
    • Note: Sales tax exempt number must be noted on application for vessel registration renewal.


  • No registration fee for not more than two boats owned by any flotilla of the Coast Guard Auxiliary or non-profit corporation acting on behalf of such flotilla.

Vessel registration by a town

  • Connecticut towns are not required to register if name of town is clearly marked on the boat; however, if a registration is issued, a fee must be paid.

Vessel registration expiration date

  • Vessels registered as of January 1 will expire on April 30 of the following calendar year.

Cancelling vessel registration
To cancel your registration for a water vessel or boat, the owner needs to notify the DMV of cancellation within 15 days. Please provide notification in writing, including the vessel’s certificate of number or certificate of decal, and indicate if cancellation is due to:

  • Sale or transfer of ownership
  • Theft or loss
  • Destruction or abandonment of the boat

Change of address on vessel registration
The owner of a registered vessel needs to notify the DMV of a change of address within 15 days of change. Notice can be by completing a request for change of address (Form B-58).


Vessel registration FAQs

How do I register a documented vessel?
Documented vessels can only be registered in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. Visit a DMV Hub or Limited Service Office with the documents and fees listed below.

  • Submit a copy of the Coast Guard Final Documentation Paper.
  • Provide a Bill of Sale (form H-31).
  • Include the 12 digit hull number.
  • Complete Vessel Registration Application (form B-148). Download this form, fill out online and print. Please reference form B220.
  • Sales tax is due if not already paid.
  • The Registration Fee is determined by the length of the vessel.
  • Note: If the vessel is in the process of being documented, CT numbers will have to be assigned until the final documentation is received.

Does Connecticut title vessels?
Effective January 1, 2016, Connecticut will title vessels with the model year of 2017 and newer. For a list of vessels exempt from title requirements, please download this document.

What is the cost for a title?
If a vessel title is needed, the cost is $25 and $10 for the lien, as applicable.

Are personal watercraft, such as jet skis, required to be registered?
Personal watercraft, such as jet skis, are registered in the same manner as vessels - learn more.

Are there any special requirements needed for operating personal watercraft, such as a jet ski?
Personal watercraft, such as jet skis, are registered in the same manner as a vessel or boat—learn more. Additionally, you must have a Certificate of Personal Watercraft of Operation from the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

Do I need to register a vessel or boat that’s less than 19.5 feet in length if it’s powered without the use of a motor (e.g., a sailboat powered by sail alone)?
No, vessels and boats not powered by any motor are exempt from registration.

Do I need to register a vessel or boat that’s less than 19.5 feet in length if it’s powered/propelled solely by oar or paddle?
No, those types of vessels and boats are exempt from registration—except for a canoe with a motor, which is charged a $7.50 registration fee.

My vessel has been registered with CT numbers and I now have my documentation paper. What do I do?
A Vessel Registration Application (form B-148) must be completed and submitted with the current registration certificate, including the CT numbers listed, and a copy of the document.
A fee of $3 will be charged if registered for the current year. Otherwise, the Registration Fee is determined by the length of the vessel.

I’m an out-of-state resident with a current out-of-state registration on my boat and will be using it on Connecticut waters. What do I need to do to use my water vessel here?
You have up to 60 days in a calendar year to use the vessel in Connecticut before you need to apply for a certificate of decal.

How do I get a copy of my last registration, bill of sale, proof of sales tax paid or a copy of an original application?
All inquiries are sent to the Marine Vessel Section (60 State Street, Wethersfield, CT 06161). Fees are as follows:

  • Copy of Application to Register - $20
  • Copy of a Bill of Sale - $20
  • File information - $20
  • Complete Search of Each Vessel - $20 plus $20 per copy
  • Certified Copies - additional $20

How do I request an "invitation to renew" for my vessel registration?
You may call the DMV’s call center or write to the DMV Marine Vessel Unit at the address below. You’ll need to provide your vessel number.

  • Mailing address:
    Department of Motor Vehicles
    Marine Vessel Section
    60 State Street
    Wethersfield, CT 06161

  • Call center:
    860-263-5700 (within the Hartford area or outside Connecticut)
    800-842-8222 (elsewhere in Connecticut)

I received an invitation to renew a registration on a vessel I no longer own. What should I do?
Please return the required portion of your renewal invitation to the DMV Marine Vessel Unit at the address below or change of address can be done online also. Include a note indicating the name of who you sold the vessel to, or, if you don’t know the name of the person you sold the vessel to, please indicate “person unknown.”

  • Mailing address:
    Department of Motor Vehicles
    Marine Vessel Section
    60 State Street
    Wethersfield, CT 06161

I’m selling my vessel and have purchased another. Can I get credit for the fee I paid on the previous vessel registration applied to the new registration?
You can get credit for the fee paid on the previous vessel if that vessel has been sold, traded, destroyed, or stolen prior to the time of registering the new vessel. Please note:

  • You must submit the registration certificate indicating the status of the old vessel.
  • The registration fee on the current registration will be applied towards the registration fee for the new vessel, plus any additional amount if the new vessel is larger.
  • An additional $1 fee will be applied to the final total.

How do I register a previously repossessed vessel?
Vessel registration can only be completed in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. You can make an appointment online.

Bring the following to your appointment:

How do I register a vessel that up until now has only been used as a row boat?
Vessel registration can only be completed in-person at a DMV hub or branch office. You can make an appointment online.
Bring the following to your appointment:

  • Completed notarized ownership affidavit (Form B-203), specifying all required information.
  • Completed application for vessel registration (Form B-148).
  • An acceptable form of payment for the registration fee, which is determined by the length of the vessel. See fee schedule chart for details.
  • Connecticut numbers will assigned to the vessel as part of the registration process.
  • An acceptable form of identification, such as a driver’s license or U.S. passport, for each person listed as an owner of the vessel.

How do I register a vessel that I received as a gift?

How do I register a vessel that was previously registered to a now deceased person?

How do I register a vessel that doesn't have a hull number?

  • Complete the Vessel Registration Application (form B-148) and the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Application for Hull Number (form EPB-502). 
  • A temporary registration will be issued until DEP checks the vessel and assigns the number.
  • Vessels built prior to 1973 do not require a hull number.

How do I register a vessel I have just finished building?

What should I do if I observe suspicious activities?

  • Call the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802 or 877-24WATCH. 
  • If there’s immediate danger to life or property, call 911.

How is sales tax calculated on vessels? 
The sales tax will be 6.35% of the purchase price for vessels and trailers used for transporting a vessel with a purchase date before July 1, 2018. Vessels and trailers used for transporting a vessel with a purchase date on or after July 1, 2018, will be charged a tax rate of 2.99 percent. 

Can I register or renew my boat if I owe property tax on a motor vehicle? 
No, you won’t be able to register or renew your water vessel registration if you are delinquent on motor vehicle property tax. Learn more about compliance issues and how to resolve them so you can register your vessel.