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Please note:

Get your REAL ID by May 7, 2025: A REAL ID is a verified driver’s license or identification (ID) card that’s a federally accepted form of identification, sometimes referred to as a verified ID. Learn more.

Boat decals: Boat decals for the year 2026 will be distributed in April.

Comply with insurance, tax, and registration laws

Learn how to keep your vehicle compliant and resolve common issues

Comply with insurance, tax, and registration laws

Learn how to keep your vehicle compliant and resolve common issues

The DMV is here to help

As a driver in Connecticut there are insurance, tax, and registration compliance issues that we can help you handle with ease. If you don’t maintain compliance with these laws, your vehicle registration may be suspended, and you will not be able to register a new vehicle or renew an existing registration until issues are resolved.

Learn how to:

  • Address warning notices for lapses in insurance coverage
  • Pay lapsed insurance fines
  • Meet minimum liability insurance requirements
  • Resolve a suspended vehicle registration
  • Avoid fees and meet compliance requirements

Knowledge is power! Let’s get you back in the driver’s seat.

Vehicles currently registered in the state of Connecticut require liability insurance. Liability insurance is needed to legally drive your car, motorcycle, truck, or other vehicle in the state. See below for insurance compliance FAQs.

Find out if you have any compliance issues

You can check for insurance compliance and other issues using the DMV’s online tools. Individuals will need a driver’s license or ID number, while organizations will need their Secretary of State number.

Note: An organization’s Secretary of State number must be on file with the DMV to use this online service. Please call 860-263-5700 or 1-800-842-8222 to submit your Secretary of State number to the DMV if not yet on file.

  • Insurance requirements by law
  • Compliance warning notices & how to resolve them
  • How to resolve a lapsed insurance fine
  • Dispute fine or request a hearing

Insurance requirements by law

Connecticut state law requires continuous insurance coverage on any registered vehicle. If you don’t maintain insurance on a registered vehicle, you may receive a "warning notice" from the DMV in the form of a letter.

To resolve most warning notice issues, you can mail required documents and payment for fines to the DMV’s Insurance Compliance Unit.

Mailing address:

Department of Motor Vehicles
Insurance Compliance Unit
60 State Street
Wethersfield, CT 06161

Processing can take up to 10 days.

Compliance warning notices & how to resolve them

If you’ve maintained continuous liability coverage on your vehicle during your registration period but you’ve changed insurance companies, it can trigger a notification from your old insurance to the DMV that you don’t have insurance—even though you have it through a new carrier.

Here’s how to resolve common insurance-related warning notices:

If you changed insurance companies

  • Mail a clear copy of your declaration page or copy of your permanent insurance card to the DMV’s Insurance Compliance Unit.

If your current insurance company is listed on your warning letter OR you can prove you had insurance

Mail the following documents to the DMV’s Insurance Compliance Unit. We will verify your coverage once we receive documents and close your case if we can confirm there was no lapse in coverage.


Required documentation:

  • Letter of experience from your insurance company on its letterhead that shows no lapse in coverage

  • Your new insurance company’s declaration page showing coverage for the reported lapse or cancellation period.

If you don’t want to continue to insure a vehicle
If you no longer need or want to insure a vehicle and you have an outstanding fine, you need to cancel the vehicle's registration with the DMV. To do so, mail the following documents to the DMV’s Insurance Compliance Unit:

  • A signed consent agreement located on the bottom of your warning notice
  • Plate receipt
  • Check or money order for $200 made payable to “DMV”

DMV Insurance Compliance Unit mailing address:

Department of Motor Vehicles 
Insurance Compliance Unit 
60 State Street 
Wethersfield, CT 06161 

Note: If you have a lapse in vehicle insurance, please see below for how to resolve a lapsed insurance fine.

How to resolve a lapsed insurance fine

If your insurance has lapsed, meaning it has expired and coverage is no longer valid, you can pay a fine to resolve the issue. How you’re able to pay the fine depends on whether your vehicle registration is current, or if it has been suspended and why.
Pay fines for lapsed insurance with a current registration

If your registration is suspended due to lapse
If your vehicle registration is current but your insurance company has reported you to the DMV because of a lapse in coverage, or, if your registration is suspended due to the lapse in insurance, you can pay a $200 fine to resolve the issue.

Options for payment:

  • Online: Individuals and organizations can check for compliance issues online and make payments through the DMV’s online service.
  • By phone: Call 860-263-5725 to process your payment.
  • By mail: Mail the following documents to the DMV’s Insurance Compliance Unit:
    • A signed consent agreement located on the bottom of your warning notice
    • Copy of your current insurance card
    • Check or money order for $200 made payable to “DMV”
    • Mailing address: 

      Department of Motor Vehicles
      Insurance Compliance Unit
      60 State Street
      Wethersfield, CT 06161

Pay fines for lapsed insurance with a suspended registration that is NOT due to lapse.

Dispute fine or request a hearing

If you receive a suspension from the DMV and can't register your vehicle due to non-payment of insurance, you can dispute the $200 fine or request a hearing.

Request a hearing
You can request a hearing to contest the fine if you have maintained continuous insurance throughout the registration period for any vehicle registered in your name and can provide necessary proof.

Please contact the DMV at 860-263-5725 before the suspension date on your warning notice to request a hearing.
Provide required documentation 
To successfully dispute your fine and close your case, you need to provide the DMV with documentation to prove one of the following scenarios:

  • You have insurance
    If you have insurance on your vehicle and you maintained it throughout the registration period, mail a copy of one of these documents to the DMV:
    • Letter of experience from your insurance company on its letterhead showing coverage during the reported lapse or cancellation period
    • Your insurance company’s declaration page
    • Current Connecticut Insurance Identification Card, provided by your insurance carrier, that shows coverage for the reported lapse or cancellation period

  • You sold your vehicle
    If you no longer own your vehicle:
    • Cancel the vehicle's registration
    • Mail a copy of one of the following documents:
      • A Bill of Sale
      • Junk receipt
      • Repossession document
      • Total loss document
      • Front and back of title signed over on or before the insurance cancellation date listed at the top of your suspension notice

  • You moved out of state
    If you moved and registered your vehicle in another state on or before the insurance cancellation date on your suspension warning notice, you need to:

  • The vehicle owner is deceased
    If the registered vehicle owner is deceased, the executor of the estate needs to:

Mail all required documents to the DMV’s Insurance Compliance Unit:

Department of Motor Vehicles
Insurance Compliance Unit
60 State Street
Wethersfield, CT 06161

You will receive a letter from the DMV if further documentation is required or if your case has been cleared.