Standard Wage Rates

Information for service industry employers, employees, and contractors, especially those in security and food service industries. Additionally, there is information on wage rates, benefits, and associated regulations.


Please Note - Housekeeping Aide Classification has been removed-please contact Department of Labor, Wage & Workplace Standards Division.


As of July 1, 2013 security services will be covered under Connecticut General Statute, Section 31-57f. Please refer to the Department of Administrative Services for contract information.

Wage/Fringe Benefits for Security Guards I & II 

September 1, 2016 through April 30, 2025.

Fringe Benefit Calculation Chart provided by SEIU Local 32BJ 

A chart that was prepared by SEIU Local 32BJ which may assist contractors in calculating certain fringe benefits. We have determined this information to be accurate if used according to the requirements of the law.


Standard wage rate for certain service workers - Section 31-57f 

Definitions. Standard rate required. Civil penalty. Complaints. Determination of standard rate by Labor Commissioner. Effect on employers bound by collective bargaining agreements. Recordkeeping requirement. Penalty for filing false certified payroll. Exemptions. Regulations.

Standard Wage Rate Determination for Certain Service Workers (FORM) 

As required by law please submit requests within ten (10) days of the date advertised for bid.