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Please note:

Get your REAL ID by May 7, 2025: A REAL ID is a verified driver’s license or identification (ID) card that’s a federally accepted form of identification, sometimes referred to as a verified ID. Learn more.

Boat decals: Boat decals for the year 2026 will be distributed in April.

Reinstate your CT driver’s license after a suspension

Learn how to fix your driver’s license suspension and pay related fees

Reinstate your CT driver’s license after a suspension

Learn how to fix your driver’s license suspension and pay related fees

General information on license suspensions

We know having your license is important. Our goal is to help you get back on the road. Please read your suspension notice carefully and follow the instructions. Requirements for license reinstatement (or “restoration”) vary and you are not permitted to drive during the term of the suspension.

When contacting DMV about your driver’s license suspension, please provide your name, date of birth, and current mailing address with all correspondence.

Four easy steps to reinstating your license in Connecticut:

  1. Read your license suspension notice and complete the requirements for reinstatement.
  2. If you do not get your suspension notice, please contact the Driver Services Division by email or call 860-263-5720
  3. Pay the $175 reinstatement fee to the DMV. (Additional fees may apply - e.g., IID administration fee $100). You can pay the fee online, by phone at 860-263-5720, or by mail (check or money order made payable to “DMV”).
  4. Check your license status before you begin driving. You will receive your restoration notice in the mail.

Estimated time to pay your license reinstatement fee online: 7 minutes

  • Suspension for unpaid ticket
  • Driving without a license and suspension
  • Suspensions for minors
  • Fake or fraudulent driver’s license or ID card
  • Returned check or outstanding invoice

Suspension for unpaid ticket

If you’re issued a ticket in Connecticut or any other state and you fail to answer the ticket by the due date, or if you miss a scheduled court date or a court-imposed deadline, the court or out-of-state jurisdiction will request the DMV to suspend your license privilege.

A suspension notice will be mailed to the address on record with the effective date of suspension, citation number, and the court’s telephone number. For more information, visit a list of courts in the Connecticut Judicial Directory.

To avoid the suspension, you must reopen your case before the date of suspension. You may reopen the docket and pay the fine, or you may reopen the docket and schedule a new court date.

Connecticut tickets:
The Superior Court will notify DMV that your ticket has been reopened electronically.

Out-of-state tickets:
You must get a court receipt or other documentation from the court that indicates the ticket number and the date the ticket was answered and/or satisfied. Email a copy of the court document to or you may send a copy by mail to the address below.

All court fees and fines should be paid directly to the court involved.

If the ticket is reopened before the suspension date, the suspension will be rescinded and removed from your record.

If the ticket is reopened on or after the suspension date, you must pay a reinstatement fee of $175. The fee may be paid online, or by mail with a check or money order payable to “DMV.” 

For mail correspondence, please clearly print your name, date of birth, and current address on all documents and mail it to:

State of Connecticut 
Department of Motor Vehicles 
Driver Services Division 
60 State Street 
Wethersfield, CT 06161

Driving without a license and suspension

Anyone convicted for driving a motor vehicle without a driver’s license is subject to a suspension. The person’s age when the ticket is issued will determine applicable penalties. If your privilege to get a driver's license is suspended, you must resolve the suspension before getting a learner's permit or driver's license.

Suspension period

Under age 18
Anyone under age 18 who has been convicted for driving a motor vehicle without a driver’s license will have their driving privilege suspended for a period of one year.

Ages 18 or older
Anyone 18 years of age or older who has two or more convictions for driving a motor vehicle without a driver’s license will have their driving privilege suspended for 90 days for the second conviction and each subsequent conviction.

Getting your driving privilege back
You may not drive during your suspension. Prior to the end of the suspension, you must pay a $175.00 restoration fee to DMV.

Method of payment

Pay online
You can pay your license reinstatement fee online with a credit card.

Pay by phone
Call 860-263-5720 if you’d like to submit the restoration fee with our automated pay by phone option. This option is only available to in state license or identification card holders.

Pay by mail
Submit a check or money order made payable to “DMV” in the amount of $175 at least two weeks prior to your eligibility date.

Mailing Address:
Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles 
Driver Services Division 
60 State Street 
Wethersfield, CT 06161-1013 

Suspensions for minors

48-hour suspension for drivers age 16 or 17


Under Connecticut law, drivers age 16 or 17 who commit certain moving violations will have their drivers’ license seized by a police officer for 48 hours. In addition, the police officer is authorized to remove the vehicle from the scene. 


The license will be seized if cited for:

  • Violating any of the driving restrictions that apply after licensure. 
  • Driving 20 miles per hour or more above a posted speed limit. 
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 
  • Driving recklessly.
  • Racing a motor vehicle on a public highway.

The driver’s license would be considered suspended for 48 hours. Afterwards, the teen and their parent or legal guardian must go to the police department to have the license returned. They will also need to sign a written statement to acknowledge the return of the driver’s license by the police. 

Minors possessing alcohol
Drivers under age 21 face a mandatory suspension of their license for illegally purchasing or possessing alcohol. Illegal purchase or attempt to purchase carries a fine from $200 to $500.

Connecticut law prohibits those under age 21 from possessing alcohol in public places and on private property. 

A first offense is an infraction, and any subsequent offense carries a fine from $200 to $500. 

In addition, minors convicted of possessing alcohol on private property or in a public place will be subject to a 30-day license suspension; minors convicted of possessing alcohol on streets or highways will be subject to a 60-day license suspension. If the minor has not obtained a driver’s license, the privilege to obtain a license will be suspended. 

For more information, you can contact the DMV’s Drivers Services Division at 860-263-5720. 


Fake or fraudulent driver’s license or ID card

It is illegal in Connecticut to possess, get or procure a fake or fraudulent driver's license or state ID card. 

If you have previously gotten a driver’s license, learner’s permit, or non-driver ID under a fraudulent or fake name, date of birth, or Social Security Number other than your own, you must do the following:

  • Contact DMV's Document Integrity Unit at 860-263-5331 or 
  • Schedule a meeting with a DMV staff member 
  • Provide documents to prove your identity
  • Surrender the fake or fraudulent driver's license, learner's permit, or non-driver identification card 

At this meeting you’ll be offered the option of having a hearing or you may agree to sign a stipulated settlement and pay a fee of $175 (check or money order, no cash will be accepted).

Normal processing time is 10 business days from the date DMV's Document Integrity Unit receives the signed agreement and restoration fee.

All suspensions must be cleared before your driving privilege will be restored.

The restoration notice will be mailed to your Connecticut address.

If you fail to comply with the requirements above before you apply for a driver's license, ID card, or a drive-only license, DMV's Document Integrity Unit will find the other identities you have held and will revoke all licenses or ID cards.


Returned check or outstanding invoice

If you attempted to pay your fee, and the bank or credit card company did not make your payment to DMV, your privilege to drive a motor vehicle may be revoked.  If you’ve received a notice of suspension from the Revenue Accounting Unit, please call (860) 263-5884 or email to confirm the balance due.  


If your fees or fines are resolved after your suspension date, the DMV will cancel your driver’s license or registration credentials. 


To clear a Revenue Accounting Unit suspension:

  1. Confirm the fees you owe.  There may be penalty fee, in addition to a required restoration fee.  
  2. Call (860) 263-5884 or email to confirm the balance due. 
  3. Pay the required restoration fee.  Submit a check or money order in the amount of $175 made payable to "DMV".

This $175 restoration fee can be paid online.

You may also mail payment to:  

State of Connecticut
Department of Motor Vehicles
Revenue Accounting Unit

60 State Street, Room 327
Wethersfield, CT 06161