Get tax information on your registration

Find sales tax and property tax requirements for your registration

Get tax information on your registration

Find sales tax and property tax requirements for your registration


The state Department of Revenue Services (DRS) requires you to include sales tax information and/or purchase price on the Application for Registration and Title (form H-13B). In addition, motor vehicles are subject to a local property tax under Connecticut state law. This applies whether or not the vehicle is registered. The local property tax is computed and issued by your local tax collector.
  • Overview
  • Tax jurisdiction
  • Motor vehicle assessments
  • Delinquencies
  • Assessment appeals
  • Exemptions


Motor vehicles are subject to a local property tax under Connecticut state law. This applies whether or not the vehicle is registered. The local property tax is computed and issued by your local tax collector.

If you don’t register a motor vehicle but claim ownership, you must annually file a declaration form with your assessor(s) between October 1 and November 1.

Each town has its own ID number and contact information for property tax purposes.

Tax jurisdiction

A tax jurisdiction is your town of residence.

Motor vehicle assessments

Motor vehicle assessments are based upon 70% of average retail value as determined by your local assessor. Any questions regarding the assessed value of a vehicle should be referred to your local assessor.


The uniform assessment date is October 1st in Connecticut. Motor vehicles registered on October 1st will be part of the October 1st Grand List. Vehicles registered between October 2nd and July 31st will be listed on a supplement to the October 1st Grand List.

For most Connecticut municipalities, the tax due date for the October 1st Grand List bill is July 1st. The due date for the supplemental list bill is January 1st. Some municipalities give the option of paying the bill in installments.

Please contact the local tax collector to find out what the practice is in the town in which you live.


If your name has been reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles as being delinquent in payment for a motor vehicle, you will be unable to register, or renew, any vehicle until payment (including any accrued interest) is made. DMV will no longer accepts paper tax releases, your tax collector will need to clear you online.

Assessment appeals

Assessment appeals should first be directed to your assessor and then to the local Board of Assessments Appeals (BAA). The BAA meets during the month of September. September is solely for appeals relating to motor vehicle assessments appearing on the preceding October 1st Grand List.


You need to appear before the BAA for the Board to consider your appeal. If you are unable to appear in person, you may give written authorization for someone to appear on your behalf as your agent. All documentation substantiating your appeal should be presented during the meeting.

Any questions regarding the appeal process should be directed to your local tax assessor.


Property tax exemptions are available to qualified individuals such as: honorably discharged veterans, or their surviving spouses. For further information about these exemptions please contact the assessor in your municipality.


Please Note: A new exemption form must be filed whenever you move from one municipality to another. Please contact your assessor for further information.