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Please note:

Get your REAL ID by May 7, 2025: A REAL ID is a verified driver’s license or identification (ID) card that’s a federally accepted form of identification, sometimes referred to as a verified ID. Learn more.

Boat decals: Boat decals for the year 2026 will be distributed in April.

Cancel vehicle or vessel registration

Learn how to cancel your registration or plates

Cancel vehicle or vessel registration

Learn how to cancel your registration or plates

Registration cancellation overview

The Connecticut DMV offers options online, by mail, and in-person to cancel your vehicle registration and plates or vessel registration. We call this terminating your registration.

You will need to do this if you no longer have the registered vehicle or vessel or if you have moved out of state. Otherwise, your vehicle or vessel will be subject to property tax assessment in the town of record until your registration is cancelled. 

Once the registration has been cancelled, the vehicle will be removed from the next cancellation list that is provided to municipalities on October 1 each year. 


Note: You may cancel the registration of a deceased individual by mail. 

Estimated time to cancel your registration and plates online (for individuals): 7 minutes

Get started
  • Who is eligible
  • How to
  • Fees
  • Receipt

Who is eligible

Individuals: Please continue reading the below for information on how to terminate your vehicle registration & plates or vessel registration.


Organizations: Please click here to enter your information and terminate your vehicle registration & plates or vessel registration.


Note: Registrations that have a Revoked or Suspended status are not eligible.

How to

Step 1: Gather what you’ll need (for individuals only)

  • Your first and last name exactly how it appears on your driver’s license or non-driver ID card
  • Your driver’s license or non-driver ID card number
  • Your date of birth
  • Your license plate number or your CT vessel registration number
  • A credit or debit card
  • Your street address on your driver’s license or non-driver ID card
  • Your social security number

Step 2: Cancel your vehicle or vessel registration online




Get started


Organizations: Please click here to enter your information and terminate your vehicle registration & plates or vessel registration.


It is free to terminate your vehicle or vessel registration.

If the vehicle/vessel is eligible for a refund, you will be given the option to request one during the online termination process. Checks will be mailed to you from the Connecticut Office of the State Comptroller. 


Your plate disposition receipt will serve as proof that your vehicle or vessel registration has been terminated. 

If you need a copy of your registration cancellation or plate disposition receipt that you’ve previously terminated online, locate your receipt using the DMV’s online system and print a copy. This option is available to individuals who have terminated their registration online as of 10/31/2022 or later.

If you have terminated your registration prior to 10/31/2022, you can confirm your registration cancellation status online and print a copy.