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Please note:

Get your REAL ID by May 7, 2025: A REAL ID is a verified driver’s license or identification (ID) card that’s a federally accepted form of identification, sometimes referred to as a verified ID. Learn more.

Boat decals: Boat decals for the year 2026 will be distributed in April.

Protect against drive-only license-related fraud

Learn how to detect clever schemes

Protect against drive-only license-related fraud

Learn how to detect clever schemes

Beware of fraudulent practices regarding the drive-only program

Criminals use clever schemes to defraud millions of people every year.
Now they are using the Connecticut drive-only license to try to get you to pay for things you may not even need.

Fraud prevention tips:

  • Not all paid advertisements are accurate. 
  • You don’t need to pay anyone to help you apply for the drive-only license. There are clear instructions on the DMV website. 
  • Many public libraries and community organizations are happy to offer free advice on requirements. 
  • You can call the DMV call center and ask for help in English or Spanish:
    • DMV's call center hours: Operators are on duty Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
    • Call center phone numbers:

860-263-5700 (within the Hartford area or outside of Connecticut) 
800-842-8222 (elsewhere in Connecticut)