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The DMV Enfield Office is closed for renovations except for road testing.  Please visit our appointment system for a nearby office. 

Find a Business License Issued by DMV

Find a motor vehicle business license issued by DMV

Find a Business License Issued by DMV

Find a motor vehicle business license issued by DMV

Database of DMV-licensed businesses

All Connecticut motor vehicle dealers, repairers, leasing companies and manufacturers must be licensed by the DMV.

Please select on one of the following links below to view the business license list issued by DMV. The list is arranged by license number, DBAs (doing business as), business name, business address/location, expiration of license and type of license:

This list changes on a weekly basis. Licensees can be added or removed at any given time.

Manufacturer's License

You may also check the manufacturer’s license status in a regularly updated list of manufacturers: 

How to search dealer, repairer, leasing company or manufacturer for their DMV business license

When searching to verify if a dealer, repairer, leasing company or manufacturer is on this list, search by license number (N123, U12, R45 etc.) or business location (123 Main Street or Hartford). If you are searching the list in Excel, you may have to save it to your computer before this feature will work.

Type of business

License numbers include specific letters to indicate type of business:

  • O is for leasing company
  • J is for recycler (salvage/junkyard)
  • L is for a limited repair shop
  • N is for a new car dealer
  • U is for a used car dealer
  • R is for a general repair shop
  • M is for manufacturer  

Note: Many dealership and repair shop licenses are issued in a business name but the facility may be doing business in another name (have a DBA = Doing Business As). For example, XYZ Corporation may be doing business as Joe’s Garage. The address of Joe’s Garage will be on the list but the license will be in the XYZ Corporation name.