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Please note:

Get your REAL ID by May 7, 2025: A REAL ID is a verified driver’s license or identification (ID) card that’s a federally accepted form of identification, sometimes referred to as a verified ID. Learn more.

Boat decals: Boat decals for the year 2026 will be distributed in April.

Get special and vanity plates

See the extensive options available and instructions to customize your license plates

Get special and vanity plates

See the extensive options available and instructions to customize your license plates
Choose a special plate

Connecticut special plates are license plates that show your support of, or affiliation with, a variety local and national organizations, charities, and causes through unique plate designs.


Connecticut vanity plates are license plates that are personalized with letters and numbers of your choosing. They can be standard DMV-issued Connecticut plates, referred to as “off-the-shelf” plates, or one of the many special plate designs described below. Vanity plates are available for a variety of vehicles, including motorcycles, and you can order online for the following registration types: passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer.


  • Vehicle plates: You can request a vanity plate with up to seven characters.
  • Motorcycle plates: You can request a vanity plate with up to six characters, and veteran flag-style motorcycle plates allow for up to five characters.

Please note, one, two, or three-digit vanity plates are not available, regardless of plate class. When we say “digits,” we mean numbers only, while “characters” can include both numbers and letters. 


Request your plate online by selecting the category that best describes your situation: 


Note: Once an order is placed, you can’t edit your order or request a refund. Requests are processed in the order that they are received. Every attempt will be made to accommodate your request. The Department of Motor Vehicles reserves the right to deny issuance of certain requests. In addition, one, two, and three-digit plates cannot be ordered on the web, regardless of the plate type.


Available designs (plus sample & vanity plates)

Animal Plates

  • Animal population control plate

Animal population control plate


Thank you for showing interest in the animal population control license plate. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each plate helps to provide vaccination/sterilization benefits for any Connecticut resident who adopts a pet from a municipal pound through the Department of Agriculture’s Animal Population Control Program.


To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Please note: Along with the regular renewal fees, there will be an additional $15 fee for each renewal, $10 of which will be deposited in the Animal Population Control Program account.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase an animal population control plate and the cost involved:

Off-the-shelf license plates:

These are randomly assigned number-letter plates available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.

Remake of a current marker plate:

Animal population control plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types only.

  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the animal population control background.
  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Fee: $70

New vanity plates:

Previously issued PET, TLC, DOG, CAT, and WAG series are now available for the vanity plate fee of $139. Please contact the DMV’s Vanity Plate Unit at 860-263-5154 for availability.

City and Town Plates

  • City of Meriden plate
  • City of Norwich plate
  • Town of Stafford plate

City of Meriden plate



Thank you for showing an interest in the City of Meriden license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Michael Cardona
Phone: 203-630-4030

City of Norwich plate



Thank you for showing an interest in the Norwich Tourism Office’s City of Norwich license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: John Salamone
Phone: 860-823-3750

Town of Stafford plate



Thank you for showing an interest in the Town of Stafford license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Beth DaDalt
Phone: 860-684-1777

College Plates

  • Central Connecticut State University plate
  • Penn State Alumni Association plate
  • University of Connecticut plate
  • University of Hartford alumni plate
  • University of New Haven plate

Central Connecticut State University plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Central Connecticut State University license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact one of the people listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Contact: Kristin Gordon
Phone: (860) 832-2587


Penn State Alumni Association plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Penn State Alumni Association license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Jeff Gartman
Phone: 814-571-1908

University of Connecticut plate


Thank you for showing interest in the University of Connecticut license plate. When you buy a University of Connecticut plate, a portion of the new plate and renewal fees help support UConn alumni services and programs.

To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration will not be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can’t request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Note: Along with the regular renewal fees, there is an additional $55 fee for each renewal of this plate.

Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a University of Connecticut plate and the cost involved:

Off-the-shelf license plates:

These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.

  • By choosing an off-the-shelf plate, you give up your current marker plate number and get a new plate with random numbers and letters selected by the DMV.
  • Plates can be requested online (individual or organization), or by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).

  • Fee: $55

Remake of a current marker plate:

University of Connecticut plates are available for passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.

  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the University of Connecticut background.
  • Plates can be requested online (individual or organization), or by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $75

New vanity plates

University of Connecticut plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types. Learn more about vanity plates.

University of Hartford alumni plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the University of Hartford Alumni Association license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Tamyra Farrell
Phone: (860) 768-2466

University of New Haven plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the University of New Haven license plate. When you purchase this plate, you are helping to support the University of New Haven Alumni Association. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Jennifer Pjatak
Phone: 203-932-7082

Environmental- Special Interest Plates

  • Connecticut greenways plate
  • Conserve wildlife plate
  • Ducks unlimited plates
  • Long Island Sound plate
  • Preservation Connecticut plate
  • Save our lakes plate

Connecticut greenways plate


Thank you for showing interest in the Connecticut greenways license plate. If you enjoy hiking, biking, or horseback riding on trails around the state, the Connecticut greenways plate is for you.


To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a Greenways plate and the cost involved:


Off-the-shelf license plates:

These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.

Remake of a current marker plate:

Greenways plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types only.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the greenways background. Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $70

New vanity plates:

Learn more about vanity plates.

  • Fee: $139

Conserve wildlife plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the conserve wildlife license plates. If you want to show your support for wildlife conservation in Connecticut, these are the license plates for you—and there are two great designs to choose from!


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates. If your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates. In addition to the regular renewal fees, there is an additional $15 fee for each renewal of this plate.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a conserve wildlife plate and the cost involved.


Off-the-shelf license plates:

These are randomly assigned number/letter plates that are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types. These plates are not available at an office, they must be requested by mail.

Remake of a current marker plate:

You can have your current marker plate number re-made with the Conserve Wildlife background if your vehicle is currently registered in Connecticut as a passenger, combination, commercial, camper, or camp trailer registration type.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
    • Be sure to indicate if you’d like the eagle or the bobcat design on your application.
  • Fee: $70

Ducks unlimited plates


Thank you for showing an interest in the Ducks Unlimited license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Kathy Knapp
Phone: 203-592-0926

Long Island Sound plate


Thank you for showing interest in the Long Island Sound plate.


When you buy a Long Island Sound plate, a portion of the fee goes into the Long Island Sound Fund. The Department of Environmental Protection distributes the money to schools, municipalities, environmental groups, and other non-profit organizations, which apply for grants for projects to benefit the Long Island Sound.


To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a Long Island Sound plate and the cost involved:


Off-the-shelf license plates:

These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.

Remake of a current marker plate:

Long Island Sound plates are available for passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registrations.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the Long Island Sound background. Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $70

New vanity plates:

Learn more about vanity plates.

  • Fee: $139

Preservation Connecticut plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Preservation Connecticut license plate (previously known as the Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation plate). To purchase these plates, you must:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Sorensen Jordan 
Phone: 203-562-6312

Save our lakes plate


Thank you for your interest in the save our lakes license plate. This plate enhances public awareness of the state’s efforts to preserve and protect our lakes and ponds from aquatic invasive species and cyanobacteria blooms.


To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a save our lakes plate and the cost involved:


Off-the-shelf license plates:

  • These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.
  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Fee: $60

Remake of a current marker plate:

Save our lakes plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types only.

  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the save our lakes background. Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $80

New vanity plates:

Learn more about vanity plates.

  • Fee: $149

Military and Veteran Style Plates

  • Disabled American Veterans Plate
  • First Company Governors Foot Guard plate
  • First Company Governors Horse Guard plate
  • Flag-Style Veteran Motorcycle Plate
  • Flag-style veteran plate (specific wartimes available)
  • Gold Star Family plate
  • Greater Hartford Chapter of the 82nd Airborne plate
  • Iwo Jima survivor plate
  • Korean War Veterans Association Inc. plate
  • Laos Veterans of America plate
  • Marine Corps League plate
  • Military Order of the Purple Heart plate
  • National Guard Association of Connecticut (active) plate
  • National Guard Association of Connecticut (retired) plate
  • Pearl Harbor 1941 survivors plate
  • Second Company Governors Foot Guard plate
  • Support Our Troops plate
  • U.S. Submarine Veterans plate

Disabled American Veterans Plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Disabled American Veterans license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • You must be a member of the Disabled American Veterans organization.
  • Contact the liaison listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Kevin Sanders and Ronald Werlich

Phone: 203-440-4440

First Company Governors Foot Guard plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the First Company Governor's Foot Guard license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact:  Major Raymond Hite
Phone:  (860) 670-3236

First Company Governors Horse Guard plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the First Company Governor's Horse Guard license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Georgette Ravenberg
Phone: 203-631-7410

Flag-Style Veteran Motorcycle Plate


The Connecticut DMV offers a special flag-style veteran motorcycle license plate with a light blue background and an American flag. The word “Veteran” is proudly displayed in large letters on the bottom of the plate. This plate does not replace specific existing veteran plates but offers an additional style of veteran plate.


Requests for flag-style veteran motorcycle plates can only be done by mail. Please follow the instructions below for the type of plate you need and mail the application and required documents to the DMV:

  • Department of Motor Vehicles 
    Customized Plates Unit 
    60 State Street 
    Wethersfield, CT 06161 

Application process:

  • Request a flag-style veteran motorcycle plate by completing the special order veteran plate application (Form M-46).
  • Plate requests must be made for motorcycles that are currently registered in Connecticut with a permanent registration and owned or leased by an honorably discharged veteran or the surviving spouse of such veteran.
    • If the surviving spouse of veteran wishes to apply, they must submit a copy of marriage certificate, death certificate, along with required documents).
    • Active-duty members of the Armed Forces or an eligible former reservist may also apply for this motorcycle plate.
  • A copy of Certificate of Honorable Release or Discharge from Active Duty (Form DD 214) or copy of a current military ID card must be submitted with the application.
  • Fee: $27.50

Replace current plates and change to the next available veteran series plate:

  • Request a flag-style veteran motorcycle plate by completing the special order veteran plate application (Form M-46).
  • A copy of Certificate of Honorable Release or Discharge from Active Duty (Form DD 214) or copy of a current military ID card must be submitted with the application.
  • Fee is $27.50

Remake current plates to flag-style veteran plate background:

  • Request a flag-style veteran motorcycle plate by completing the special order veteran plate application (Form M-46).
  • A copy of Certificate of Honorable Release or Discharge from Active Duty (Form DD 214) or copy of a current military ID card must be submitted with the application.
  • Fee is $27.50

New motorcycle vanity plates:

  • Request a flag-style veteran motorcycle plate by completing the special order veteran plate application (Form M-46).
  • A copy of Certificate of Honorable Release or Discharge from Active Duty (Form DD 214) or copy of a current military ID card must be submitted with the application.
  • The motorcycle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for motorcycles registered with plates other than Connecticut plates, out-of-state, or with a temporary registration won't be accepted.
  • Fee: $96.50

Vanity plate options:

Flag-style veteran motorcycle plates can only accommodate five characters or fewer, or four characters and one dot (a dot is considered one character).

Flag-style veteran plate (specific wartimes available)


The Connecticut DMV offers a special veteran license plate with a light blue background and an American flag. This plate does not replace specific existing veteran plates, but offers an additional style plate with two choices for wording on the bottom of the plate:


Option 1: The word “Veteran” is proudly displayed in large letters on the bottom of the plate.


Option 2: The specific wartime is also proudly displayed in large letters on the bottom of the plate (e.g., “World War II Veteran”) out of the following 10 options:

  • Afghanistan War Veteran
  • Grenada Veteran
  • Iraq War Veteran
  • Korean War Veteran
  • Lebanon Veteran
  • Operation Earnest Will Veteran
  • Panama Veteran
  • Persian Gulf War Veteran
  • Vietnam War Veteran
  • World War II Veteran

Veteran plate series:

Both options of the veteran special license plate are available for the following registration classification: passenger, commercial, combination, camper, and camp trailer.

Requests for plates with specific wartimes can only be done by mail. Please follow the instructions below for the type of plate you need and mail the application and required documents to the DMV:

  • Department of Motor Vehicles 
    Customized Plates Unit 
    60 State Street 
    Wethersfield, CT 06161

Request flag-style veteran special plates:

  • You can request these license plates, with or without a specific wartime, by completing the special order veteran plate application (Form M-46).
  • Plate requests must be made for vehicles that are currently registered in Connecticut with a permanent registration and are owned or leased by an honorably discharged veteran or the surviving spouse of such veteran.
    • If the surviving spouse of veteran wishes to apply for a plate, they must submit a copy of marriage certificate, death certificate, along with required documents.
    • Active-duty members of the Armed Forces or an eligible former reservist may also apply for this plate.
  • A copy of Certificate of Honorable Release or Discharge from Active Duty (Form DD 214) or copy of a current United States Uniformed Services ID card or a copy of Connecticut driver’s license or ID card with American flag symbol must be submitted with the application.
  • Note: For plate requests that include specific wartimes, a copy of your DD 214 may be required as medals are listed on the discharge paperwork.
  • You may only acquire the same registration type as you currently have on your vehicle. For example, if your vehicle is currently registered with a passenger plate type, you can only request a passenger plate NOT a disabled veteran type plate, unless the vehicle is currently registered with those plate type.

Replace current plate and change it to the next available veteran series plate:

  • These are available in passenger, commercial, combination, camper, camp trailer, and motorcycle.
  • Plate requests must be made for vehicles that are currently registered in Connecticut with a permanent registration and are owned or leased by an honorably discharged veteran or the surviving spouse of such veteran.
    • If the surviving spouse of veteran wishes to apply for a plate, they must submit a copy of marriage certificate, death certificate, along with required documents.
    • Active-duty members of the Armed Forces or an eligible former reservist may also apply for this plate.
  • Request a flag-style veteran special plate by completing the special order veteran plate application (Form M-46).
  • A copy of Certificate of Honorable Release or Discharge from Active Duty (Form DD 214) or copy of a current United States Uniformed Services ID card or a copy of Connecticut driver’s license or ID card with American flag symbol must be submitted with the application.
  • Note: For plate requests that includes specific wartimes, a copy of your DD 214 may be required as medals are listed on the discharge paperwork.
  • Fee: $27.50

Remake of a current marker plate:

  • These are available for passenger, commercial, combination, camper, and camp trailer series.
  • Plate requests must be made for vehicles that are currently registered in Connecticut with a permanent registration and are owned or leased by an honorably discharged veteran or the surviving spouse of such veteran.
    • If the surviving spouse of veteran wishes to apply for a plate, they must submit a copy of marriage certificate, death certificate, along with required documents.
    • Active-duty members of the Armed Forces or an eligible former reservist may also apply for this plate.
  • Request a flag-style veteran special plate by completing the special order veteran plate application (Form M-46).
  • A copy of Certificate of Honorable Release or Discharge from Active Duty (Form DD 214) or copy of a current United States Uniformed Services ID card or a copy of Connecticut driver’s license or ID card with American flag symbol must be submitted with the application.
  • Note: For plate requests that includes specific wartimes, a copy of your DD 214 may be required as medals are listed on the discharge paperwork.
  • Fee: $27.50

New vanity plates:

  • These are available for passenger, commercial, combination, camper, and camp trailer series.
  • Plate requests must be made for vehicles that are currently registered in Connecticut with a permanent registration and are owned or leased by an honorably discharged veteran or the surviving spouse of such veteran.
    • If the surviving spouse of veteran wishes to apply for a plate, they must submit a copy of marriage certificate, death certificate, along with required documents.
    • Active-duty members of the Armed Forces or an eligible former reservist may also apply for this plate.
  • Request a flag-style veteran special plate by completing the special order veteran plate application (Form M-46).
  • A copy of Certificate of Honorable Release or Discharge from Active Duty (Form DD 214) or copy of a current United States Uniformed Services ID card or a copy of Connecticut driver’s license or ID card with American flag symbol must be submitted with the application.
  • Note: For plate requests that includes specific wartimes, a copy of your DD 214 may be required as medals are listed on the discharge paperwork.
  • The vehicle must be in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered with plates other than Connecticut plates, out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted.
  • Fee: $96.50

Gold Star Family plate


Thank you for showing interest in the Gold Star Family license plate.


This plate serves as a memorial for Connecticut service members who were killed in the line of duty. This plate is available to their immediate family members. Immediate family consists of spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, child, grandmother, or grandfather.


To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a Gold Star Family plate and the cost involved:


Off-the-shelf license plates:

These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, camp trailer, and handicapped registration types.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • The vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted.
  • No fee.

Remake of a current marker plate:

Gold Star Family plates are only available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, camp trailer, and handicapped registration types.

  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the Gold Star Family background.
  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • No fee.

Vanity plate options are also available for a $69 fee.

Greater Hartford Chapter of the 82nd Airborne plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Greater Hartford Chapter of the 82nd Airborne license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Jeffrey Baillargeon

Iwo Jima survivor plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Iwo Jima survivor license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: William Wood
Phone: 860-583-8554

Korean War Veterans Association Inc. plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Korean War Veterans Association license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Have a vehicle is currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Robert Clinch
Phone: 860-229-2806

Laos Veterans of America plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Laos Veterans of America license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Sar Phouthasach
Phone: 860-683-1829

Marine Corps League plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Marine Corps League license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Walt Benson
Phone: 203-768-8435

Military Order of the Purple Heart plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Military Order of the Purple Heart license plate. To purchase these plates, you must:

  • Be a member of a chapter of the Military Order of the Purple Heart organization.
  • Contact the organization liaison listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Robert Sodergren
Phone: 860-485-1321

National Guard Association of Connecticut (active) plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the active National Guard Association of Connecticut license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Edward Barry
Phone: 860-247-5000

National Guard Association of Connecticut (retired) plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the National Guard Association of Connecticut (retired) license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Edward Barry
Phone: 860-247-5000

Pearl Harbor 1941 survivors plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Pearl Harbor 1941 survivors license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Arthur Schreier
Phone: 860-274-3630

Second Company Governors Foot Guard plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Second Company Governor's Foot Guard license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won’t be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: John Depastino
Phone: 203-753-9530

Support Our Troops plate


Thank you for showing interest in the Support Our Troops license plate. When you purchase a Support Our Troops plate, a portion of the fee is deposited in an account to provide funding for programs to assist Connecticut troops, their family members, and veterans.


To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a Support Our Troops plate and the cost involved:


Off-the-shelf license plates:

These are randomly assigned number-letter plates available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, camp trailer, and handicapped registration types.

Remake of a current marker plate:

Support Our Troops plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types only.

  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the Support Our Troops plate background.
  • Plate requests are made on the special plate application (Form M-22).
  • Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $80

U.S. Submarine Veterans plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the U.S. Submarine Veterans license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Michael Hodges



Vanity plates

In addition to the many special plates, you can further customize them (or a standard-issue Connecticut plate) as a vanity plate, which is a license plate with a customized combination of letters or numbers. Vanity plates are also available to order online in the following registration types: passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer.


Please note that applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only apply for combination plates. You can't get combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Before you order, please note:

  • Cancellation of an order won't entitle you to a refund.
  • Once an order is placed, it can't be changed.
  • The DMV is not issuing plates with only one, two, or three digits, regardless of plate type (e.g., passenger, combination, motorcycle, etc.).
  • You can't substitute the letter "O" for the number "0."
  • One, two, and three-digit plates cannot be ordered on the web, regardless of plate type. 

Vehicle requirements for order:

A valid Connecticut registration is required. If the vehicle is due for renewal, please renew the current registration before applying for vanity plates.
You can’t have any outstanding compliance issues, including delinquent taxes. Resolve these prior to applying.


Vanity plate options:

Any combination of letters and numbers that’s seven characters or fewer. There can be no dashes or extra spaces between letters. Only one dot is allowed, and the dot can't be placed at the beginning or end of a plate number.


Note on motorcycle vanity plates:

  • Standard motorcycle plates can only accommodate up to six characters and one dot.
  • Veteran motorcycle and classic motorcycle plates can only accommodate up to five characters, or up to four characters and one dot.

Order process:

  • Request a vanity plate using the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • See the application form for specific fees.
  • Send completed application and payment for fee (check made payable to “DMV”) to the address below or submit an application and pay fees online at the link below.

Note: It may take up to eight weeks to receive your new plates. Requests are processed in the order that they are received. Every attempt will be made to accommodate your request. The Department of Motor Vehicles reserves the right to deny issuance of certain requests.


By mail:
Mail application and payment to:
Department of Motor Vehicles
Customized Plates Unit
60 State Street
Wethersfield, CT 06161


You can also apply for vanity plates and pay fees online:

Sample plates

The DMV offers sample Connecticut registration plates for sale to the general public—these are sample plates only and are NOT valid plates for a vehicle that will be registered or driven. All samples will consist of one plate with the word "sample" stamped where the marker number usually appears. Most styles of currently-issued special plates are available as sample plates.


To get a sample plate:

  • Complete the copy records request (Form J-23), selecting Section 4 (Miscellaneous Request).
  • Indicate that you’re requesting a sample plate and be sure to specify the style of license plate(s) you want samples for.
  • Fill in quantity box with number of plates requested.
  • The unit price box would be $25. (The total amount due would be the total number of plates ordered times $25.)
  • Complete the address box at the bottom of the form with your mailing address and return the completed form with payment (check made payable to “DMV”) for the fee to:

    Department of Motor Vehicles 
    Copy Records Unit 
    60 State Street 
    Wethersfield, CT 06161-0503

Contact: DMV Special Order Plate Unit
Phone: 860-263-5154

Recreational Style Plates

  • Amateur radio call letter plate
  • Candlewood Lake Authority plate
  • Classic vehicle plate
  • Ferrari Club of America plate
  • New England Air Museum plate
  • Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut plate
  • Year of Manufacture plate

Amateur radio call letter plate


Thank you for your interest in the amateur radio call letter license plate. This plate can be issued to a vehicle that’s currently registered in Connecticut bearing passenger, commercial, combination, camper, or motorcycle plates. To get an amateur radio call letter plate for these types of vehicles, the amateur radio licensee's name and the registered owner of the vehicle must be the same.


Listed below are the procedures for getting a "new" call letter plate and for getting "additional" call letter plates. If you have questions, please contact the DMV’s Special-Order Plate Unit at 860-263-5154.


To get a "new" amateur call letter plate, please:

  1. Complete the application for amateur radio call letter plates (Form B-6).
  2. Provide a copy of your current valid amateur radio call letter license, issued to you by the Federal Communications Commission, bearing the call letters of the plate for which you’re applying.
  3. Send the above documentation and a check made payable to the "DMV" in the amount of $25 to:

    Department of Motor Vehicles
    Special Order Plate Unit
    60 State Street
    Wethersfield, CT 06161

To get "additional" amateur call letter plates, please:

  1. Complete the application for amateur radio call letter plates (Form B-6).
  2. Provide a copy of your current valid Amateur Radio Call Letter license issued to you by the Federal Communications Commission bearing the call letters of the plate for which you are applying.
  3. Submit the above documentation and a check made payable to the "DMV" in the amount of $45 to:

    Department of Motor Vehicles
    Special Order Plate Unit
    60 State Street
    Wethersfield, CT 06161

Note: Upon receipt of your application, it will take approximately six to eight weeks for the amateur call letter plates to be manufactured. Once the plates are received from the manufacturer, they will be mailed directly to you.

Candlewood Lake Authority plate

Candlewood Lake Authority Plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Candlewood Lake Authority license plate. To purchase these plates: 

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application. 
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates. 

Vanity plate options are also available. 

Contact: Jeannine Usher  
Phone: 860-354-6928

Classic vehicle plate


Classic vehicle license plates in a standard-issue format are available at DMV hub and branch office locations. Classic vehicle vanity plates are available to order by following the instructions below.


To get a classic vehicle vanity plate, the vehicle’s model year must be 20 years old or older, and currently registered in Connecticut. If you have another type of plate on your vehicle, you’ll need to process a license plate transfer by turning in your existing plates at a DMV hub and branch office location, and getting off-the-shelf classic vehicle plates.


Classic vehicle vanity plate – request by mail only:

Plates can be requested online (individual or organization), or by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).

The vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut with the classic vehicle plate design (or the previous designed early American plates). Please see vanity plates on this page for additional information.


  • Fee to get a classic vehicle plate for first time: $47 plus two-year registration fee.
    • Note: Registration fee varies depending on amount of time left on current registration. You will be credited with the amount of time left on current registration.
  • Fee to order vanity plate with "classic vehicle" design: $96
  • Fee to replace plate with early American design with a plate with new classic vehicle design: $27

According to state law, any antique, rare, or special-interest motor vehicle, as defined in Title 14-1(3), shall be assessed at a value of not more than $500.

Ferrari Club of America plate

Ferrari Club of America Plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Ferrari Club of America (New England region) license plate. To purchase these plates: 

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application. 
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. 

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates. 

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates. 

Vanity plate options are also available. 

Contact: Stanley Cohen  
Phone: 860-549-4740 

New England Air Museum plate

New England Air Museum Plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the New England Air Museum license plate. To purchase these plates: 

Contact the person listed below to get an application.

Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. 

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates. 

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates. 

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Stephanie Abrams 
Phone: 860-623-3305

Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut plate

Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut license plate. To purchase these plates: 

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application. 
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. 

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates. 

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available. 


Contact: Karin Pyskaty
Phone: 203-488-5528

Year of Manufacture plate

According to Connecticut state law (Title 14 Sec. 14-20), the owner of an antique, rare, or special interest vehicle may be authorized to display the "original" issued license plate that corresponds with the year of manufacture of said vehicle.


In order to qualify for the display of the Year of Manufacture (YOM) plate, registrants must have the original plate or plates in their possession with the plates corresponding to the year of manufacture of the vehicle on which they are to be used.


To receive authorization to display your vehicle’s YOM plate, you need to meet the following criteria:

Once the application has been approved and the license plates are being displayed, you must meet the following guidelines:

  • Registration of the Early American or Classic (Antique) plates must be maintained
  • Early American or Classic plates must be kept in the vehicle while the YOM plates are being displayed
  • The Early American or Classic plate registration document, as well as the above approved application to display YOM plates (must be carried in the vehicle at all times.

Police and Fire Organization Plates

  • Firefighters of Connecticut plate
  • Fraternal Order of Police plate
  • Operation Lifesaver plate
  • Police Commissioners Association of Connecticut plate
  • Police memorial (in the line of duty) plate
  • Uniformed Professional Firefighters Association of Connecticut plate

Firefighters of Connecticut plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the firefighters of Connecticut license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the liaison listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Your local fire chief  

Fraternal Order of Police plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Connecticut Fraternal Order of Police license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: John Krupinsky 
Phone: 203-994-9271 

Operation Lifesaver plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Operation Lifesaver license plate. Operation Lifesaver Inc. is dedicated to reducing collisions, fatalities, and injuries at highway-rail crossings as well as trespassing on or near railroad tracks. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • The vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Kevin Burns
Phone: 203-497-3381

Police Commissioners Association of Connecticut plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Police Commissioners Association of Connecticut license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. 

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.


Police memorial (in the line of duty) plate


Thank you for showing interest in the police memorial (in the line of duty) license plate. Any CT citizen can apply for this license plate. However, if you’re the spouse, parent, or child of a state trooper or municipal police officer who was killed in the line of duty, please refer to the special reserved passenger series information listed below. For all other applicants, please refer to the off-the-shelf license plates.

To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Special reserved passenger series:
The Connecticut General Statute allows for the first 1,000 license plates in the passenger series to be reserved for spouses, parents, and children of state troopers and municipal police officers killed in the line of duty. Please direct any requests for the special reserved passenger series plates to:


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a Police Memorial plate and the cost involved:


Off-the-shelf license plates:

These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types. Any citizen of Connecticut can apply for the police memorial (in the line of duty) license plate and will be provided with off-the-shelf generic lettered special interest plates.

Remake of a current marker plate

Police memorial special plates are available for passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the police memorial background. Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $70

New vanity plates:

  • Fee: $139

Contact: Karen Boisvert
Phone: 203-427-2601

Uniformed Professional Firefighters Association of Connecticut plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Uniformed Professional Firefighters Association of Connecticut license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Contact: Steven H. Michalovic
Phone: 860-953-3200, ext. 14

Plates for Organizations with Varied Interests

  • Celebrate nursing plate
  • Children First Foundation plate
  • Cure kids cancer plate
  • Cure prostate cancer plate
  • Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation plate
  • Keep kids safe plate
  • Lions Eye Research Foundation plate
  • United We Stand plate

Celebrate nursing plate


Thank you for showing interest in the celebrate nursing license plate.
When you purchase a celebrate nursing plate, you will help support the mission of the Connecticut Nurses' Foundation to fund scholarships that will assist in building the nursing workforce of the future.


To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a Celebrate Nursing plate and the cost involved:


Off-the-shelf license plates:

These randomly assigned number/letter plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.

Remake of a current marker plate:

Celebrate nursing special plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types only.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the Celebrate Nursing background. Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $80

New vanity plates:

Learn more about vanity plates.

  • Fee: $149

Children First Foundation plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Children First Foundation license plate. To purchase these plates, you must:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates. 


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Dr. Elizabeth Rex
Phone: 877-386-3236

Cure kids cancer plate


Thank you for showing interest in the cure kids cancer license plate.

When you purchase a cure kids cancer plate, a portion of the fee is deposited into an account for the purpose of providing funding to the Pediatric Oncology Units at the Connecticut Children's Medical Center and Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital.

Please note: Along with the regular renewal fees, there will be an additional $15 fee for each renewal, $10 of which will be deposited in the Childhood Cancer Awareness account.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates. If your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.

Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a cure kids cancer plate and the cost involved.


Off-the-shelf license plates:

These are randomly assigned number/letter plates that are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types for vehicles that are currently registered in Connecticut.

Remake of a current marker plate:

You can have your current marker plate number re-made with the cure kids cancer background if your vehicle is currently registered in Connecticut as a passenger, combination, commercial, camper, or camp trailer registration type.

New vanity plates:
These plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, or camp trailer registration types for vehicles currently registered in Connecticut.

Cure prostate cancer plate


Thank you for showing interest in the cure prostate cancer license plate. The plate is designed to enhance public awareness of efforts to treat and cure prostate cancer and to support research into treatment.


To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. If your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a cure prostate cancer plate and the cost involved:


Off-the-shelf license plates:

These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer.

Remake of a current marker plate:

Cure prostate cancer plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, camp trailer, and handicapped registration types only.

  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the cure prostate cancer background. Your current marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Fee: $80

New vanity plates:

These plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, or camp trailer registration types for vehicles currently registered in Connecticut. Learn more about vanity plates.

Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. 

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact:  LaTosha Kendall
Phone: (860) 243-4049

Keep kids safe plate


Thank you for showing interest in our keep kids safe license plate. When you purchase a keep kids safe plate, a portion of the fee goes to Connecticut’s keep kids safe fund, in support of Safe Kids CT. This organization supports many projects for Connecticut youth and awards grants to schools, hospitals, municipalities, and other non-profit organizations working together to make all Connecticut children safer from severe and preventable injuries.

To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a keep kids safe plate and the cost involved:

Off-the-shelf plates:

  • These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.
  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Fee: $50

Remake of a current marker plate number:
Keep kids safe special plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types. You will maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the keep kids safe background.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number requested.
  • Fee: $70

New vanity plates:

  • Fee: $139  

Lions Eye Research Foundation plate



Thank you for showing an interest in the Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plate.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Sandra Uitti
Phone: 860-274-9065

United We Stand plate


Thank you for your interest in the United We Stand license plate. All fees established and collected pursuant to the United We Stand plate (except moneys designated for the administrative costs of the DMV) shall be deposited in the United We Stand commemorative account.

This account shall be distributed to the United States Department of State Rewards for Justice program and used solely to apprehend terrorists and bring them to justice. The account will also be distributed to the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management for the purpose of providing financial support and assistance to the former spouses and dependents of persons killed as a result of the acts of terrorism committed on September 11, 2001.

The vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle.


For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Off-the-shelf license plates: 

These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types. 

  • A special passenger series of plates will be issued, starting with 100·USA thru 999·USA. When this series is depleted, a regular assigned series will be issued.
  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Fee: $50

Remake of a current marker plate:

United We Stand plates are available for passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registrations.

  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the United We Stand background. Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $70

New vanity plates:

  • Fee: $139

Organization Plates

  • Amistad license plate
  • Benevolent & Protective Order of the Elks plate
  • Blue Knights International plate
  • Candlewood Lake Authority plate
  • Connecticut Knights of Columbus plate
  • Grand Lodge of Connecticut plate
  • Hartford Whalers plate
  • IUOE Local 478 plate
  • Olympic spirit plate
  • P.T. Barnum Foundation Inc. plate
  • Red Sox Foundation plate
  • Special Olympics plate
  • USS Connecticut Commissioning Committee plate

Amistad license plate


Thank you for showing interest in the Amistad commemorative license plate. When you purchase an Amistad plate, you help promote awareness of this proud Connecticut story to the nation and also support the Amistad America Endowment Fund to ensure that the legacy of the Amistad ship is cherished for generations to come.

To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase an Amistad license plate and the cost involved:

Off-the-shelf license plates:
These randomly assigned number/letter plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.

Remake of a current marker plate:

Amistad plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types only. You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the Amistad background.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $70 

Vanity plates

  • Fee: $139 

Benevolent & Protective Order of the Elks plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the liaison listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. 

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Contact: Secretary of your Elks lodge

Blue Knights International plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Blue Knights International license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Frank Kelly
Phone: 203-531-8384

Candlewood Lake Authority plate

Candlewood Lake Authority Plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Candlewood Lake Authority license plate. To purchase these plates: 

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application. 
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates. 

Vanity plate options are also available. 

Contact: Jeannine Usher  
Phone: 860-354-6928

Connecticut Knights of Columbus plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Connecticut Knights of Columbus license plate. To purchase these plates:

Contact the person listed below to get an application.
Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: Steven Bacon
Phone: (203) 751-1384

Grand Lodge of Connecticut plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Grand Lodge of Connecticut Freemasonry license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Vanity plate options are also available.


Contact: James M. Anderson
Phone: 203-679-5453

Hartford Whalers plate


Thank you for showing interest in the Hartford Whalers license plate. The plate is designed to provide funding to the Connecticut Children's Medical Center.

You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.

Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase a Hartford Whalers plate and the cost involved:

Off-the-shelf license plates:

These assigned number plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • The vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted.
  • Fee: $60

Remake of a current marker plate

Hartford Whalers plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, camp trailer, and handicapped registration types only.

  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the Hartford Whalers background.
  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested.
  • Fee: $80 

New vanity plates: 

Hartford Whalers license plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, camp trailer, and handicapped registrations.

IUOE Local 478 plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 478 license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Jessica Bonilla

Phone: 203.288.9261, ext. 265

Cell phone: 475.301.7474


Olympic spirit plate


Thank you for showing interest in the Olympic spirit license plate. To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. If your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.


Below you will find information on the different ways you can purchase an Olympic Spirit plate and the cost involved:

Off-the-shelf license plates: 

These randomly assigned number/letter plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types.

Remake of a current marker plate

Olympic spirit special plates are available in the passenger, combination, commercial, camper, and camp trailer registration types only.

  • Plates can be requested by completing the special order plate application (Form M-22).
  • You maintain your current marker plate number and have it re-made with the Olympic spirit background. Your present marker plate number would be the same marker plate number being requested. 
  • Fee: $90

New vanity plates:

  • Fee: $159 

P.T. Barnum Foundation Inc. plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the P.T. Barnum Foundation Inc. license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Charles Carroll
Phone:  (203) 367-8495

Red Sox Foundation plate


Thank you for showing interest in the Red Sox Foundation license plate. When you buy a Red Sox Foundation plate, a portion of the fees support and help fund academic scholarship programs in Connecticut.

To order these plates, the vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut. Applications for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before applying for these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as currently on your vehicle. For instance, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only receive combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

How to get a Red Sox Foundation plate:

  1. Fill out the CT Red Sox charity license plate application.
  2. Enclose a check payable to “DMV” for $65 for a standard plate or $134 for a new personalized vanity plate.
  3. Enclose a separate check payable to “Red Sox Foundation” for $50.
  4. Mail both the application and the two separate checks to:

Red Sox Foundation
Attn: CT License Plates 
4 Jersey Street 
Boston, MA 02215 

Contact: Kiana Swepson
Phone: (617) 226-6768

Visit the Red Sox Foundation website to learn more.

Special Olympics plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the Special Olympics license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.

You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Kristen Busch 
Phone: 203-230-1201, ext. 236

USS Connecticut Commissioning Committee plate


Thank you for showing an interest in the U.S.S Connecticut Commissioning Committee license plate. To purchase these plates:

  • Contact the person listed below to get an application.
  • Vehicle must be currently registered in Connecticut.

Note: Any applications received for vehicles registered out-of-state or with a temporary registration won't be accepted. Also, if your registration is due to expire within the next 45 days, you must renew your registration before requesting these plates.


You may only acquire the same registration type as is currently on your vehicle. For example, if you currently have combination plates on your vehicle, you can only request combination plates. You can't request combination plates if your vehicle is currently registered with passenger plates.

Vanity plate options are also available.

Contact: Delores Hauber
Phone: 860-445-5411

Create a new special license plate


Thank you for your interest in creating a new special license plate. The Connecticut DMV adheres to specific regulations (general statues 14-19a) when issuing a new special plate to members of an organization. 

See below for detailed requirements:
The organization must be a non-profit and needs to submit a copy of their charter of by-laws and a letter of good standing from the State of Connecticut Secretary of State’s office (as required), as well as any Internal Revenue Service (IRS) ruling of their non-profit tax-exemption status.
The logo production and cost incurred to create the special plate will be the responsibility of the organization. The logo prototype design, preferred in .PDF file format, must be submitted to the DMV. The logo can be no larger than two (2) inches wide and three-and-a-half (3.5) inches in height. The DMV Commissioner or their agent has final approval on all license plate and logo designs.

The organization applying for a new special license plate must appoint a liaison to be responsible for all communications with the DMV, as well as:
Certifying and authenticating (by signature) each member’s application
Submitting the organization’s logo design for DMV approval
Submitting 400 applications with the required fee(s) prior to the manufacturing of the special plates—contact the DMV for the applications
Submitting special interest plate disclaimer