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Please note:

Get your REAL ID by May 7, 2025: A REAL ID is a verified driver’s license or identification (ID) card that’s a federally accepted form of identification, sometimes referred to as a verified ID. Learn more.

Boat decals: Boat decals for the year 2026 will be distributed in April.

Get a flashing light permit for emergency and maintenance vehicles

Learn how to qualify for a flashing or siren light permit

Get a flashing light permit for emergency and maintenance vehicles

Learn how to qualify for a flashing or siren light permit

Overview of flashing light permits

What’s a flashing light permit?
Certain emergency or maintenance vehicles may be allowed to display lights other than most standard motor vehicle lights, known as flashing or siren lights (or safety lights/emergency lights). These lights and sirens alert other motorists of an emergency or maintenance situation.

The display of flashing lights on such emergency or maintenance vehicles requires a written permit from the DMV as described in CGS Section 14-96q.


How to get a flashing light permit
Permits can only be processed by mail and cost $20 per permit, payable by check or money order made out to “DMV.” Please complete your permit application and mail it with payment to:


Department of Motor Vehicles
60 State Street
Wethersfield, CT 06161
Attn: Specialized Registry Unit

Please call the DMV with any questions: 860-263-5700.


See below for the different categories of flashing and siren light permits and related applications, as well as frequently asked questions (FAQs).

  • Emergency vehicles
  • Maintenance vehicles or escort vehicles
  • Emergency personnel

Emergency vehicles

For flashing lights for emergency vehicles, please complete the application for flashing light permit - emergency vehicles (Form E-215EV) and submit with a $20 fee per permit.

Below are the emergency vehicles as defined in state statute 14-283(a) that qualify for a flashing light permit:

  • An ambulance or vehicle operated by an emergency medical service organization responding to an emergency call or taking a patient to a hospital
  • A fire truck or other vehicle used by a fire department or officer of one responding to a fire or emergency call (but not returning from one)

Maintenance vehicles or escort vehicles

For flashing lights for maintenance vehicles or escort vehicles, please complete the application for yellow/amber light - maintenance/escort vehicles permit (Form E-215ME) and submit with the $20 fee per permit.


Construction vehicles, road service vehicles, escort vehicles, snowplowing vehicles or utility/cable vehicles must be approved by a local police chief, resident trooper, town official or DOT. 

Companies with 10 or more vehicles requiring an amber light permit, may apply for a blanket permit using form E-215ME and including a list of fleet vehicles.  Please include the year, make, VIN & current plate number for each vehicle.  Permits are $20 per vehicle.


Emergency personnel

For flashing or siren lights for emergency personnel, please complete the Application for yellow, red, white light permit (Form E-215) and submit with payment of $20 per permit.


The following personnel must complete form E-215 to apply for a red, white, red/white, red/white/amber or white/amber permit.  Please check all applicable boxes on the form.

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of emergency medical service organization
  • Assistant/Deputy to CEO of emergency medical organization
  • Director of emergency management
  • Fire chief
  • Assistant fire chief
  • Deputy fire chief
  • Fire marshal
  • Fire police
  • Constable