2022 CTDOT Construction Advisories
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Emergency Bridge Maintenance on I-84 Eastbound in Plainville
CTDOT is announcing that an emergency bridge maintenance project will be performed on I-84 in Plainville starting April 13, 2022.
Rehabilitation of Culverts on I-395 in Norwich
CTDOT is announcing the start of punch list work to complete the three culvert rehabilitations under I-395 between Exits 13 and 18 starting on April 18, 2022.
Intersection Improvements on Route 35 in Ridgefield
CTDOT is announcing that intersection improvements on Route 35 will begin on April 23, 2022.
I-691 Exit 6 Westbound Ramp Closures to Begin On or Around April 18
CTDOT is announcing nighttime closures of On and Off Ramps along I-691 westbound through May 2.
Guiderail upgrades on Route 72 Eastbound in New Britain
CTDOT is announcing guiderail upgrades will be performed on Route 72 starting April 25, 2022.
I-691 Exit 5 Westbound Ramp Closures to Begin On or Around April 25
CTDOT is announcing nighttime closures of On and Off Ramps along I-691 westbound through May 2.
Milling Project on Route 32 in Norwich
CTDOT is announcing that a milling project will be performed on Route 32 starting April 21, 2022.
Milling Project on Service Route 646 in Norwich
CTDOT is announcing that a roadway milling project will be performed on Service Route 646 (North Thames Street) starting April 21, 2022.
Emergency Declaration for Removal of Unstable Rock on the Slope of Route 8 Northbound in Shelton
CTDOT is announcing emergency work will be performed on the northbound side of Route 8 near the Long Hill overpass in Shelton beginning April 11, 2022
Milling Project on Route 313 in Seymour
CTDOT is announcing that a milling project will be performed on Route 313 from Route 67 to Route 115.
Week-long Closure of Strawberry Hill Avenue over I-95 in Norwalk
CTDOT is announcing the closure of Strawberry Hill Avenue from April 18 to April 25 between Beacon Street and Norden Place
Emergency Tree Work on I-84 in Danbury
CTDOT is announcing emergency tree work will take place on I-84 westbound in Danbury from Exit 5 to Exit 4 on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, to Tuesday April 19, 2022.
Milling and Paving in Guilford, Branford, and Fairfield
CTDOT is announcing the start of work on Monday April 11, 2022 on Interstate 95 in Guilford, U.S. Route 1 in Branford and Route 135 in Fairfield.
I-691 Exit 7 Westbound Ramp Closures to Begin April 11
CTDOT is announcing nighttime closures of On and Off Ramps along I-691 westbound will start April 4 and continue through May 2.