
 CTDOL’s Middletown Appeals & Adjudications offices will be closed on Friday Sept. 13, for service. No other office is impacted.

Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment (UI RESEA)

Read time: 6 minutes

UI RESEA is a program funded by the U.S. Department of Labor to help unemployment insurance claimants return to work faster. Claimants are selected to participate based on multiple factors, including most likely to exhaust UI benefits. If you are selected, you will receive a notification by email within five weeks of initiating your claim that advises you to participate in a virtual meeting.

The UI RESEA meeting includes an eligibility assessment regarding your unemployment benefits and a review of your work search approach and efforts. You will receive information about the services available through the American Job Centers as well as labor market and career information. An American Job Center representative will help you develop a plan to address your specific reemployment needs. Your plan will include a referral to one mandatory virtual reemployment service.

If you are currently receiving unemployment benefits and received a RESEA Notification Letter, click below for next steps.


CTDOL Homepage
Unemployment Benefits and Claim Services
Guide to Unemployment Insurance