
 CTDOL’s Middletown Appeals & Adjudications offices will be closed on Friday Sept. 13, for service. No other office is impacted.

Can I receive unemployment benefits if I quit my job voluntarily?

Read time: 6 minutes

Unemployment benefits and voluntary employment separation

You may be eligible if the circumstances around the separation meet the exceptions in the law and you are otherwise eligible.   The exceptions are as follows: 


  1. Where you leave suitable work for good cause attributable to the employer, including leaving as a result of changes in conditions created by your employer;
  2. Where you leave work to care for your spouse, child, or parent with an illness or disability, as defined in the law;
  3. Where you leave work due to the discontinuance of transportation, other than your personally owned vehicle, used to get to and from work, provided no reasonable alternative transportation is available;
  4. Where, while on layoff from your regular work, you accept other employment and leave such other employment when recalled by your former employer;
  5. Where you leave work which is outside your apprenticeable trade to return to work in your regular apprenticeable trade;
  6. Where you leave work solely by reason of governmental regulation or statute;
  7. Where you leave part-time work to accept full-time work;
  8. Where you leave work to protect yourself, your child, your spouse or your parent from becoming or remaining a victim of domestic violence, as defined in the law, provided you have made reasonable efforts to preserve the employment; and
  9. Where you leave work to accompany your  spouse to a place from which it is impractical for you to commute due to a change in location of the spouse's employment.

Benefits Eligibility