Wage & Workplace Standards Complaint Forms Instructions


Please read the following information carefully before submitting a complaint form to the Wage and Workplace Standards Division.

The Wage and Workplace Standards Division investigates alleged violations of labor laws under its jurisdiction in an employee-employer relationship. We do not possess statutory authority to investigate complaints such as, but not limited to, wrongful termination, employment discrimination, un-employment matter, business expenses, and tax issues.

Based on provisions outlined in Connecticut General Statute 52-596 (Actions for payment of remuneration for employment), investigations of failure to pay wages are limited to the previous two years from the date of submission of a complaint to the division.

We reserve the right to reject anonymous complaints with respect to wage and working condition matters.
For specific laws we do enforce, please refer to our complaint forms and our website.

If you need to file a wage or workplace standards complaint with the Wage and Workplace Standards Division, you may access the complaint forms by clicking the link provided below. This form was previously available only through the mail or by visiting your local American Job Center.  The Wage Payment Laws are available on our web site for your convenience. 

Statement of Claim for Wages (Wage Complaint) or Workplace Standards Complaint Form

Statement of Claim for Wages to report or recover missed or unpaid wages.
Workplace Standards Complaint Form to report non-wage related workplace issues.

Due to the high volume of wage and workplace standards claims actively pending and/or under investigation, we are currently 8-10 months behind the assignment of new claims.  It is also important to note that we do not possess jurisdiction to investigate or enforce complaints involving wrongful termination, hostile work environment or harassment in the workplace. 

If you need assistance in completing this form, please contact the Wage and Workplace Standards Division at (860) 263-6790 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 8am-4:30pm) or visit your local American Job Centers.


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