Unit 2 - Algebra I Curriculum - Math
Teacher Resources
Investigation 1
- Overview
- Activity 2.1.1 The Magic of Algebra
- Activity 2.1.2 Representing Expressions using Flowcharts
- Activity 2.1.3 Representing Expressions with Algebra Arrows
- Activity 2.1.4 Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
Investigation 2
- Overview
- Activity 2.2.1 Solving Equations using Flowcharts
- Activity 2.2.2 Solving Equations with Algebra Tiles
- Activity 2.2.3 Solving One-Step Equations
- Activity 2.2.4 Equations in Education
- Activity 2.2.5 NYC Cab Fares
- Activity 2.2.6 Station Problems
- Activity 2.2.6a Speed Mathing
- Activity 2.2.7 Solving Two-Step Linear Equations
Investigation 3
- Overview
- Activity 2.3.1 Combining Like Terms with Algebra Tiles
- Activity 2.3.2 Solving Equations that Contain Like Terms
- Activity 2.3.3 Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides
- Activity 2.3.4 Practice Solving Equations
- Activity 2.3.5 Solving Equations with Balance Scales
- Activity 2.3.6 How Many Solutions
- Activity 2.3.7 Comparing Cab Fares
Investigation 4
- Overview
- Activity 2.4.1 Solving Problems using the Distributive Property
- Activity 2.4.2 Distributive Property with Algebra Tiles
- Activity 2.4.3 Using the Distributive Property
- Activity 2.4.4 Walk-A-Thon
- Activity 2.4.5 Epic Win Epic Fail
- Activity 2.4.5a Practice Solving Equations
- Activity 2.4.6a Pizza Party
- Activity 2.4.6b Pizza Party
- Activity 2.4.7 Multi-Step Equation Challenge
- Activity 2.4.8 Fraction Busters
- Activity 2.4.9 Geometry and Sports
- Activity 2.4.10 Arithmetic Sequences Revisited
- Activity 2.4.11 Big Brain Contest
Investigation 5
- Overview
- Activity 2.5.1 Literal Equations
- Activity 2.5.2 More Literal Equations
- Activity 2.5.3 Literal Equations with Flowcharts
- Activity 2.5.4 Green Problems
Investigation 6
- Overview
- Activity 2.6.1 Representing Inequalities
- Activity 2.6.2 Equations and Inequalities
- Activity 2.6.3 When Do We Flip It
- Activity 2.6.4 Working with Inequalities
- Activity 2.6.5 Practice Solving Inequalities
- Activity 2.6.6 Putting it All Together
- Activity 2.6.7 Passing Linear Inequalities
- Activity 2.6.8 Inequalities in the Real World