New ReEmployCT Password Information

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New Security Requirements for ReEmployCT Passwords

Effective Friday, April 28, 2023, federal guidelines will require all ReEmployCT passwords to meet stricter security standards. Users will be prompted to change their password on the first login to ReEmployCT on or after Friday, April 28th.   

The new password requirements include the following:

  • A minimum of 14 characters 
  • Uppercase and lowercase letters
  • At least 1 number
  • At least one special character from the following: @, #, $, %, !, and * 
  • Your passwords expire in 90 days
  • You cannot repeat your last 24 passwords/passphrases
  • For passwords, do not use words from the dictionary or common patterns, e.g., "Cookies!123456"; instead, replace several letters within the password/passphrase with numbers or symbols e.g., "C0ok!3s$012923" 

To protect the security of your unemployment account, do not use the same password for ReEmployCT and any other personal account.

Unemployment Insurance (UI) Tax Division

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