The Danielson and Willimantic American Job Centers will be closing at noon on 1/23/25.

Name, Address and Status Changes

Read time: 6 minutes

Address Change: To update your address with the CT DOL, please log in to ReEmployCT and click Account Maintenance>Maintain Address.

Business Name Change: If your business name changed (and the FEIN remains the same), please e-mail DOL.STATUS@CT.GOV and provide us with the Employer Account Number (EAN) and either of the following documents:

  1. The Secretary of the State document showing the name change.
  2. An IRS letter that shows the new name of the business with the FEIN.

Status Changes:

1. Terminate Account - Once an employer becomes liable, they can only be terminated if:

  •  They no longer are operating a business in CT.
  • They revoke their voluntary acceptance as detailed in CT General Statute Sec. 31-223(b).
  • They request a Release from Liability as detailed in CT General Statute Sec. 31-223(c).
  • They have filed “Zero” Tax and Wage Report for 8 consecutive quarters (Federal tax performance standards prohibit states from reporting, as active, the accounts of employers that have filed “Zero” Tax and Wage Report for 8 consecutive quarters).

2. FEIN change - If your company FEIN has changed, please e-mail DOL.STATUS@CT.GOV and provide the Employer Account Number (EAN), correct FEIN and an explanation for why the FEIN has changed.

3. Acquisition Notification - A business is required (as detailed in CT General Statute CGS 31-223(h) to notify Connecticut Labor Department electronically and timely if they acquired a business.  To do so, log in to ReEmployCT and click Acquisition Notification.

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