Annual Reports to the Connecticut General Assembly Regarding the Application of Military Training or Experience for Service Members

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Public Act No. 14-131, An Act Concerning the Findings of the Military Occupational Specialty Task Force, and Public Act No. 14-65, An Act Concerning Revisions to the Higher Education Statutes and Military Occupational Licensing Data, require state licensing authorities to certify, waive, grant, or award certain licenses, registrations, examinations, training, or credit for veterans, armed forces or National Guard members (service members) with military experience or qualifications similar to those otherwise required. These Public Acts, and Public Act No. 18-37, An Act Including the Higher Education Committee in the Receipt of Annual Reports Relating to Military Veterans and Licensure, also require the reporting of military occupational licensing data (Conn. Gen. Stat. Sec. 4-61bb).

Department of Labor

Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection

Department of Public Health

Office of Higher Education

Department of Consumer Protection

UCONN Board of Trustees


More reports can be found here: Reports to the Governor and the Legislature

Veterans Services

Veteran services