Where should I look for a job online?

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How can I find a job?

The secret to finding a job is knowing where to find them. Using one of our special job websites can help you find a great job in here in Connecticut. 


CTHires.com is a great source for jobs near you! Created with the CT Department of Labor, CTHires gives you

  • A powerful job search tool
  • Custom job alerts
  • Trending employers
  • Online workshops
  • and more!

Apprenticeships: Earn while you learn a trade at employers throughout the state. 

CareerConneCT: Get the skills and training needed for high-demand, high-quality careers right here in Connecticut.

CareerOneStop: See job postings in Connecticut and get lots of information to help your job search. 

Eastern CT Jobs Pipeline: Manufacturers and healthcare providers in eastern Connecticut are looking for new talent – and providing training, too!

Job & Career ConneCTion: Find more links to your target jobs and industries in Connecticut plus resources for becoming happily self-employed. 

Job Fairs: Attend these free events by American Job Center

Reemployment Portal: If you’ve been laid off, make sure you visit this website to: 

  • Get free online job skills training
  • Find classes and training programs
  • Explore careers
  • Find the right jobs and employers for you




