The Danielson and Willimantic American Job Centers will be closing at noon on 1/23/25.

How do I become a Registered Apprentice?

Read time: 6 minutes

1. Click on this link APPRENTICESHIP SPONSORS (EXCEL). That will open an excel document of all the current employers participating in the program. To search and sort this excel file: make sure you are able to edit the document. If you see a yellow bar at the top that says "PROTECTED VIEW" just click on the Enable Editing button.

2. To sort by Trade (column A): click the down arrow. In the drop down box uncheck "(Select All) and in the search box right above it, type your trade, ex: electrician", then click ok.

Once you have sorted by trade, you may also use the above instructions to sort by city (column D) or employer name (column B). To return to the original document, click on the down arrow again and check "(Select All)"\

3. Find the trade you are interested in using column A. Those employers may have apprenticeships available; you’ll need to reach out to them to determine if they are accepting new apprentices. An apprenticeship is a job with that company, not all companies will be hiring at the time you are looking, so keep checking the list for openings.

4. Once you have been hired by the company, they will work with CTDOL to establish you as a Registered Apprentice. You will be employed and do classroom work that will make you a master in your craft at the end of the program.”

Education and training Jobs Apprenticeship