Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations - Forms

Complaint Forms

For Municipal Employers and Employees Only

For State Agency Employers and Employees Only

For certain Private Sector Employers and Employees

For Certified Teachers and Administrators employed by local or regional Boards of Education

Petition Forms

Municipal Petition 

Pursuant to Section 7-471(1) of the Municipal Employee Relations Act, the petitioner alleges that a question or controversy concerning representation exists and requests that the CSBLR resolve the issues.

State Petition 

Pursuant to Section 5-275 of the Act Concerning Collective Bargaining for State Employees, the petitioner alleges that a question or controversy concerning representation exists and requests that the CSBLR resolve the issues.

Private Petition 

Pursuant to Section 31-106 of the Connecticut State Labor Relations Act, the petitioner alleges that a question or controversy concerning representation exists and requests that the CSBLR resolve the issues