Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations

This division helps employers and employees resolve differences and craft agreements, safeguards employees’ rights to organize, and compels employers to abide by collective bargaining agreements and Connecticut’s wage and workplace standards.

About Us

Our quasi-judicial Board helps workers and employers in four ways by:

  • Helping employees and employers resolve disputes and agree on a course of action
  • Protecting the right of workers to bargain collectively
  • Protecting the rights of public sector and some private sector employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations
  • Administering the major portion of four collective bargaining statutes covering state and municipal employees, public school teachers, certain administrators, and some private sector employees


General Info 

Learn about what we do and how we conduct business. 

Litigation Decisions 

A listing of litigation decisions, available for download in PDF format.

Meeting Minutes & Board Meetings 

View meeting minutes and a schedule of our upcoming meetings.

Acts and Updates 

Read the current MERA, SERA, and TNA acts.

Full text board decisions 

See any of our decisions from 1945 to today.


Download claimant or petition forms.

Policies and Procedures 

Learn about what we do and how we conduct business.

Board Members

Ann F. Bird


Ellen Carter


Thomas P. Clifford III


Barbara J. Collins

Board Member

Katherine C. Foley

Board Member

Susan Meredith


Connecticut State Board of Mediation and Arbitration

general icon

The Board helps employers and employees resolve disputes. We provide binding arbitration services outside of the court system for the public and private sectors and numerous other services. 

For more information, visit the Mediation and Arbitration page. 

Learn More