School Board-Teacher Negotiation Act (TNA)

(Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 10-153a, et seq.)


The School Board -Teacher Negotiation Act was enacted in 1976, giving the Labor Board jurisdiction to resolve prohibited practice complaints of certified school board personnel (teachers and administrators) and school boards. While teachers had the right to bargain as early as 1961, there existed no machinery to police the conduct of this process until the passage of this statute. The Labor Board has no jurisdiction to handle representation issues, however, which is the responsibility of the State Board of Education.

Effective October 1, 2021, school boards and employee organizations representing certified school board personnel may also file prohibited practice complaints under the TNA alleging violations of Conn. Gen. Stat. § 31-40bb (Access to Public Employee Orientations and Information by Exclusive Bargaining Representative. Right to Use Electronic Mail System, Buildings and Other Facilities. Payroll Deductions. Dispute Proceedings. Prohibited Practices).

Statutes & Regulations

Connecticut General Statutes § 31-40bb  

An Act Concerning Access to Certain Public Employees by the Exclusive Bargaining Representative of a Public Employer Bargaining Unit.

Connecticut General Statutes §§ 10-153a, et seq.  

School Board-Teacher Negotiation Act.

Frequently Filed Complaints

The types of complaints most often filed with the Labor Board pursuant to the TNA are similar to those described under MERA and SERA. For example: 

1. Unilateral Change – Milford Board of Education, Decision No. 5295 (2023); Hartford Board of Education, Decision No. 5097 (2019); Oxford Board of Education, Decision No. 4763-A (2015); Vernon Board of Education, Decision No. 4552 (2011); Winchester Board of Education, Decision No. 4130 (2006).

2. Subcontracting – Hartford Federation of Teachers, Decision No. 4528 (2011); Torrington Board of Education, Decision No. 3726 (1999).

3. Duty to Supply Information – Seymour Board of Education, Decision No. 4231 (2007); Farmington Board of Education, Decision No. 2627 (1988); see also West Hartford Board of Education v. Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations et al., 190 Conn. 235 (1983).

4. Discrimination – Salem Board of Education, Decision No. 5337 (2024); Waterbury Board of Education, Decision No. 5142 (2020); Bridgeport Board of Education, Decision No. 5101 (2019); Hartford Board of Education, Decision No. 4983 (2017). 

5. Duty of Fair Representation – Hartford Federation of Teachers (John Grande), Decision No. 5291 (2023); Enfield Teachers Association (Sean Sweeney), Decision No. 4916 (2016); Norwalk Federation of Teachers (Diana McCammon), Decision No. 4892 (2016); Bridgeport Board of Education (Lyman S. Hopkins), Decision No. 4254 (2007). 

6. Contract Repudiation – Milford Board of Education, Decision No. 5295 (2023); Hartford Board of Education (Elaine Papas), Decision No. 5179 (2021). 
