Codes Amendment Subcommittee
Connecticut Code Change Proposal Form2024 Meeting Dates for Codes Amendment Subcommittee
2025 CSBC & CSFSC Code Change Proposals (CCPs)
25-007: BC-FC ESS Detection - Denis McCarthy-Lithium ion battery storage
25-008: BC-NFPA 130 - Michael LeBlanc-Construction and alterations of rail passenger stations
25-010: BC-IBC 1607.1-Patrick Conlon-Parking garages, commercial kitchens
25-011: BC-IBC 107.1-Raymond Steadward- Delete section of exception to allow flexibility for small projects
25-012: BC-IBC 1031.2-Raymond Steadward-Clarification on EERO
25-015: BC-IBC 406.3.2.1-Walter Summers-Added fire separation between garages and dwelling units
25-016: BC-IBC-1705.18-Terrence Dunn Jr.-Requiring inspections of penetration firestop systems
25-017: BC-IBC-2703.2-Leo Smith-Limits on color temperature of exterior lightning
25-018: BC-IBC-420.12-Peter Zvingilas-Specialized R-2 dwelling units with a single exit
25-019: BC-IBC-1006.3.4-Peter Zvingilas-To allow more units per floor in an R-2 use with a single means of egress
25-020: BC-IBC-4067.1-6-Timothy Suden-Electric Vehicle charging stations
25-021: BC-IBC-Section 2703-Meredith Barges-Light pollution controls
25-023: BC-IBC-1611.1-Thomas Bronson-Amend rain load requirements
25-027: BC-IBC-1807.2.5-CSBC-1807.2.1.1-Thomas Bronson-Guard requirements at retaining walls
25-029: BC-IBC-903.2.8, Exception #2-Al Torromeo-Change of Occupancy
25-030: BC-IBC-903.2.8, Exception #2-Raymond Marcotte-Change of Occupancy
25-032: BC-IBC-NEC 2703 – Exception 2-Tanya Bourgoin-Light Pollution Control
25-033: BC-IBC-IFC-1019.3-Joseph Versteeg-Retain wording as printed in the 2024 IBC
25-034: BC-IBC-IFC-1026.2-Joseph Versteeg-separation between buildings or refuge areas
25-037: BC-IBC-903.2.8 Exception #2-Ewan Sherriff- Change of Occupancy
25-038: BC-IBC-NFPA 54-2024 12.5.2-David Shulman-Flue gas vent system
25-039: BC-IBC-202.1(Amend)- 1705.6.1(Add)-1809.14(Add)-Jeremy A. Haugh-Rigid Inclusion Systems
25-040-BC-FC-IBC-IFC-1028.2 - Joseph Versteeg-Exit Discharge
25-043: BC-IBC-Section 2703 - Exception 1-Joyce Leiz-Light Pollution Control
25-051: BC-IBC-107.2.2-John Murphy-Add current CT 2020 amended section 107.2.2 as Addition
25-052: BC-IBC-IFC-907.2.11-John Murphy-smoke alarm
25-054: BC-FC-IBC-IFC-Chapter 35-Lincoln White-Vehicle impact protection
25-059: BC-IBC-IRC-Section 105-James Harriott-EPA regulations for RRP
25-062: BC-Denis McCarthy
25-067: BC-IBC-IRC-IMC-IPC-IEBC-Harwood W. Loomis-Technical changes among codes
25-068: BC-IEBC-IBC-IRC-Section 102.3, 102.7.2-James Harriott-Workmanship
25-001: FC-IFC 503.1.4-Anthony Fino-Existing fire department access roads
25-002: FC-IFC 315.3.5-Anthony Fino- Fuel fired appliances
25-005: FC-IFC 907. Franklin-During construction
25-006: FC-IFC 1207.6.6-Steve Cummings-Thermal runway detector
25-007: BC-FC ESS Detection - Denis McCarthy-Lithium ion battery storage
25-009: FC-IFC 606.3-Anthony Fino-Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations
25-022: FC-IFC-1006.3.4 Number 6-Peter Zvingilas-single exit for R-2 occupancy not more than 5 stories
25-028-FC-CSFC-Chapter 31-Mark Dawson-Temporary special event structures
25-033: BC-IBC-IFC-1019.3-Joseph Versteeg-Retain wording as printed in the 2024 IBC
25-034: BC-IBC-IFC-1026.2-Joseph Versteeg-separation between buildings or refuge areas
25-035: FC-IFC-503.1-Joseph Versteeg-fire apparatus access roads
25-036: FC-IFC-1101.1-Joseph Versteeg-continued use of an existing building that is compliant with the prior edition of CFSC Part IV
25-040-BC-FC-IBC-IFC-1028.2 - Joseph Versteeg-Exit Discharge
25-050-FC-CSFSC-Chapter 40-Sections 4001.1-4001.1.1-4003.2-4005.1-Gary Schulte-wine barrel and cask regulations
25-052-BC-IBC-IFC-907.2.11-John Murphy-smoke alarm
25-054: BC-FC-IBC-IFC-Chapter 35-Lincoln White-Vehicle impact protection
25-055: FC-IRC-IFC-R324.6-Michael Coutu-Roof access and pathways
25-062: BC-Denis McCarthy
25-065: FC-IFC Chapter 4-Walter Summers - Detailed requirements based on occupancy
25-007: BC-FC ESS Detection - Denis McCarthy-Lithium ion battery storage
25-013: BC-IRC R310.2.1-Raymond Steadward- To require smoke detectors in buildings other than dwelling units that may have sleeping room
25-014: BC-IRC R311.2.1-Raymond Steadward-CO Detectors
25-046: BC-IRC-P2801-Chapter 28-Roger Stolting-temperature control requirement
25-049-BC-IPC-IMC-IRC-Chapter 21, Section M2101.9-Roger Stolting-Piping support spacing
25-055: FC-IRC-IFC-R324.6-Michael Coutu-Roof access and pathways
25-056: BC-IRC-R324.6.2-Mike Trahan-solar panel ridge setback
25-057: BC-IRC-R324.6.4-Chris Worley-Roof access configurations
25-059: BC-IBC-IRC-Section 105-James Harriott-EPA regulations for RRP
25-062: BC-Denis McCarthy
25-064: BC-IRC-Section 306.2-Walter Summers-Dwelling unit garage fire separation
25-067: BC-IBC-IRC-IMC-IPC-IEBC-Harwood W. Loomis-Technical changes among codes
25-068: BC-IEBC-IBC-IRC-Section 102.3, 102.7.2-James Harriott-Workmanship
25-069: BC-IRC-Section 202-Harwood W. Loomis-Accessory Structure
25-003: BC-NEC 250.50-Earl Dean- Grounding electrode system
25-031: BC-IBC-NEC 210.1-John Brower-l alternative method of providing AFCI protection
25-024: BC-NEC-Section 210.12-Ravi Ramanathan-Arc fault circuit interrupter protection
25-045: BC-NEC-90.2 Scope-Doug Colter-Restore original wording of NEC
25-041: BC-IEBC-Section202-Douglas S. Graham-substantial structural damage
25-042: BC-IEBC-Sections 502.3, 503.3, 805.2, 1103.1-Douglas S. Graham-5% gravity rule trigger
25-059: BC-IBC-IRC-Section 105-James Harriott-EPA regulations for RRP
25-061: BC-IEBC-Section 804.10.0-804.10.2-William Lardi-Handrails in Stairways
25-067: BC-IBC-IRC-IMC-IPC-IEBC-Harwood W. Loomis-Technical changes among codes
25-068: BC-IEBC-IBC-IRC-Section 102.3, 102.7.2-James Harriott-Workmanship
25-044-BC-ICC-IPMC-Albi Sako- Adopt IPMC into the SBC to uniformly protect health and safety of persons/property
25-053: BC-ICC-IPMC-Judith Rothschild-Adopt IPMC into the SBC to uniformly protect health and safety of persons/property
25-058: BC-ICC-IPMC-Tracy Blonch
25-049: BC-IPC-IRC-Chapter 3, Section 308/Table 308.5-Roger Stolting-Piping support spacing
25-067: BC-IBC-IRC-IMC-IPC-IEBC-Harwood W. Loomis-Technical changes among codes
25-004: BC-IECC C405.11-Stephen Waldie-Exception: Hospitals are exempt
25-070: BC-IECC-Section C402.1 & Chapter 6-Kerry Sutton-Thermal Envelope
25-071: BC-IECC-Section C402.1 add Item Y, ACI-TMS 122.3-Kerry Sutton-Thermal
25-072: BC-IECC-Section R402.1 add Item 3, ACI-TMS 122.2-Kerry Sutton-Thermal
25-073: BC-IECC-Table R405.4.2(1)-Eric Lacey-Performance path
25-074: BC-IECC-R408.2.9-Eric Lacey-RECA
25-075: BC-IECC-Tables R402.1.2 and R402.1.3-Eric Lacey-RECA
25-076: BC-IECC-RG & RL-CB &CC-Erin Sherman-equal site energy outcomes for all fuel types
25-077: BC-IECC-Appendix RK with amendments and Appendix CH-Erin Sherman-require electrification readiness to future-proof all buildings
25-078: BC-IECC-Section C101.2.1R101.2.1-Victoria Hackett-Energy affordability, efficiency
25-080: BC-IECC-R402.1.3 and R408.2.9-Dragana Thibault-Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership
25-025: BC-IMC-Section101.2.1, AppendixD, AppendixE-Dominique Taudin- Clean air delivery and monitoring
25-049: BC-IPC-IMC-IRC-Section 305/Table 305.4-Roger Stolting-Piping support spacing
25-066: BC-IMC-Section 1109.2.5-Dov Feinmesser-Refrigerant pipe shafts
25-067: BC-IBC-IRC-IMC-IPC-IEBC-Harwood W. Loomis-Technical changes among codes
25-026: BC-IBC-ISPSC 305-Eric Kist-Physical barrier around inground pools
25-060: BC-ISPSC-Section 305.1-Condition 1-Shane White-Pool wall barrier
25-063: BC-ISPSC- Section 307.2.2-Raymond Steadward-Structural designs pool and spas
25-079: BC-ISPSC-305.1 General-Robert Romand-Minimize residential drownings
25-081: BC-ISPSC-305.1-Raymond Rescildo-CONSPA Pool barrier code
25-082: BC-ISPSC-Section 305-Dominick Mondi-Pool barrier
25-083: BC-ISPSC-Section 305.5-Dominick Mondi-Pool barrier