Statewide security services
A person using access card

Your safety comes first

DAS’s Statewide Security Unit helps state employees, clients, visitors, and assets stay safe. The unit:

  • Develops and implements security policies, procedures, and standards
  • Protects people and things at state-owned and leased facilities
  • Manages the State’s workplace violence reporting system
  • Helps agencies manage safety incidents

Building access and parking

Use these forms if your State of Connecticut manager or project contact asks you to get access to buildings and parking.

ID, building access, and parking (PDF) 

Use one form to apply for a photo ID, building access key card, and parking permit (hang tag).

Agency parking liaisons (PDF) 

Contact your liaison for help getting a parking permit.

Parking rules (PDF) 

Learn the rules for using DAS-provided parking in Hartford and other municipalities.

Contact DAS

Security and Safety Management

Raymond Philbrick, CPP

Statewide Director of Security and Safety Management
Department of Administrative Services
Bureau of Property and Facilities Management
450 Columbus Blvd, Suite 10
Hartford, Connecticut 06103

Phone: 860-713-5811
Fax: 959-200-4844
