DAS innovation in technology
Group of people discuss technology in team meeting

We lead innovation in tech

The Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (BITS) is leading the way to improve the lives of CT residents through technology. It's why the Center for Digital Government recently ranked Connecticut third in the nation for our digital government efforts.

As part of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS), the BITS team stays on the frontier of technological advancements through one of the most highly-skilled State workforces in the country. It's why we're able to carry forth the Governor's vision of making Connecticut the nation's first all-digital government.

Our core responsibility is to keep critical services running in the State. But our mission is to make sure citizens have opportunities for work, children can advance in school, and families can put food on the table. This requires teamwork, new ideas, and 24/7 dedication. This is who we are. Find out about BITS.

3 core behaviors icon

Why we're different

Why is BITS so successful? We've identified and adopted 3 core behaviors for our team. These principles guide our work and inform every decision we make.

DAS/BITS service desk

Looking for technical support?

Customer success managers and the agencies they serve

Get in touch with Customer Success Managers according to their affinity group, name, and agency. Select a group from the drop-down below to find the contact information for the correct affinity and person.

Affinity Group Name Agency


Education (CSDE)


Jim Mindek

Connecticut Technical Education and Career System (CTECS)


Beth Lehn

State Library (CSL)


Scott Grabowski

Office of Higher Education (OHE)

It service

Featured IT services

Check out links to our most popular supports.

BITS Groups

How BITS succeeds

DAS BITS IT services and assistance

How BITS helps

Analytics & business intelligence tools

We are glad to offer this kind of software. This service helps you use tools to understand and analyze data. You can create reports and predictions using expert databases and thorough information. You can also better understand, analyze, and predict business data.

Application delivery controllers

Maintain a smooth and safe network. The App Delivery Controller balances the load, handles security, and ensures high availability. You can often use an App Delivery Controller through various devices that work together across different data centers.

Automation services

BITS Data Center Operations uses a computer program called Computer Associates ESP. This program helps government agencies plan, track, and manage tasks that are scheduled or happen because of certain events in all their computer systems. That way, automation organizes and keeps everything running smoothly.

BITS Payment services application

We created the BITS Payment Services Application for all state agencies. This tool helps you safely process credit card payments.

Biznet services

Biznet Services is a DAS application. You can use this tool to develop and support your apps. The platform hosts more than 100 applications for agencies.

Custom application development

DAS and BITS comprise the Applications Development Group. Together, these teams design, blend, and create computer systems. These systems help all DAS agencies and services.

Data center operations services

BITS offers Data Center Operations. This service is for state agencies. The center oversees and reacts to statewide network, data center, or system events 24 hours daily.

Data integration

Data Integration combines different data sources. That way, users have one blended view of this information.

Database administration

Database Administration helps design database strategies. It also improves performance, plans for future growth, and fixes damaged databases. Database administration oversees different vital parts of IT. These responsibilities include managing the system, space, performance, security, database models, schemas, and backups.

Distributed platforms

BITS Server Management offers a safe and highly available virtual hosting service. This support is for statewide applications and services.

eGovernment services

CT Interactive helps businesses and citizens interact with the government electronically. It offers mobile applications, state portals, content management systems, and more.

Enterprise content management (ECM) solutions

DAS/BITS is pleased to offer ECM as a service. This software creates a consistent way to organize and store documents.

Enterprise file and print

Enterprise File and Print uses Microsoft’s Windows Server platform to help employees efficiently store, share, and print documents within a networked environment. This service is safe, flexible, and available. You can print and store easily, thanks to these services.

Enterprise infrastructure services

The BITS Unified Communications Division takes care of everything for agencies that are related to computers and communication.

Enterprise application hosting and support

Provides app server hosting for DAS BITS apps. The app works with agencies from the beginning of projects to the end.

We will help with the following tasks:
  • Figuring out the architecture's needs
  • Giving tasks to our team to handle different parts of the project
  • Helping the team who makes computer codes for our website
  • Supporting and fixing sites or computer programs, even after we finish the project
  • Making sure everything runs smoothly on the computer system
  • Putting in new codes to make the website work better
  • Making certain the website is secure and doesn't have any problems
  • Using software to keep an eye on the computer and get alerts if something is wrong
  • Ensuring changes to the project are done carefully and with permission
  • Keeping records of how well our website is doing and how many people use it
  • Creating extra features that people might need on our website
  • Supporting and fixing things quickly if there's a problem