Indoor Air Quality Requirements for School Districts

HVAC system fan

Keeping schools healthy

State law requires school districts to conduct (1) an annual inspection and evaluation of indoor air quality (IAQ) in each school building and (2) an inspection and evaluation of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system in each school building once every five years.

In order to comply with state law for both the annual IAQ inspection and the 5-year HVAC inspection, school districts must:

  • Conduct the required inspection and evaluation;
  • Make results of each inspection publicly available; and
  • Submit the appropriate form to DAS.


The annual IAQ inspection can be completed by staff within the school/district using checklists created by the EPA.

The 5-year HVAC inspection must be completed by a certified professional (i.e., a testing, adjusting and balancing technician, an industrial hygienist certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene or the Board for Global EHS Credentialing, or a mechanical engineer) and cover the criteria outlined in C.G.S. § 10-220(d)(3).

Publishing results

Districts must make the results of each inspection available to the public at a regularly scheduled meeting of the board of education. Results of the annual IAQ testing must also be posted on the board’s website or the website for the individual school, while results of the five-year HVAC testing should be posted on the board’s website and, if the individual school has a website, on the school’s website.

Reporting forms

Districts must submit the following forms to DAS:

Frequently Asked Questions
