Statewide Leasing and Property Transfer
Big E CT building

State real estate

DAS Statewide Leasing and Property Transfer handles real estate business for the state. It provides services to most state agencies and the judicial branch. However, it does not provide services for CT DOT or the University of CT.

As of June 30, 2023, DAS has completed 201 leases and lease-outs totaling 1.7 million net usable square feet.

If you want to lease, buy, transfer, or sell to the state, there’s more information below.

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Lease State-owned real estate

Reach out to DAS for more information on leasing from the State.

Contact Statewide Leasing and Property Transfer

450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 1402
Hartford, CT 06103

Phone: 860-713-5600

Shane P. Mallory, RPA, BOMI-HP - Administrator

Thomas J. Pysh - Manager, Statewide Leasing and Property Transfer