External Audits
The Office of External Audits is responsible for performing audits of third party contracts. These entities include utility companies, consultants, railroads, municipalities and various recipients of federal and state financial assistance. The different type of audits that are performed by the Office of External Audits include cost reimbursements, overhead and labor additive audits, as well as special projects requested by contract administrators. Utilizing Government Auditing Standards, the Office provides assurances to CTDOT and Federal agencies that invoices and requests for payments for state and federal funds are in accordance with applicable contract/agreement provisions and are allowable in accordance with governing state and/or federal cost principles. In addition, the audits determine the payment status of the project.
In addition, this Office has the responsibility to review audit reports of recipients of federal and state financial assistance for compliance with Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) and State financial assistance for compliance with the State Single Audit Act, respectively.
OMB Circulars [Office of Management and Budget]
Federal Aid Policy Guide [FHWA]