Division of Bridges - Soils, Foundations, Hydraulics and Drainage

Provides design and review services on matters related to soil, rock, and foundations for the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of roads, bridges, and transportation facilities.


Requests for additional information should be addressed to:

Michael E. Hogan, P.E. 
Transportation Principal Engineer
Phone: (860) 594-3238
Email: Mike Hogan  


Soils and Foundations Documents

Connecticut Department of Transportation Geotechnical Engineering Manual (2020 Edition) 
Sample Contract for Field Subsurface Investigations by Boring Contractors Guide Special Provisions

Related Links

Contract Development and Estimating Owned Special Provisions
FHWA Geotechnical Engineering
FHWA Resource Center
US Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works Manuals


Hydraulics & Drainage Documents

2000 CTDOT Drainage Manual and Revisions
List of CTDOT Qualified Hydrodynamic Separators (pdf 73 kb)
Hydrodynamic Separator Guidelines July 2024 (pdf 3 mb)
Hydrodynamic Separator Special Provision  (PDF 230 kB)  (Word DOC 204 kB)
Hydrodynamic Separator Design Data Form A  (pdf 22kb)    (xls 27kb)
Hydrodynamic Separator Design Data Form B  (pdf 23kb)    (xls 27kb)


Related Documents and Links

Flood Management General Certification 2022  (pdf 9681kb)
Flood Management General Certification Request Form  (doc 27kb)
Flood Management Certification Municipal Application/Worksheets  (734kb)
Flood Management Certification Municipal Signature Forms  (doc 52kb)  (pdf 17kb) 
Flood Management Certification MOU Reference Documents  (1.9mb)
Qualified Product List for CTDOT Projects  (pdf 1mb) Includes erosion control matting
Major Traffic Generator Drainage Requirements  
Tidal Flood Profiles of the New England Coastline USACOE September 1998 (pdf 3mb) 
2004 Stormwater Quality Manual  
Log-Probability Paper: Color (pdf 279kb) / Black and White (pdf 208kb)  
2D Hydraulic Modeling for Highways in the River Environment with Appendix  (pdf 33mb) 
DEEP Hydraulic Analysis Guidance Document  
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) - Hydraulics Engineering
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection 
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)  
USGS Connecticut Water Science Center  
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)