Job Corps

Read time: 6 minutes

Job Corps and the CT Department of Labor Partnership 
The State of Connecticut and other local partners were instrumental in bringing the Centers to the state and are committed to ensuring their continuing success. CT Department of Labor's Job Corps Vision Statement: "The Department is committed to promoting and enhancing the goals of Job Corps students and staff nationally and locally. We concentrate our efforts on enabling the New Haven Job Corps Center, the Hartford Job Corps Academy and the New England Outreach & Admissions and Career Transition Services (OA&CTS) to establish themselves in the upper quarter of the national program outcome measures ranking system as among the best in the nation.

To achieve this result, we utilize all the services and resources of the CT Department of Labor and act as the conduit for all other State departments and agencies to streamline services to co-enrolled students at the two centers. We work to maintain full enrolment at each location by offering space for OA&CTS in the American Job Centers, providing ongoing training on Job Corps programs to state professionals and strategize with Job Corps staff to ensure their changing needs are met and understood. Our vision includes constantly enlisting new partners and establishing innovative programs in order to aid Connecticut's disconnected youth to become educated, trained and established in careers with upward mobility fully integrated into Connecticut's workforce."

Support from DOL Staff
All DOL staff can be instrumental in referring potential students to this program by providing them with contact information.


CT Youth Employment
Job Seeker Services

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