Hazardous Waste A to Z

Image of A to Z list

Listed below is an alphabetical list of hazardous waste and related topics.  Simply look for the issue you are interested in and select the link for detailed information.  If you are having difficulty finding a particular topic and you are viewing this page on a computer or tablet device, try using your device's search feature (e.g., "CRTL + F").


Academic Laboratories (DEEP Fact Sheet on Hazardous Waste Requirements)
Aerosol Can Fact Sheet
Asbestos Abatement (Safe Removal)
Asbestos Disposal
Auto Recycling Industry Compliance Guide


Batteries (Universal Waste)
Battery Recycling (Rechargeable Batteries)
Battery Recycling (Call2Recycle)
Beneficial Use - Web page
Beneficial Use of Solid Waste - Overview (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Beneficial Use of Solid & Hazardous Waste (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Biennial Reports
Biomedical Waste


Characteristic Hazardous Waste
Characterization of Remediation Waste
Chemical Management and Climate Resilience
Chemical Risk Reduction
Closure and Corrective Action
Closure, Post-Closure, and Corrective Action - RCRA Requirements (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Commercial Chemical Products - DEEP PowerPoint on the Regulation of Discarded Commercial Chemical Products
Commercial Chemical Products - DEEP List of EPA Guidance Documents Regarding Commercial Chemical Products
Compendium of DEEP Hazardous and Connecticut-Regulated Waste Interpretive Letters
Compliance Assistance Audit Case Study
Compliance Assistance Program (COMPASS)
Compliance Reminder
Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) Requirements
Connecticut-Regulated Waste
Connecticut-Regulated Waste - CR05 (Clean Harbors PowerPoint Presentation)
Construction Contractors – Environmental Information Resources
Construction, Renovation, and Demolition Waste and Recycling
Contained-In Policy
Container Management for LQGs
Contaminated Environmental Media (soil and groundwater)
Contingency Plan
Corrective Action


DEEP’s Enforcement Policies and How to Find Them (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
DEEP Hazardous and Connecticut-Regulated Waste Interpretive Letters
DEEP Inspection Report Forms
Disposal Facility List
Dry Cleaners


E-Manifest (EPA Website)
E-Manifest - Connecticut-Specific Issues (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
E-Manifest - What You Should Know (EPA PowerPoint Presentation)
E-Waste Recycling Law
Effective Substitutes (Legitimate Use of Wastes as Products)
Enforcement Case Summaries
Enforcement Incentive Pilot Project
Enforcement Policies
Episodic Generation of Hazardous Waste - Regulations and Policies (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Evaporators - Guidance Document for Installation and Use


Financial Assurance
Financial Assurance Useful Links
Fluorescent Lamps (Universal Waste)
Fluorescent Lamp Crushing Devices - Regulation in Connecticut
Fracking Waste


Garment Care Fact Sheets
Generator Category (how to determine)
Generator Category - Maintaining/Reducing HW Generator Status (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Generator Category Worksheet
Generator Closure Guidance Document (general guidance for closure of generator container and tank storage areas)
Generator Closure Guidance Document for Indoor Storage Areas (specific guidance for well-managed indoor container storage areas)
Generator Treatment in Containers and Tanks
Green Chemistry
Guidance and Interpretation from DEEP on Hazardous and Connecticut-Regulated Waste


Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee (HWAC)
Hazardous Waste Determinations (how to perform)
Hazardous Waste Determination Summary Sheet
Hazardous Waste Enforcement Statistics
Hazardous Waste Inspections (What to Expect During a RCRA Inspection)
Hazardous Waste Inspection and Enforcement Process
Hazardous Waste Listserv
Hazardous Waste Regulations
Household Hazardous Waste


Industrial Rag Handling  (proper recycling/disposal)  Note:  DEEP has passed a new regulation regarding the management of solvent-contaminated wipes.  As a result this fact sheet is no longer accurate and will be replaced.  For more information, see the DEEP PowerPoint Presentation on the management of rags under the new rules.
Inspection Requirements for SQGs and LQGs


Junkyards - Guidance for Compliance with Environmental Requirements


Key Indicators Inspection Report Form


Laboratories (CT DPH list of licensed environmental laboratories)
Laboratories (DEEP Fact Sheet on Hazardous Waste Requirements for Academic Laboratories)
Large Quantity Generator (LQG) Requirements
Listed Hazardous Wastes


Manifest Database
Manifest Requirements
Mercury-Containing Equipment (Universal Waste)
Municipal Public Works Garages (DEEP Fact Sheet on Hazardous Waste Requirements)
Municipal Public Works Garages (DEEP Guidance Document on Hazardous Waste Requirements)


Northeast Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA)


PCBs  (DEEP Web Page)
PCBs - DEEP PowerPoint Presentation "PCB Contamination of Waste Oil Collected by Municipalities"
PCBs - EPA Fact Sheet "Preventing and Detecting PCB Contamination in Used Oil"
PCBs - EPA PowerPoint Presentation on TSCA PCB Regulations
PCBs in Building Materials (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
PCBs in Building Materials (Rambol Environ US Corporation PowerPoint Presentation)
PCBs in Caulk (DEEP Guidance)
Personnel Training for LQGs
Pesticides (Registration and use of)
Pesticides (Universal Waste)
Pharmaceutical Collections
Pharmaceuticals, Household (proper disposal of)
Pharmaceuticals - Proposed Universal Waste Designation in Connecticut
“Pit Stops” Fact Sheets (vehicle servicing facilities)
Policy on Incentives for Self-Policing
Pollution Prevention (P2)
Property Transfer Program
Public Works Garages (DEEP Fact Sheet on Hazardous Waste Requirements)
Public Works Garages (DEEP Guidance Document on Hazardous Waste Requirements)


Radioactive Waste
Rags and Wipers (proper recycling/disposal)  Note:  DEEP has passed a new regulation regarding the management of solvent-contaminated wipes.  As a result this fact sheet is no longer accurate and will be replaced.  For more information, see the DEEP PowerPoint Presentation on the management of rags under the new rules.
RCRA Authorization and Regulation Adoption Process
RCRA Help!
RCRA Small Business Enforcement Policy
RCRA Small Business Enforcement Policy - Model Hazardous Waste Management Compliance Plan:
     MS Word Format     PDF Format
Recycling Registration Form (DEEP Form Required for Hazardous Waste Generators that Recycle Hazardous Waste On-Site)
Remediation (site cleanup)
Remediation Waste
Remediation Waste Characterization - Overview of Key Concepts (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Renovation and Demolition – EH&S Requirements You Should Know About
Renovation and Demolition – “Red Flag List” for Local Officials


Small Business Waste (disposal at household collection events)
Small Quantity Generator (SQG) Requirements
Solid Waste (municipal solid waste, bulky waste, etc.)
Solid Waste - Definition of for Hazardous Waste Purposes (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Special Waste (DEEP Special Waste Authorization Fact Sheet)
Special Waste (Covanta PowerPoint Presentation)
Special Waste (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Spill Reporting
Stewardship Permits
Superfund (federal program)
Superfund (state program)
SW-846 (manual of Hazardous Waste test methods)


Thermostats (Universal Waste)
Testing of Hazardous Waste (official test methods)
Toxics in Packaging (DEEP website)
Toxics in Packaging Program (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Training for Hazardous Waste Requirements
Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility Permits
Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility Requirements
Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility List
Transportation of Hazardous Materials (Federal DOT requirements)
Transporter List
Transporter Requirements


Underground Storage Tanks (petroleum)
Universal Waste
Used Electronics (CT's E-Waste Recycling Law)
Used Electronics (PowerPoint Presentation on the Management of Used Electronics)
Used Electronics (Universal Waste Requirements)
Used Oil (General Information)
Used Oil Generated in Industry and Commerce
Used Oil Generated in Motor Vehicle Servicing Operations
Used Oil Compliance Issues (United Industrial Services PowerPoint Presentation)
Used Oil Re-Refining (Safety-Kleen PowerPoint Presentation)


Vehicle Repair and Body Shops (“Pit Stops” Fact Sheets)
Violations (top ten most common)


Waste Minimization (CONNSTEP PowerPoint Presentation)
Waste Minimization (EPA "Lean & Environment Toolkit")
Wastewater Recycling (Robinson & Cole PowerPoint Presentation)
Wastewater Recycling Case Studies (LEA PowerPoint Presentation)
Waste in the Workplace (DEEP PowerPoint Presentation)

Content Last Updated November 18, 2020