Remediation Waste
Information Resources- Connecticut’s RCRA "Contained-In" Policy Web Page
- Rationale for Hazardous Waste Determinations for Contaminated Environmental Media and Connecticut's "Contained-In Policy
- Management of Contaminated Environmental Media Web Page
- Characterization of Remediation Waste - Overview of Key Concepts (10/17/2017 DEEP Remediation Roundtable PowerPoint Slides)
- Considering RCRA Requirements in Remedy Selection (5/7/2019 DEEP PowerPoint Slides).
- Northeast Waste Management Officials (NEWMOA) Webinar Series on RCRA Compliance at Cleanup Sites:
- Webinar #1, 10/24/2019: Waste Characterization and Listed Hazardous Waste.
- Webinar #2: 11/13/2019: Area of Contamination and Contained-In Policies.
- Webinar #3, 1/24/2020: On-Site Management of Remediation Waste.
- Webinar #4, 2/25/2020: Waste Treatment and Land Disposal Restrictions.
- Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste (aka Connecticut-Regulated Waste)
- Summary of Regulations and Polices That Often Affect Management of Remediation Waste Under RCRA - October 15, 1998 (PDF)
- Management of Remediation Waste Under RCRA - October 1998 (PDF)
- Environmental, Health and Safety Requirements You Should Know About
- "Red Flag" List - Information for local officials involved in renovation and demolition