Renovation and Demolition - "Red Flag" List

This list has been designed as an aid to local officials involved in renovation and demolition. If you see any of the things listed in the table below, please call the agencies referenced in the right-hand column. The names of the agencies and their telephone numbers are listed in Table 1 .

If You See Please Call
ASBESTOS Renovation or demolition of a residential structure with 5 or more units, or an institutional, commercial, or public structure without first having an asbestos inspection performed by someone with the required DPH license. Table 1, Key A1 or C2
Failure to notify DPH or DEEP of an asbestos abatement, renovation, or demolition project. Table 1, Key A1 or B8 
Someone providing asbestos consultation or abatement services without a license from CT DPH. Table 1, Key A1
Disposal of asbestos-containing material in the regular trash, or abandonment/dumping of asbestos. Table 1, Key B1
LEAD PAINT Uncontrolled paint disturbance at pre-1978 dwellings with children under age 6 in residence. Local Health Dept.
Table 1, Key A2
Someone providing lead paint consultation or abatement services without a certification or license from CT DPH. Table 1, Key A2
Disposal of lead-based paint wastes in the regular trash without prior testing, or abandonment/dumping of lead paint wastes. Table 1, Key B1
Improperly contained sandblasting of lead-based paint surfaces (e.g., spent grit/paint chips allowed to fall on ground, dust drifting onto adjacent properties). Local Health Dept.
Table 1, Key A2, B1, B8
Improperly contained power-washing of lead-based paint surfaces (e.g., spent wastewater and paint chips discharging to storm drains or to waterways). Local Health Dept.
Table 1, Key A2, B7
SAFETY / OTHER Workers being exposed to lead, asbestos or other workplace hazards without adequate controls to prevent injury. Table 1, Key D (private)
Table 1, Key E (public)
Improper disposal of wastes (e.g., to the ground, in wetlands, etc.). Table 1, Key B1
Disposal of hazardous wastes (e.g., chemicals, batteries, fluorescent lights, mercury thermostats, used electronics) with regular trash or construction and demolition waste. Table 1, Key B1
Improper management or disposal of PCBs (e.g., lighting ballast, transformers). Table 1, Key B2
Unregistered, unprotected (e.g., bare steel), leaking, or improperly abandoned USTs. Table 1, Key B3
Spill of oil or petroleum, chemicals, or hazardous waste. Table 1, Key B6
Unpermitted wastewater discharges to sewers, streams, storm drains, or septic systems. Table 1, Key B7
Improper cleanup of polluted soil or groundwater. Table 1, Key B4
Fugitive dust emissions crossing a property line. Table 1, Key B8
Freon being vented to the atmosphere. Table 1, Key C1
Water Supplies:
(1) Use of solder that contains lead in excess of .2%.
(2) Cross connection of potable water supply evident.
Local Health Dept.
Table 1, Key A3

About the "Red Flag" List

This "Red Flag" List does not include all the requirements that apply to renovation and demolition. A brief summary of some of the more important issues relating to renovation and demolition are provided below. For more information on the programs and requirements that apply to these activities, please see Renovation and Demolition: Environmental, Health and Safety Requirements You Should Know About , or call the agencies listed in Table 1.

ASBESTOS can be present in many kinds of building materials, including duct, pipe, boiler, tank and other thermal insulation, floor tile, plaster, wallboard, siding, roofing, and other materials. The improper removal or disposal of asbestos can expose construction workers, residents, and others to asbestos, and result in serious illness or injury (sometimes years after the exposure).

LEAD-BASED PAINT is found in many pre-1978 houses (use of lead in paint was banned in 1977). Lead-based paint can be found on interior and exterior surfaces, windows, doors, and trim. Lead-based paint can also be found on almost any material, including wood, metal, vinyl, plaster, and others. The improper removal or disposal of lead-based paint can expose workers, residents, and others, and result in serious illness, especially to children under the age of six.

SAFETY ISSUES at work sites can include physical hazards (e.g., fall protection, confined spaces, trenching, use of tools). Chemical exposure hazards can also be a concern (e.g., asbestos, lead-based paint, paints, solvents, etc.). If renovation and construction work is not done in accordance with required safety protocols, serious injuries or illnesses could result.

WASTE DISPOSAL is a major issue at renovation and demolition sites, since significant amounts of wastes are typically generated. While some of these wastes may be ordinary construction and demolition ("C&D") waste, some of these wastes may be hazardous wastes that require special disposal.

WASTEWATERS can often be generated at renovation and demolition sites, from activities such as power-washing. If these wastewaters are not properly managed, they can cause water pollution, contaminate septic systems, or cause problems at the local wastewater treatment plant.

AIR EMISSIONS can be produced by activities such as crushing or sandblasting. If not properly controlled, these air emissions can expose on-site workers to nuisance dusts or harmful air pollutants. If the emission travels off-site, it can contaminate adjacent properties and expose their occupants.

PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are toxic chemicals that were used for many years in transformers, capacitors, fluorescent lighting ballast, and in certain building materials.  Although their manufacture was banned in 1978, there are many PCB-containing materials still in use today. Mismanagement of PCBs can result in worker exposures, and pollution of soil, surface waters and groundwater.

USTs, or underground storage tanks, are often used to store heating oil, fuels, and other materials. Old and leaking USTs, or improperly abandoned or removed USTs, can cause pollution of soil, ground, and surface waters

FREON® is a trade name for a group of gases that are used as refrigerants in air conditioners, refrigeration equipment, etc. Certain kinds of Freon® are known to attack the Earth’s ozone layer if they are improperly vented to the atmosphere.

Table 1 - Agency Contacts







Telephone #


CT Dept. of Public Health

Environmental Health Section - Asbestos

Environmental Health Section - Radon

(860) 509-7367

(860) 509-7299


Environmental Health Section - Lead-Based Paint

(860) 509-7299
A3 Drinking Water Section (860) 509-7333
CT Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection

Waste Engineering & Enforcement Division

(solid and hazardous waste)

(860) 424-3023



B2 PCB Program (860) 424-3368
B3 Underground Storage Tank Program (860) 424-3374

Remediation Division

(site cleanup requirements)

(860) 424-3705
B5 Recycling Program (860) 424-3366
B6 Emergency Response & Spill Prevention Division (860) 424-3338

Water Permitting & Enforcement Division

(wastewater compliance & permitting)

(860) 424-3018

Air Enforcement Division

(860) 424-4152
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Stratospheric Protection Division

(ozone depletion/Freon)

(202) 343-9729


(617) 918-1858

C2 Asbestos NESHAPs Program

(617) 918-1739

C3 Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Schools Program

(617) 918-1739


(617) 918-1563

C4 PCB Program

(617) 918-1527


(617) 918-1854

U.S. Dept. of Labor
D Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Hartford:
(860) 240-3152 Bridgeport:
(203) 579-5581
CT Dept. of Labor E Division of Occupational Safety and Health (CONN-OSHA) (860) 263-6900

Content Last Updated on February 5, 2020