Waste Transporters
How is waste transportation regulated in Connecticut?
The transportation of hazardous waste and non-RCRA-Hazardous Waste (Connecticut Regulated Waste) is subject to special requirements in Connecticut. In particular, anyone transporting hazardous waste in or through Connecticut must have a permit from DEEP (except a generator transporting 1000 kilograms or less of their own waste to a permitted facility). Also, anyone engaged in the business of transportation of Connecticut-Regulated waste must also have a permit from DEEP pursuant to Section 22a-454 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Permitted Waste Transporters and Facilities
The following bullets provide lists of various types of waste transporters and facilities that are permitted by DEEP. Please note that these lists have been established for general reference only and should not be used as an ultimate verification source. If you wish to verify a particular transporter or facility permit, please call us at (860) 424-3023, or send us an email.
- Permitted Biomedical Waste Transporters
- Permitted Hazardous Waste and Connecticut-Regulated Waste Transporters
- Permitted Spill Cleanup Contractors
- Commercial Hazardous Waste and Connecticut-Regulated Waste Facilities in CT
Information for Transporters
- Notification of Hazardous Waste Activity Form that a hazardous waste transporter must fill out and submit to DEEP before they begin transporting hazardous waste. This form should also be re-submitted to DEEP when certain changes occur, such as the name or ownership of the facility (see the instructions that accompany the form for details).
- Transporter Permits Describes the process for obtaining a transporter permit, and includes links to the forms that must be submitted in order to obtain a transporter permit.
- DEEP Transporter Inspection Report Form Inspection report form that DEEP inspectors use when conducting inspections of transporters. This inspection form can be a helpful tool for transporters to use to check their compliance with transportation requirements.
- Manifest Requirements A hazardous waste manifest is a special tracking form that is used to document the movement of a shipment of hazardous waste from the generator to the ultimate treatment or disposal facility. This fact sheet explains how transporters may obtain manifest forms, properly prepare and use them, and maintain the required documentation of their shipments.
- Manifest Database DEEP receives copies of manifests for each shipment of hazardous waste that originates or terminates in Connecticut. The information on these manifests is entered into a DEEP database. This link explains how to obtain copies of this information.
- List of Connecticut Temporary Generator IDs issued in the past year. This file is updated nightly.
Content Last Updated July 8, 2024