Information for Generators of Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste is generated at many kinds of sites, including industrial and commercial sites, and publicly-owned sites.  Except for household hazardous waste, all hazardous waste must be managed in compliance with hazardous waste generator requirements, which vary depending on the amounts of hazardous waste that is generated and stored at the site.

Links for the three types of generators are provided below.  If you generate hazardous waste but are not sure which type of generator you are, see RCRA Help!, or DEEP’s Hazardous Waste Generator Category Fact Sheet for assistance.

Image of small chemicals containers

Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators (CESQGs)
 CESQGs generate the smallest amount of hazardous waste and as a result are the least-regulated type of hazardous waste generator.  This link provides information for CESQGs, including a link to a handbook developed specifically for CESQGs.

Image of hazardous waste drums

Small Quantity Generators (SQGs)  SQGs generate more hazardous waste than CESQGs and therefore have more hazardous waste requirements to comply with than CESQGs, but fewer requirements than LQGs.  This link provides information for SQGs, including a link to a handbook developed specifically for SQGs.

Image of a factory

Large Quantity Generators (LQGs)  LQGs generate the most waste, and are the most highly-regulated types of hazardous waste generators.  This link provides information for LQGs, including links to several fact sheets developed specifically for LQGs, as well as numerous other helpful documents.

  If you have questions about hazardous waste generator requirements, call our toll-free COMPASS hotline at 1-888-424-4193, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except state holidays).

Content Last Updated January 29, 2020