How do I submit a claim for damage to my car?

Read time: 3 minutes

In general, there are three types of claims under Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.) and separate procedures for each when seeking monetary compensation for damages caused by an action or inaction of the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT). The appropriate procedure to be followed depends on the nature of the accident or occurrence giving rise to the claim.

The three types of claims are as follows:

1. A claim for damages caused by a defective condition (e.g., a pothole, ice, etc.) on a state highway, bridges and certain sidewalks governed by C.G.S. Section 13a-144 . This type of claim may proceed based on a number of factors including the receipt of proper notice within 90 days of the alleged incident.

This notice must include the following information:

  • Claimant’s name, address and phone number,
  • A description of the accident or occurrence giving rise to the claim, including:
    • the date and time of the occurrence and the cause thereof;
    • the precise location (e.g., the nearest highway entrance/exit ramp or other highway marker, etc.); and
    • town.
  • A description of the property damage and/or personal injuries suffered.

The 13a-144 written notice should be directed to:

Commissioner of Transportation

Room 2113

P.O. Box 317546

Newington, CT 06131-7546

2. A claim for damages caused by a motor vehicle owned by the State of Connecticut and operated by a State employee, governed by C.G.S. Section 52-556.

3. All other claims for damages may be filed with the Office of the Claims Commissioner in accordance with the procedures set forth in C.G.S. Chapter 53Section 4-141 et seq. The information contained on this site is for general purposes, only.

This information is not intended to be relied upon as a basis for making legal or other decisions and is not intended as legal advice. Before filing a claim, you may wish to consult with legal counsel.

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