Work Search

employer contact for work search
Key Work Search Guidelines
  • Unemployment filers must look for full-time work every week they file for benefits. benefits (unless they are excused from the work search requirement through an employer or other program or are approved by CTDOL to look for part-time work due to medical reasons). 
  • Filers must report these work search activities online with their weekly certification.
  • Reminder: Navigate to your account page through the 'Weekly Filing' button on You may bookmark your login page, but do not bookmark any pages beyond your login page. 
  • More information is in your Claimant’s Guide to Benefits

Navigating the Weekly Work Search Requirement

help wanted sign for work search
What counts as an "employer contact"? 

An employer contact is a direct communication with an employer in the effort to secure full-time employment (or part-time work if CTDOL has determined you are only medically available for part-time work). For your weekly work search activities, you are required to make at least one employer contact and engage in at least two other work search activities. Note that employer contacts may not be duplicated. 

Work Search FAQs | Work Search Infographic

How to do Work Search

Find a new job icon

Work Search Guidelines

What you need to do for work search as a filer, as well as acceptable work search activity formats. 

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Work Search and Part-Time Work

Work search information for all part-time workers, as well as individuals who are working part-time specifically for medical reasons. 

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Work Search Noncompliance

Consequences for failure to comply with the weekly work search requirement.

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Information about the UI Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment program.

Questions? The Consumer Contact Center can help.