The Danielson and Willimantic American Job Centers will close at noon on 12/24 and 12/31.

What is availability for full-time work?

Read time: 6 minutes

To be found eligible for any week you claim benefits, you must be:

  • Physically and mentally able to work
  • Available for work
  • Making reasonable efforts to obtain work
  • Ready, willing, and able to accept any suitable work

During the weeks immediately after you first become unemployed, you may limit your work search to equivalent employment to your highest previous wage and skill level. However, after a reasonable period, if you haven’t not found new employment, you must also look for other types of work that may pay less than you made previously.

American Job Center staff may talk with you regularly to make sure you remain eligible for benefits.

You may also be selected for an Unemployment Insurance Re-Employment Services and Eligibility Assessment (UI RESEA) through the American Job Center. If you are selected, you must participate to continue receiving unemployment benefits.

Filing a claim Eligibility